10 Stoner Commandments


Active Member
And the lesser-known 11th commandment: "Thou shalt not...um...shalt not...ummmmm...what the fuck was that 11th fucking commandment?...thou shalt not something...ah, fuck it. Ten it is."

thump easy

Well-Known Member

  1. Though shall have no other drug before me
  2. Thou shalt not triple-puff pass
  3. Thou shalt provide pitch when toking
  4. Thou shalt not be a crackhead
  5. Thou shalt respect thy dealer
  6. Thou shalt not front for over a week
  7. Thou shalt not be stingy
  8. Thou shalt not waste beautiful bud
  9. Thou shalt not salivate the joint or ******lip
  10. Thou shalt not panic while high. Thou shalt Relax

Source: 10 Stoner Commandments | ~Welcome to Tha New Shiat- Lazy-Mans Heaven~
Thow shall nevor front period.
Thow shall medicate before sex.
Thow shall always break bread with close friends