8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

hahaha i wish. I was literally waiting for him to hit me when we were arguing so i could call the cops and press charges for assault. His temper blew when I said, " you're fucking 29 years old and you're still trying to get your bach degree." it was a kodak moment that i wish i got on tape. anyways I'm looking for emergency power supplies that I'd be able to hook the air pump to just in case he shuts it down again. I was wondering if it would be ok to get an emergency power supply and leave it plugged in the socket with my air pump connected to the power supply (just incase that immature bastard turns off the electricity over the weekend and winter break)? I feel like I can stay here until the end of December to finish this grow out but this fucking bastard is trying to kill my plants. Is the effort even worth it? or should i just pull the plug and get the fuck out of here before the first of dec?
fuck your rm bro just keep growing it and put a lock on your door. fuck that dude, beat his ass, and make him feel like a kid he is acting like. If it gets out of control, stab him and plant a stolen gun in his hand.. tell the cops you were at gunpoint LMAO


Well-Known Member
jeesus man....smash his fookin head in....fookin wanker....no witnesses no charges....tie the fooker up stick a plant up his arse and use him as a human fookin wilma while your havin a good time on ya hols


Well-Known Member
Cooking them will not do any good . If you are just looking for someone to say YES , GO AHEAD . then do it . It will be a waste but you want to try anyway.
any other suggestions?! im thinking of just cooking these 4 plants since it'll be easier to deal with but will it do anything?
well jeez thats the only thing i would think of to do. That's why i'm here trying to find any alternative or something. Anyways I believe a have a plan that can play out pretty well and allow me to finish my plants. The only problem is my immature roommate will definitely shut off the electricity again. One last question..does anybody know how long plants can survive without air pumping into the res in a dwc system? I know they can last at least 2 hours since my roommate shut my electricity off for that long.
Cooking them will not do any good . If you are just looking for someone to say YES , GO AHEAD . then do it . It will be a waste but you want to try anyway.
This 30 year old loser is still going at it! I haven't even talked to him since the argument and he turned off the electricity while i was at the library AND he tried to break into my room by BREAKING by window. I have a pvc pipe to keep the window locked and he made a break near it. I'm guessing this is for future use so he could take the pvc pipe out and have access into my room. I called the cops and they just gave me the options of 1)restraining order 2) get him evicted through the landlord.


Active Member
Your roommate is a dick, man. You should log his activity and sue him in small claims just to cause him some hassle. Anyway, a thought on the air pump.... get a low-watt solar kit and lock your door.

Solar Kits


Active Member
how about murder him bury him wait a year then grow plants on his grave :D or tie him up till there finish

i dont condone murder but if they touch my babies well there asking to meet there maker


Well-Known Member
The Bushmaster point was completely ignored there. Bushmaster is a plant growth regulator, it's seriously nasty shit that is banned for use in human food crops.

Kill the plants cos youve no choice anyways and don't give them that poison again man. You're turning a safe plant into a plant full with filthy chemicals.
hahahahahahahahahahaha...true that. we did definitely get off topic from the bushmaster. So bushmaster is a big no no now? It was a little hard for me to obtain since it's now banned in cali. But I was told that it's only bad when inhaled or any other human contact. Then when in plants its only systematic for the rest of the grow.
The Bushmaster point was completely ignored there. Bushmaster is a plant growth regulator, it's seriously nasty shit that is banned for use in human food crops.

Kill the plants cos youve no choice anyways and don't give them that poison again man. You're turning a safe plant into a plant full with filthy chemicals.
heres a pic of the window that fucker broke. Notice how it is by the PVC pipe that I used to lock the window. He specifically broke it there so he could take out the PVC piping and enter my room through my window when desired. What I did is that I went to home depot when my other roommate was here ( to keep an eye on things) and got some nails to screw down the PVC pipe to the window so he can't take it out easily. P.S I know he's completely jealous of my grow and that I talk to the other roommates and not him.


New Member
seriously I hate these righteous stupid idiotic hypocritical mother fuckers.

death to all that oppose weed and all weedom of any weedom kinds


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahahahaha...true that. we did definitely get off topic from the bushmaster. So bushmaster is a big no no now? It was a little hard for me to obtain since it's now banned in cali. But I was told that it's only bad when inhaled or any other human contact. Then when in plants its only systematic for the rest of the grow.
Afaik from my reading it's persistent in plant tissues for up to 3 1/2 months.

And when you smoke it, it covers the "inhaling" part ;)

Hope this helps.