1.5 Lbs a plant


Well-Known Member
But you do that to the person you want to ignore...

I just used your profile cause it was right there....;-)

I guess you are adding that member to a IGNORE LIST....:lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh no, I didn't mean how do I find the "ignore" feature; I always know how to do that shortly after joining a new forum. :lol: I was just being facetious: as in, how could one bring oneself to ignore such hilariously tall tales? (Pardon the pun. lol) ;)

I just used your profile cause it was right there....;-)
Right.... you've got me on ignore now. No worries, I ignore me sometimes too! :p


Well-Known Member
you should have waited 1 more minute to repley,
and whats the medal by your name mean?
Gypsy's first Tree attempt
you should try and grow the biggest tree RIU has ever seen i am shure you can do it =]


Well-Known Member
it means I got nothing better to do...:eyesmoke: :lol: really...

I think it's a posting thing...

I subscribe to a lot of threads...

I got a bum leg.. I spend a lot of time here on RIU..


Well-Known Member
Uh.... there's no such thing as "vaginal" urine. :lol: You didn't fail anatomy, did you? :mrgreen: (Sorry, I didn't want to; I had to!)

Probably a really good thing this "catpiss" character is gone; I've wasted four whole threads of my life on him. LOL!
this whole thread makes know cents


lol "know cents"....thats hilarious.
We just keep contributing to his delinquency...how much longer are we going to let this go on?


Well-Known Member
lol "know cents"....thats hilarious.
We just keep contributing to his delinquency...how much longer are we going to let this go on?
this catpiss must be a very busy guy

after all he pulls 1.5lbs a plant



Well-Known Member
Those buds look unreal that guy has his shit down. Gypsy you think your tree will be looking like one of M Blaze's? With a 600 over one plant I know you are going to get a crazy good yield


Well-Known Member
Those buds look unreal that guy has his shit down. Gypsy you think your tree will be looking like one of M Blaze's? With a 600 over one plant I know you are going to get a crazy good yield
No way I can match him...

He gets 2lb a plant...

I'll be lucky to get a pound...

But even that is questionable... I've never done anything like this before...

I guess we'll know in about 10 to 12 weeks...:lol:

That plant is huge! I wish I knew how to grow like you. lol
It's not mine...:lol:

It's from a dude here named MBlaze...

And he didn't know it either, until he learned...

I'm learning now...

and so can you.. or anyone... it's a totally proven replicable system...

Do what he does and you will get what he gets... that is a rule of PROVEN RECIPES...;-)

Good Luck...:clap: