1 Week Old Girls. Looking Good??


Well-Known Member
So, the title is a little misleading. The 3 girls here are between 7-10 days old going from the day that they each popped through dirt...

There was small issue a couple of days ago with either PH or Heat, still not positive which, thats why U can see some "mottling" in a couple pix


All comments and suggestions are welcome!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good!
Keep the cfls glued to her, but watch it when they start grow fast. Or they could get burned.


Well-Known Member
Funny how different advice is LoL. 2 replies, one saying CFL is too close and one saying keep it glued.

I have no real life right now so I can check temp about 20 times a day so I can keep it pretty close without worry...