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  1. fanofpanic

    A little help on the cause...

    So, I've been looking at the nute def charts and also weeding my way through some of the threads here and other places and don't really know nor can I find the cause of this. Background info: THSeeds Ultrasour Girl is in 4th week of flower Medium is BioBizz All-Mix with 1" layer of clay...
  2. fanofpanic

    Mamba Negra + Mystery Girl

    This will be my second attempt under only LEDs. I have had a bit a good results using a mix of CFLs and LEDs. Previously, in my 1st LED attempt, my two girls ended up yielding about 50 g dry as they suffered in flowering with various deficiencies and ph problems. Basically, they just stopped...
  3. fanofpanic

    LED mixed with CFL

    Hello all! I recently started a post asking about LED panels and got some great advice and have since bought a 65W Hans Panel. I started out a Blimburn Critical Automatic with a 200W 2100K CFL which I had some success with in the past with 2 Royal Queen Diesel Autos. There's a journal...
  4. fanofpanic

    Dutch Passion LED

    I'm looking to buy a LED set-up to try 'em out. I live in the EU, so, unfortunately, I can't buy LED set-ups stateside because of the shipping and customs prices which make it too expensive. Obviously, I can find some relatively cheap LED modules on Ebay and such, but most of them are only red...
  5. fanofpanic

    Royal Diesel Automatic

    Hello all! I've returned after a little hiatus and I have started a new grow with some seeds from Royal Queen, which have been pretty good to me so far! The soil is as always Bio Bizz Light Mix and I'm still hanging on to my 200W CFL Agro light...I figured I might as well keep on using the...
  6. fanofpanic

    First Time AF Grow

    About time! My first real post, so take it easy on me, please...:hug: So, I have already 1/2 sucessfully completed a grow which I did on my terrace last year. I say half because the plants did not meet their full potential and one of the three died a gruesome death as it was beginning to...
  7. fanofpanic

    Flowering NPK ratio

    Hello all!I've been busy for the past 5 months on an outdoor terrace grow and following all of the info I've found on this site. Obviously, I've had the ups and downs of first time growing, but thankfully I've gotten past a lot of the issues and now have three girls already into...