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  1. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    heres a pic of the window that fucker broke. Notice how it is by the PVC pipe that I used to lock the window. He specifically broke it there so he could take out the PVC piping and enter my room through my window when desired. What I did is that I went to home depot when my other roommate was...
  2. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    hahahahahahahahahahaha...true that. we did definitely get off topic from the bushmaster. So bushmaster is a big no no now? It was a little hard for me to obtain since it's now banned in cali. But I was told that it's only bad when inhaled or any other human contact. Then when in plants its only...
  3. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    ROOMMATE UPDATE: This 30 year old loser is still going at it! I haven't even talked to him since the argument and he turned off the electricity while i was at the library AND he tried to break into my room by BREAKING by window. I have a pvc pipe to keep the window locked and he made a break...
  4. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    well jeez thats the only thing i would think of to do. That's why i'm here trying to find any alternative or something. Anyways I believe a have a plan that can play out pretty well and allow me to finish my plants. The only problem is my immature roommate will definitely shut off the...
  5. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    hahaha i wish. I was literally waiting for him to hit me when we were arguing so i could call the cops and press charges for assault. His temper blew when I said, " you're fucking 29 years old and you're still trying to get your bach degree." it was a kodak moment that i wish i got on tape...
  6. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    I was wondering how long can the plants last without air being pumped into the res? Because i know that i'll be leaving for thanksgiving (long weekend) and im pretty sure that immature bastard will turn off the electricity again to try and kill my plants. Today he turned off the electricity for...
  7. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    yeah i'll keep it growing but i'll have to cut it off on the 27th or before the 1st of dec. Do you think i'll be able to do anything with plants that are just a little less than 3 weeks in flower? I had an idea but I don't know if it was too much. I was going to go to my local hydro store and...
  8. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    hahahahaha niceee. so there literally nothing I could do? man this guy doesn't stop! When we were done arguing I had my door open and was sitting on my comp chair and he was walking back to his room (through the hallway) and he came into my room and YELLED/SHOUTED in my face with all his might...
  9. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    any other suggestions?! im thinking of just cooking these 4 plants since it'll be easier to deal with but will it do anything?
  10. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    yeah i know i thought of it but im a poor college student with very little cash. don't have that option. the only option is to chop it down and make some use of it. is there any suggestions?
  11. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    really? is bushmaster that bad? anything i could do with these hopeless plants? this is my first real legit grow. i'm super happy with the results that i've received so far and impressed with what i can do. I'm a little bummed but i know that i'll be able to grow again sometime in the future. is...
  12. E

    8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

    Hello I have a immature 30 year old roommate (that smokes too) that called the cops on my 4 plant grow even though i have my medical card. im within the ordinances of the county i live in (6 mature plants). I'm pretty sure that I'll be moving out within a week and have to chop down my ladies...
  13. E

    activeaqua airpump

    the airpump has recently became louder, really loud. It sounds like somethings on the verge of rattling inside of it but not really rattling. before it was just a loud humming sound anybody else have this experience?
  14. E

    Confined Space..GETTING CROWDED!

    Ok perfect. I've been trying to search up on lollipopping and i've found some stuff but nothing on techniques. What kind of technique do i use? or do i just cut/snap every branch 1/3 from the base?
  15. E

    Confined Space..GETTING CROWDED!

    Hello fellow rollituppers. I have this cabinet box that i retrofitted with a dwc grow. The clones that i've gotten have made great progress. Too much progress in fact, im growing 4 skywalker ogs (5 weeks going on 6 vegging). I have done some lst to help avoid some vertical growth and i have...
  16. E

    spidermites on roots

    definitely sounds like a good plan. i'll try it out tomorrow. When i change the res, do you recommend that i flush out the plants with plain water for a little or go directly to my nutrient solution? metasynth YOU ARE THE MAN. you've literally helped me through my first ordeal although i was...
  17. E

    spidermites on roots

    well the bug b gon killed the shit out of the aphids!. I added 15ml to the res and saw it foaming reaching up into the roots/hydroton so that was good. The plants never wilted or show any signs of stress either. i'm completely shocked about how well they are taking it. i dunked the plants into a...
  18. E

    spidermites on roots

    hahah thats exactly what i was thinking. 5 ml/gallon sounds great. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! alright thanks again. glad you're here to help.
  19. E

    spidermites on roots

    alright so i have bug b gon. I was wondering what ratios do people use with dwc (should i try the 6ml/gallon or less)? I read somewhere on here saying that i should "dip" or submerge my plants in a solution of bug b gon and water to fully get the roots. Also put some bug be gone in my solution...