100% Organic:Getting Chlorine out of tap water.


Well-Known Member
There was an .edu doc i read awhile back that said the amount of chlorine coming out of the tap only had marginal effects on soil colonies, and only in in small potted plants, I believe it was 1 gallon and smaller containers. They came to the conclusion that there was enough organic material in the top 1-2" of a container to react with the chlorine and effectively neutralize it. Just like throwing a handful of dirt into a bucket of fresh tap water speeds up the chlorine removal. The minimal die off the surface colony was reestablished within a day or two. I've gone from RO, to tap water that sat out bubbling for 24 hrs to straight from the tap and I've seen no difference between bubbled water and straight out of the tap water. I use straight RO for clones and anything in 1 gal pots or smaller, they don't stay in those pots long enough for me to see any deficiencies from straight RO.


Well-Known Member
As I was reading this thread I was going to post that exact video, beat me to it! The guy is from my hometown so he's using the exact same water. Best luck I've ever had in my life.Besides winning a book at the library when I was 15. Never did read it though. Well I guess I won a flashlight at an expo a few years ago. But luck had its way of coming around for reclaim and having it stolen from my tent at a festival.


Well-Known Member
Most cities have a detailed water report available online that gives exact PPMS of every single thing that's in there. The chloramine is litteraly a couple ppms. Totall ppm is 210-220. 180 of that is Calcium carbonate which is the hardness and the alkalinity buffer.