1 lb 1 tree indoor, Possible?


Well-Known Member
*still LOL'n about the dueche who called random ppl 'faggots'.. stop peeking out the closet bro, need a hug?

--wow.. 1lb per 1plant?? thats what everybody is throwing mud for?.. sad.

its been done.. since the 90s... its 2011.. i would expect 'higher' :) numbers...



Well-Known Member
2 gallon WATERFARM. waterfarm isn't soil. That's the entire point I'm making. What's the point in growing in 25 gallons of dirt to yield out the same you can get from a 2 gallon bucket of water, i.e. WATERFARM.
Some people just hate hydro. Me I do not mind either way, but the difference is maintenance time. This plant gets 5 gallons of water, every 5 days. If you have the time then hydro is the way to go if you want super yields. I just do not have the time. In the end the yield is great so who really cares whether it takes two bags of mix to grow a plant or not. I don't.