1 lb 1 tree indoor, Possible?


Well-Known Member
what's the point in growing in big ass 20 gallon pots when you can grow in a 2 gallon waterfarm and yield the same if not more?


Well-Known Member
This vanilla kush brought in 20+ zips ;)

5 gallon bucket, J.R peter nuts bloom booster/ calcium nitrate
what's the point in growing in big ass 20 gallon pots when you can grow in a 2 gallon waterfarm and yield the same if not more?
No idea friend some crazy myth about plants going root bound that got people tripping IMO :)

Hmm unless thats only soil in which it would make sense :-D


Well-Known Member
what's the point in growing in big ass 20 gallon pots when you can grow in a 2 gallon waterfarm and yield the same if not more?
The expected yield of under 1oz was a joke just in case you missed it. There is a world of difference in yield from a 2 gallon pot to a 25 gallon pot.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
You know my very first grow was NLxBB in a water farm under a 1000 watter. Thinking about it now I feel even worse for scrapping that grow. ohh the potential she had.


Well-Known Member
The expected yield of under 1oz was a joke just in case you missed it. There is a world of difference in yield from a 2 gallon pot to a 25 gallon pot.
2 gallon WATERFARM. waterfarm isn't soil. That's the entire point I'm making. What's the point in growing in 25 gallons of dirt to yield out the same you can get from a 2 gallon bucket of water, i.e. WATERFARM.


Well-Known Member
the dirt is a buffer-

it allows me to leave for a couple days and not worry about some super obscure ph issue wrecking a room.
i use soil less medium, so it's basicly hydro with a big sponge incorporated.


Well-Known Member
the dirt is a buffer-

it allows me to leave for a couple days and not worry about some super obscure ph issue wrecking a room.
i use soil less medium, so it's basicly hydro with a big sponge incorporated.
nice, with waterfarm it's fairly easy to setup a 25 gallon or more res so you can leave for days without much worry. I haven't because I don't have the time or space but if I needed to leave I would and it wouldn't take very long. Don't get me wrong I love growing in soil, I just find waterfarm a lot easier and less hassle.


Well-Known Member

everyone's style is different. and, i like diversity.

i also believe that organic soil grows tend to lend a flavor to the bud. use some native soil and spruce it up subcool style will produce some nice results. just an earthy tone that i find soilless methods lack.


Well-Known Member
thats the truth, the Best smelling Bud came from Soil, & mostly organics.. Not the most potent bud, but the best smelling tasting.. Alot of ppl cannot tell the diff in taste between chem hydro and soil organic.. & alot of people confuse a Poorly Flushed Chem hydro for being more potent than it is.. when its really just the chems.


Well-Known Member
thats the truth, the Best smelling Bud came from Soil, & mostly organics.. Not the most potent bud, but the best smelling tasting.. Alot of ppl cannot tell the diff in taste between chem hydro and soil organic.. & alot of people confuse a Poorly Flushed Chem hydro for being more potent than it is.. when its really just the chems.
What about a properly flushed organic hydro? :lol:


Well-Known Member
The taste 'difference' between soil and hydro is one of the reasons I'm trying the waterfarm this time 'round after 7 straight soil(less) grows using a HP Pro-mix medium with added worm-castings and natural compost additives. We'll see how it compares. I think it will be a much more 'thorough' flush at the end with the hydro setup compared to soil, and a lot less work. I certainly don't miss hauling buckets of water to flush and feed 6-8 seperate plants, only to get an average to meager yield. This current grow is just the one plant, but is looking to be more than I've been able to pull from up to 6 plants at once.. and most of those grows were under 600w lights.. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Isn't Flora Nova organic or pretty close to it? I don't really like the earthy taste soil leaves you with. I think waterfarm is that thing only a few know about and most overlook it. I'm so glad I stumbled upon socttyballs pineapple express thread. Made me a believer and knew I just had to try it for myself. From looking at Dayzt's grow, I think it's safe to say it's not some magic potion and pulling a pound from 1 plant can be had by anybody for not very much $$$ invested.


Well-Known Member
i grew white widow and chocolate thai a few years back all organic with a big flush period, and yeah it is great tasting for sure but partly due to lack of experience I was only pulling 2 zip average. Well except that choc thai that thing...lol man. Outdoor grow - I got paranoid ok and dug it up and tossed it against a fence under some bushes had the neighbor paranoia and w/ a military base there a lot of Heli's going over.A week later I felt bad re planted the fucker it grew 17 feet high. well it would of but I kept pulling the damned thing over and tying it off so it wouldn't peek over the 6 foot fence. It ended up looking like an art installation of an extremely organic countertop. 11.5 months total grow time. and it could of gone a lot more like a month easy, it kicked the asses of every experienced smoker who had it many zips came off that thing. I used to lie underneath it weaving bamboo stalks through as the helicopters went over Id mumble my best apocalypse now quotes from Brando "the horror.... the horror..". never herm'd on me or anything lol. and yeah taste this is about taste , true? yeah. It was the fucking chocolate bomb.but Im hydro now and I is not gonna go back.


Well-Known Member
I dont think it can compare to Soil organic if say their both grown in 100% perfect enviro. just my opinion of course. I started growing using Hydro DWC 18gal buckets with 900 Gallon Per hour air pump.. Nothing Will Take away the love I have for DWC.. but that being said. To grow effectively I must Move my plants into a diff room Made just for the "dark room" that way I can put 2 batches under my 600w's
What about a properly flushed organic hydro? :lol: