12/12 grow in Africa. All natural.


Active Member
Ex-member FATMAN on RIU has tons of post on what to use for ferts other than the store bought stuff.... Run across his thread or google him... Seems like you can have something shipped to you there? DID you say NO BUDS!!!! wtf? that's crazy... you need to get a few big hairy monster buds and trip out the locals...

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Well I grew up on a real farm (not pot farm hahaha) when I was a kid so I have decent idea of what soil and farming should be like. I decided to do it up proper.

I transplanted the beans again. The already flowering one I put into the local soil mixed with goat shit, some grass, mulched up banana peels, and a bit of styrofoam for drainage.

The newest one I just put back into regular soil, and mixed in some goat shit. I am using the nutes for the new one, and it is taking off pretty good. Also as I have big tube CFL's in my house, I leave the light on now at night so it gets around 18h+ of light a day, so hopefully it'll veg up nice and tall and then I throw it out doors into millions of watts of 12/12...

Funny thought... As it is thought a watt = gram dried bud, what can the sun do for me? How many watts is the sun? LOL :-P

I've got some pics below.

And just for u widowess, I've taken some pics with a bit of a background from my balcony. A bit of downtown Africa, as I won't say just where lol.

2.2A.JPG2.2B.JPG2.2C.JPGBaby 0.15.JPG

Tricky B :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
lookin good, glad u did something for the soil. that seedling looks scary is it ok?
Hey thanks T.

It's been a bit since I last posted, I wanted the before and after pics lol...

Ya... I had to hang the kid up... She shot up too tall, and I noticed it leaning over one day, and the next it was almost snapping. So some quick string work and some chopsticks and I'm hoping she'll get strong enough to support her own weight. It actually damaged the stem, like a pinch point, so I am not sure if she'll make it. But I really hope that she does... as I'm down to my last F'n seed...:wall:

I've noticed that Angy (first plant) has taken a nice liking to the soil. King bud is looking lots healthier, loads more leaves coming out... I'm gonna trim the bottom 2 sets of leave as no buds are there and they are yellowing under the shade from the top leaves. Plus if I cut them, nutes move up to sustaining buds instead of trying to save dying lower leaves.

Tricky B :bigjoint:


Active Member
looks a little over watered.... On a plant that small you want her to get to the point that she needs water, this will drive the roots down searching for it, thus making a stronger plant in the long run....


Active Member
Well I grew up on a real farm (not pot farm hahaha) when I was a kid so I have decent idea of what soil and farming should be like. I decided to do it up proper.

I transplanted the beans again. The already flowering one I put into the local soil mixed with goat shit, some grass, mulched up banana peels, and a bit of styrofoam for drainage.

The newest one I just put back into regular soil, and mixed in some goat shit. I am using the nutes for the new one, and it is taking off pretty good. Also as I have big tube CFL's in my house, I leave the light on now at night so it gets around 18h+ of light a day, so hopefully it'll veg up nice and tall and then I throw it out doors into millions of watts of 12/12...

Funny thought... As it is thought a watt = gram dried bud, what can the sun do for me? How many watts is the sun? LOL :-P

I've got some pics below.

And just for u widowess, I've taken some pics with a bit of a background from my balcony. A bit of downtown Africa, as I won't say just where lol.

View attachment 1408491View attachment 1408489View attachment 1408492View attachment 1408490

Tricky B :bigjoint:
deadly + rep soon

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
looks a little over watered.... On a plant that small you want her to get to the point that she needs water, this will drive the roots down searching for it, thus making a stronger plant in the long run....
Which plant u thinking is a bit overwatered? I am not sure how much water to give them both as the climate here is seriously hot. It was 38'C yesterday. With no humidity. Generally the maid will give Angy about 1l of water a day and the soil after an hour still looks like it hasn't seen water in years... Go figure.

The little girl doesn't get too much yet. I will make a regiment for her soon, so I know exactly how much I'm giving. I give her about 100ml of a diluted dose on nute water just before I turn off the lights for 6hrs, and when the soil is looking a bit dry the maid will put a bit of water on it. Should I just give the 100ml of nute water?


Tricky B :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Hey Guys n Gals,

Been a while since I last posted, so I thought I'd go ahead and do an update.

So I have now the 2 plants growing. The little one just planted is getting much healthier after being hung and helped for the last week. It is getting it's third set of leaves.

However the biggest improvement is Angy(HK), she is remarkably improved with many new leaves and also more bud sprouting. The goat shit looks to be helping haha.

I have started to give less water, and she looks like she is taking it ok, some leaves are yellowing, but not a major extent, it is mostly the heat as it is f'n hot here. I took a pic of the sunny and back side so u can see the diff.

Here's the pics n enjoy.

Tricky B. :bigjoint:


Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
damn she's so short n bushy.
Like an 8yr old in puberty lol... Shit grows all messed up in Africa hahah!

How bout the buds forming up? Never seen something so small with buds forming like this lol. She's gonna be like 1.5'-2' tall, but bushy as all hell... I figure it's got about 6 weeks of budding left... should bush right the fuck out...

Tricky B. :bigjoint:
Subbed and +rep just because the grow is so interesting. I am really pulling for you to get some nice buds and get a break from that horrible looking schwag. Keep up the good work.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Thanks a bunch.

I'm as excited as a kid on the plane to Disney World! Can't wait to see how she pulls together in the end. Northern LightsXSkunkXJuicy Fruit should be interesting too lol(as long as it doesn't grow balls). Should prove to be fun. When I come back next year I'll bring nutes and do an ebb and flow 12/12 grow outdoors too lol...

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
First things first FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! :finger: Lol

So I’ve always been aware of the fucking nuisance of mites, and I am super cognizant that I live in a super hot dusty dry climate that pretty much makes paradise for the little bastards. Yesterday morning I went out and found little webs on my shit, and I lost my shit… Ain’t no way these little pricks will take down my experiment. Tuesday break well spent searching and finding more than one way to kill the hard little shits spidermites are to kill.

Although Africa may not have nutes, it sure does have a million different (and probably illegal in our home countries) ways to kill things that move, possibly including the gardener. I picked up a little bottle of killanythingacyde and mixed it up, hopefully it’ll mutilate the bugs and not the plants. It says it is made by Bayer crop sciences, so I figure if it can take down African pests in the field it’ll take down the mites I so fucking hate.

I’ll give it a 10 day treatment, and then wash the shit out of it. And rinse and repeat I guess if they come back. It’ll be a battle indeed as they love budding beans. I’m pretty sure they came in on hibiscus flowers I picked up, and flew in the wind over to my girl. Not to impressed with myself if they did, but maybe just the wind brought ‘em.

I’ll update and I hope the insecticide doesn’t wreak havoc on my plant… I guess time will tell. Shit I hope this stuff works.

Tricky B. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
subbed and + rep for you for going outside the box (literally) and making this work. Im running into an annoying bug problem too and will be watching your thread for advice! you make me want to throw mine into flower right now (clone with 3 weeks of veg)

Keep up the good work man.