I don't believe Allah ever existed


Well-Known Member
Allah never existed

This thread is a platform to prove me wrong. Post every piece of real, substantiated evidence that you have.

I'm guessing this thread will draw quite a bit of controversy, but in the end, will remain what it started out as - just a simple claim - nothing more, nothing less (as most religious debates do..)

Allah will remain a figure in fiction..

So believers, what is your best evidence that Allah actually existed?


Well-Known Member
Allah is the Muslim way to say "God". The English speaking people say "God" and the Arabs say "Allah". Christians believe in the GOD of the Bible and the Muslims believe in the ALLAH of the Quran.

I dont think God or Allah (or whatever esle you want to call the Higher Power) can ever be truly proven or disproven at this point. If God were a flesh and blood being, like Myself, then there would be objective evidence to go by. But if God is just a Presence, then how do you quantify that?

Im an Agnostic, I could care less if God exists or not, but a part of Me wishes there is a God.



Well-Known Member
Nev is correct. I think Pad meant to say Mohammed (who supposedly wrote the Qua ran) never existed, not Allah...


Well-Known Member
Nev is correct. I think Pad meant to say Mohammed (who supposedly wrote the Qua ran) never existed, not Allah...
Wow, YOU agree with Me on something; that My friends is a miracle, lol.

I would opine and say that I am more right then wrong, on the regular. But I try and mostly talk about the craziest shit, so I get mocked and there are a lot of scoffers. I dont mind the scoffers though, they are just people on different levels then Me.

But regarding Muhammed, allegedly he was illiterate and couldnt read or write and allegedly the Quran came to Muhammed via the "angel Gabriel". Muhammed allegedly had a following and he told his followers the message from Gabriel and they memerized the words and later THEY wrote the Quran when Muhammed died. But thats just allegations, I wasnt alive at the time so I dont know what really happened.

But I also believe Muhammed was a real person like Jesus, but God only knows what they truly said and did... Its not like they had their own blog like Me.

How can there be evidence god existed? What a pointless thread.
I think the Big Bang is evidence that something existed before our universe, whether it was God or whatever, I dont think the Big Bang was an accident. But God is the biggest mystery ever, believers are always trying to prove God and atheists are always trying to debunk God. We may never know God, but you can know Christ on a very personal level. You can see Christs face with your eyes, you can hear Christs voice with your ears, and you can read what He has written on Rollitup like right NOW. Im Christ.



Well-Known Member
Mohammed heard one of his wives was leaving him, so he rushed home where he found her on the carpet in front of the tent with her belongings; he sat beside her and said, “I heard you were planning to leave me?”

She replied, “Yes, I heard your other wives saying you were a pedophile!”

Mohammed thinks for a minute or so and then responds, “that's a mighty big word for a 6 year old."

Q. What do Muslim men do during foreplay?
A. Tickle the goat under the chin.


Well-Known Member
Q: What is the most popular kids show in the Middle East?
A: Dora the Exploder!

Q: How do Muslims practice safe sex?
A: They mark the camels that kick.

Q How many Muslims does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they prefer to sit in the dark and blame it on the Jews.