12/12 grow in Africa. All natural.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Hi there guys n gals,

Just wanted to post up my pics and questions about growing Canadian herb in African climate...

I started the plants from seeds, started with 5 seeds 4 sprouted, 2 grew into a pair of leaves and only 1 made it to the transplant stage into full sized soil pot. She is a female.

The type is Hindu Kush as it was recommended for hot climate.

I have a few questions too. I grew indoors, and had a decent turn out most of the time. But I always grew 18/6 and then 12/12. This time it is just 12/12, and my plant has started to flower after only about 7 weeks from seed. It is maybe 8 inches tall, and the king bud is growing everyday.

1) what time should I be looking to top the plant to make it bush out instead of tall or in outdoor growing is this ill advised?

2) is there natural nutrients I can add that I can find to add as there are no proper nutrients available? I've heard of Molasses before? I'm hoping someone with experience can help here.

3) Any expectations of dried bud weight output from 12/12 at the equator?

Thanks and enjoy.

The pictures are in order.
0.05 = 1/2 week old.
0.1 = 1 week old.
0.3 = 3 week old
1.0 = 1 month old(4 weeks in a month apx.)
and so on...



Active Member
whats your soil like?
if you cant gt any proper nutes yeh do use molassess :),epsom salt is also good
subed for this one good luck and + rep
also dont top it as the growth you cut off wont grow back

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
whats your soil like?
if you cant gt any proper nutes yeh do use molassess :),epsom salt is also good
subed for this one good luck and + rep
also dont top it as the growth you cut off wont grow back

Thanks. The soil is terrible. It is like sand meets soil and had a mutant offspring that turns into clay. It doesn't absorb water nicely. However the plant seems to have taken a liking. It is growing fast, everyday maybe 1-2cm of height, and the branches just keep coming.

No nuts here to find. I'll try molasses, I am just tired of the terrible herb here so as they say "if someone else can't do it properly, do it yourself." Epsom Salt? I've heard of the stuff before. What exactly is it? Like a salt or what? When I say Africa, I mean the west-african part, where food is hard enough to find, let alone herb nuts. hahaha.

Thanks again. I'll have many more questions as she gets all grow'd up.

Tricky B.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
2 new pics of her. She just entered flowering, and has little growths popping up everywhere. You can see two nice flowers forming on Pic 1.35B. She's gonna make daddy proud one day.

Tricky B :bigjoint:



Active Member
epsom salt is in bath salts,in fairness tho ur proberly better off jus goin organic coz it seems to be working
imma follow along,peace

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
epsom salt is in bath salts,in fairness tho ur proberly better off jus goin organic coz it seems to be working
imma follow along,peace
Thanks. Organic sounds pretty sweet to me. I am trying to start 2 other works of art as well. Will update with more pics and info as she comes along.

*** anyone know if ants will hurt a plant? as there are a ton of them around? I have nifty way to protect a plant from insects. I put it on feet and put the feet in a cans with water, and then the insects can't reach the plant to disturb it... I found this out with my bird cage as ants used to piss my parrot off no ants for 2 months in my parrot cage so I think it could work with my herb cage... Thoughts?

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Big question!!!!

Is there any way to take clones from a plant, and root them without rooting powder? Can I take it from My Hindu Kush plant that is already flowering?

Reasoning behind question. I came this time to Africa with 10 seeds from Canada. I am now down to the last 3 seeds, two I just put in soil, and 1 that is left unplanted or sprouted. My seeds always sprout and then then I put them into the soil they don't make it up to the surface. I think it is something to do with the terrible soil quality here. Can I take a cutting off my health plant? What are the chances that it will root and make it?

Tricky B


Active Member
Big question!!!!

Is there any way to take clones from a plant, and root them without rooting powder? Can I take it from My Hindu Kush plant that is already flowering?

Reasoning behind question. I came this time to Africa with 10 seeds from Canada. I am now down to the last 3 seeds, two I just put in soil, and 1 that is left unplanted or sprouted. My seeds always sprout and then then I put them into the soil they don't make it up to the surface. I think it is something to do with the terrible soil quality here. Can I take a cutting off my health plant? What are the chances that it will root and make it?

Tricky B
you cam but its proply not funna work because of the clay lke soil you have,i think the clone would simply drown

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
you cam but its proply not funna work because of the clay lke soil you have,i think the clone would simply drown
Ok. Hard to hear, but I thought it might be something like that.

Next question: Is there any way to construct a decent soild from sand, dust, and rocks? With maybe some very random items that one might find in the middle of Africa? Hard to accept I can't grow clones from a limiting soil factor... Help please I want more kiddies...
your plant looks very small to be going into flowering. you should probably throw some rocks, dust, and dirt on it and it will help

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
your plant looks very small to be going into flowering. you should probably throw some rocks, dust, and dirt on it and it will help
Thanks bro. When you say "it" do you mean my beans or the soil the beans are in? I have attached a new pic of her. She is now about 8 inches tall(20cm) and has nice bean buds forming.

I figure flowering with be about 8 weeks here at 12/12 since it has been 12/12 since it started. Maybe the plant will top out at about 2ft-2.5ft if I'm lucky. It is healthy, and is growing about 1cm per day, so I figure with another 40-50days flowering it could grow up nicely.

I heard an interesting fact, that plants don't grow well in heat about 78deg f. Well here in the day it can get up to 100+f on a regular basis. Can I bring the plant indoors behind a window with sunlight or does it not work like this?

Tricky B

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Hey there guys n gals again,

My little girls is now 2 months old, and she is already steadily starting to form buds. She is only 8inches tall. She is healthy from the looks of her, and is living in 100deg f+(30-35 deg Celsius).

She gets 12/12 light/dark, and all natural. I want to transplant her into a bigger soil basin to see if she can gain some essential height.

I need some analysis of whether she is average, small, big, normal, ass backwards, and so on as I've never grown outdoors before. Please feel free to toss the knowledge, and comments my way.

Tricky B :bigjoint:



Active Member
Hey there guys n gals again,

My little girls is now 2 months old, and she is already steadily starting to form buds. She is only 8inches tall. She is healthy from the looks of her, and is living in 100deg f+(30-35 deg Celsius).

She gets 12/12 light/dark, and all natural. I want to transplant her into a bigger soil basin to see if she can gain some essential height.

I need some analysis of whether she is average, small, big, normal, ass backwards, and so on as I've never grown outdoors before. Please feel free to toss the knowledge, and comments my way.

Tricky B :bigjoint:
yeh she looks healthy,bit small buh its proberly from adjustin to the heat,keep it up + rep

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
yeh she looks healthy,bit small buh its proberly from adjustin to the heat,keep it up + rep
Thanks Widow. Heat is a beasty thing here. It is cool season here with lots of dust in the air blocking the sun. In a few months it can get to 44+deg. With intense heat like this the plant gets a lot of water. I'm a big fan of listening and watchin my girl though. Never grown outside, so she tells me how to do it. As I have said she looks happy, and keeps pumping out the new flowerings.

I think this grow could be one of the rare ones as it is outdoor, high heat, 12/12, with all nat nutes. I'm think I'm more excited about the growing experience than the final out come (joking, but true lol).

Funny note... I saw an African grow field a bit back. It made me almost cry for a couple reasons... First was the sheer size of the plants... probably 10ft+ tall(3m). The second reason was that they simply have no care when they grow the plants. There were males, females, weeds(not the good type), dogs, cats, and everything else u could ever imagine. Mites out the wazoo, and happy plants all around. I'm gonna try and remember next time I roll a "J" to post a pic of what the herb looks like here... You'll all cry too... I'm pretty sure I have enough seeds to start a seed bank here...

Will keep this post updated weekly with pics, and questions, but for now, it'd high time to flyin outta here on some shotty happy African herb.

Tricky B :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You can take clone n just sit em in a cup of water, change water every day or 2, ont use epsom salt unless u need it. it can be a killer as well. molasses is good tho.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Hindu Kush is considered to be one of the oldest and truest strains of Cannabis available today. Figured to have originally been brought from the "Hinda Kush" mountain range in India, the strain made its way to the "western world" in the baggies, bongs and pipes of old English explorers. Today it remains as one of the true strains of herb with unmolested characteristics.

It is noted to be a true Indica plant with wide dark green leaves, it stays short, and well suited for indoors growing (although mine is outdoors). The smoke is my preference a heavy stone, and hashy feeling, THC is high yeild, around 20%.

Name origin: "All Standard reference books agree that the name 'Hindu Kush' of the mountain range in Eastern Afganistan means 'Hindu Slaughter' or 'Hindu Killer'. History also reveals that until 1000 A.D. the area of Hindu Kush was a full part of Hindu cradle. More likely, the mountain range was deliberately named as 'Hindu Slaughter' by the Moslem conquerors, as a lesson to the future generations of Indians." I think Hindu Kush is the perfect name for this plant. It literally means Hindu Killer... It may not be a muslim conquerer, but it surely is a "Hindu Killer".

I chose to grow Hinda Kush in West-Africa as the high heat of the Indian sub-continent is comparable in latitude and temp to my situation. I also like the fact that it is a long grown and steady growing plant with a rugged genealogy. I knew it would be sitting on my balcony in direct hot sun for 12h a day and in mid 20's temps at night sometimes dipping to mid teens.

I know in India the latitude is roughly the same as here, so I figured if ancient English explorers liked it enough when it was grown outdoors, that I could grow outdoors and all natural, and get a lift off it too. The english wern't in India for the tea lol... They were there for the THC of the Hindu's Kush....

Hope this gives u a lift off the Hindu Killer plant. Soon to be a Canadian Killer plant lol. :fire::!:

Tricky B :bigjoint:


Active Member
looks good bro keep it up, even if someone says you cant do it or it wont work.. fuck em give it a shoot

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
You can take clone n just sit em in a cup of water, change water every day or 2, ont use epsom salt unless u need it. it can be a killer as well. molasses is good tho.
Good stuff. Thanks a bunch. Will cut a few and see what comes. What set of leaves should I be looking to snip for a clone? Middle Bottom Top? I have 3's and 5's. Plant is only 8in tall max.

Tricky B :bigjoint:

Noted about epsom. Confirmed about the molasses.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
looks good bro keep it up, even if someone says you cant do it or it wont work.. fuck em give it a shoot
"Imma pick the world up and drop it on its fucking head..."(Lil' Wayne) Never been afraid to try out my green grown thumbs on some crazy shit, will defiantly and definitely try er out.

Tricky B :bigjoint: