10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I dunno where you got that, my love!!!Maybe you misread me? I havent smoked for a long time because I wanted to be clean for my own grow...kinda symbolic, maybe...I go for long periods of time between smoking sometimes, just because I can't do it when kids are around, and I don't like to smoke alone, trying to conserve, etc.Hell, I use it as a supplement to my prozac...it's a life saver!:mrgreen:
youve said you dont smoke!


Well-Known Member
dont know about dropping the light cycle but was interested in changing to a metal halide for the last 2 weeks i have read that thc production is the plants natural defence against u.v so more light in the blue end could be good and ive also heard that thc is protection from the near freezing temps that they get at night at higher altitudes what do you think?


Well-Known Member

I could see how benificial it would be with a large light number grow to be able to drop each lights on time by two hours....

But surely you gotta understand that it isnt benificial for the plants to do so...

Please tell me your doing it to save energy???


Well-Known Member

I could see how benificial it would be with a large light number grow to be able to drop each lights on time by two hours....

But surely you gotta understand that it isnt benificial for the plants to do so...

Please tell me your doing it to save energy???
I did it, because i was mid way through flowering cycle and didnt think it would really effect yield. And I wanted to speed up the flowering cycle by a week or so. It seems to be working, I have grown this same strain for 3 harvest now, and these ones look to be finishing faster.

Will I do it again probably not, but i'm not one to sit and speculate like 99% of the people on here I would rather try it my self. Does it help finish the plant a little faster... in my opinion yes. I'm thinking next time starting flowering with 10/14 for 1 week then week 2 going to 11/13 then week 3-8 going to 12/12 To really get the flowering hormones started. I will let you know if i do this.

Now if some one asks me about this I can say i have done it, not "no it doesnt work" or "yes it does" but never really knowing for my self.

I will update my grow this weekend at day 55 there looking so nice!


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, I must admit that I've only scanned the posts in this thread, but I've said this many times before, so here it is. Flowering time is genetic, and giving them fewer hours of light will not shorten flowering time.

And I go by what Rob Clarke says in Marijuana Botany:

Research has shown (Valle et al. 1979 ) that twice as much THC is produced under a 12-hour photoperiod than under a 10-hour photoperiod.
(emphasis added)

So that tells me that I want to give my plants as many hours of light in each day while still giving them enough hours of dark to keep them flowering.

Cannabis will be induced to flower, and will continue flowering, if the "critical daylength" is maintained. We know that is actually the hours of darkness that is required. And it's different for different strains of cannabis.

We know that 12 hours of darkness will maintain flowering in all strains, so we give them 12 hours of darkness. And now we know from our reading in Marijuana Botany that giving them less than 12 hours of light will cause less THC to be produced.

It's your call... :blsmoke:

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
less light more bud &raisin production!!!:mrgreen: that's no good choise pall!!!
kepp reather 12/12! like a normal growers do! kiss-ass:joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
commercial you keep saying to go to 10/14 to hasten the ripening of plants but most people dont mind waiting that extra week for the plants to finish under normal conditions I know i dont. And you asked for what people thought about your idea then you called every ones ideas down and kept saying how you are right.

people dont ask opinions when you arent really open to what people may give you as an answer.
Myself I would never do that with light pattern.
But the link to the show of marihuana man talking about UVB lighting being added to your garden, now that theory i would be willing to take a try at. so wrong or right 10/14 just isnt for me .


Well-Known Member
commercial you keep saying to go to 10/14 to hasten the ripening of plants but most people dont mind waiting that extra week for the plants to finish under normal conditions I know i dont. And you asked for what people thought about your idea then you called every ones ideas down and kept saying how you are right.

people dont ask opinions when you arent really open to what people may give you as an answer.
Myself I would never do that with light pattern.
But the link to the show of marihuana man talking about UVB lighting being added to your garden, now that theory i would be willing to take a try at. so wrong or right 10/14 just isnt for me .
Ok, so should I go get some more books that say that it does cause the plants to rippen faster. My main point is this, I have done it. This person has a book that says it doesnt work, I have books that say it does. It's kinda a catch 22. I'm not saying your wrong...im right.
I'm saying I just did this my self and it seemed to me to speed things up a bit. There will be other things i try and challenge in my marijuana growing life, that others wont agree with .....but there my ideas and i want to see myself fail or succeed by my own will. I hate talkers, I always have. If something seems like it may work im going to test it myself.

I appreciate your insight. So to end this thing...

-I did do 11/13 and 10/14
-It seemed to speed things up a little bit, this could also be just me or some other factors.
- Will I try it again.... NO


Active Member
ive heard for the last 48 hrs, you can turn off the lights and the females think they are dying, and in a last hope to be pollenized by a male, they extract all the THC left in their resin glands, therefore dankifying the plant lol

sound reasonable?


Well-Known Member
There are to many variables for any of you to claim to be right or wrong.

Some strains or even particular phenotypes may do better with a 10/14 when others will suffer. Until you do controlled tests with both light cycles with clones from all of them you can not say for sure.

Now , you can do the tests with the strains you have but you would need 2 rooms with everything the same except for the light cycles.

So, all of the book "facts" may be correct for the plants that were tested but that won't prove anything other than it was best for those particular plants.

To claim anything is absolute about this plant is pretty ignorant.

I read the first few posts a week or two ago and read the last few just now so I don't know if anyone mentioned this already.


Well-Known Member
There are to many variables for any of you to claim to be right or wrong.

Some strains or even particular phenotypes may do better with a 10/14 when others will suffer. Until you do controlled tests with both light cycles with clones from all of them you can not say for sure.

Now , you can do the tests with the strains you have but you would need 2 rooms with everything the same except for the light cycles.

So, all of the book "facts" may be correct for the plants that were tested but that won't prove anything other than it was best for those particular plants.

To claim anything is absolute about this plant is pretty ignorant.

I read the first few posts a week or two ago and read the last few just now so I don't know if anyone mentioned this already.
Ahh A TRUE scientist......