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  1. Fawkes420

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Hi. Gonna try BHO and i have this vac chamber with this pressure meter. Would this be sufficent to make good vac purge?
  2. Fawkes420

    Mega crop EU Stock now available!

    For my fellow EU-grovers Megacrop is now released in UK/EU. There is a thread going at AFN.
  3. Fawkes420

    LED Build 3x3

    3x3 tent 15 x 2-fotters EB2 3500k HLG 320H-20A 14AWG from driver to wagos (also wago to wago) 18AWG wagos to strip (wouldn't go for anything less) Running at 1050 mA (75% of max), NO heatsink needed, just waste of money. Inbetween grows so no ladys there ;).
  4. Fawkes420

    Light meters

    I'm using a LUX meter and this chart.
  5. Fawkes420


    Anyone knows if there has been an EU relase?Or if it's closing in on one?
  6. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    Found this on the net - EB2 has 80 CRI which is considered as low? According to this guide -,,, "- Lights with a CRI that is...
  7. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    Thanks! Got this link, guess i can follow their chart? - And i got rope ratchet to rise and lower ;) Man, this is fun. As you might remember i mentioned that i have some 1-footers left so this is in fact my second build. Feels like i the...
  8. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    Thanks! I have a lux meter. Is there a formel to get PAR from LUX? I have 18 AWG between wagos and 13 AWG from driver. Driver was 3x14AWG so that's cool. Tent is 100x100 and i thinking of making the fixture about 90cm wide. I'll have 15 strips mounted and if i mount them evenly it should be...
  9. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    @Randomblame Sounds great! I want to have a lightweight rig. Somewhere back in my head i think i've read something about not having too long wireing from driver to strips, is it so? Thinking of having my driver outside tent and not adding weight to light fixture or is it no no? Also, i have a...
  10. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    @Randomblame Any ideas of post above? I really appreciate your knowledge :)
  11. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm planning to run my new strips at 75% (1050mA) like i did with the 1-footers.Does that sounds ok? Guess i'll need heatsinks for that? What would be max to run without heatsinks? Also, What % would you run the side strips at?
  12. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yes! I know that i should be at 30-35w/sft. Maybe i wasn't explaning my future setup that well.... I'm gonna have 15 x 560mm at top driven by hlg-320H-20A giving me 294W total. Then,,,, i add the old ones on the side driven with hlg 150H-20A. Sounds ok?
  13. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    Great! Will check "sun cloak". I have hlg 150H-20A wired paralell today. Is that driver to small? Have been running that for one year now :)
  14. Fawkes420

    Led Users Unite!

    Need ideas what to do with 12 x 1-footers (EB2), complete with driver? I have upgraded my lightning and now i have no use for these. Thinking of some vertically mount giving light sideways. Hit me with pics and ideas :). If i'm not completely wrong, i think i have seen some pics earlier but i...
  15. Fawkes420


    I'm planning to run MC with autopots with water res. and thinking about the smell since i'm stealth grower. When mixed with water , does the solution smell over time?
  16. Fawkes420

    Ro water question.

    No, i'm not in uk. Just posting links from uk since it's easy to order thing from uk without cutoms interfering ;). We've been friends since childhood and he got involved with some bad people (coke and shit). He will be charged for around 14 kilos of coke, and prolly going to do some hard time...
  17. Fawkes420

    Ro water question.

    Thanks. No, I don't think he will rat me out, but it's quite big investigation so I think they been listening on his telefon etc. We had not been talking about pot or any other drugs, but I think the cops want to bust as many as they can. He's facing several years in prison if convicted. It was...
  18. Fawkes420

    Ro water question.

    That biosys shit seemed to work just fine, but had to chop her today :-( A buddy of mine got busted a couple of days ago, he had some shady business going on to say the least. Haven't got the nerves to sit and wait for the cops to show up with a search warrant (then root rot had been my least...
  19. Fawkes420

    Megacrop thread?

    Not the same thread as the one we're speaking of.
  20. Fawkes420

    Megacrop thread?

    Maybe i'm dumb ( or just a uk grower) but,,,, what is AFN? o_O Edit* Found it! :)