8 weeks in. Going to second week of flowering. have to chop down.

Hello I have a immature 30 year old roommate (that smokes too) that called the cops on my 4 plant grow even though i have my medical card. im within the ordinances of the county i live in (6 mature plants). I'm pretty sure that I'll be moving out within a week and have to chop down my ladies SUPER PREMATURE. A mixture of humboldts bushmaster and 1/4 strength bloom nutes have started the flowering process and i recently change the res with 1/2 strength bloom nutes. My ladies are 8 weeks in and im on the second week of flowering. My question is..is there anything I can do with the plants? such as cook them? or anything?!
really? is bushmaster that bad? anything i could do with these hopeless plants? this is my first real legit grow. i'm super happy with the results that i've received so far and impressed with what i can do. I'm a little bummed but i know that i'll be able to grow again sometime in the future. is there anything i should do? or can do? will it be safe to make edibles with them?


Active Member
really? is bushmaster that bad? anything i could do with these hopeless plants? this is my first real legit grow. i'm super happy with the results that i've received so far and impressed with what i can do. I'm a little bummed but i know that i'll be able to grow again sometime in the future. is there anything i should do? or can do? will it be safe to make edibles with them?
Why not just take a chance and move the plants somewhere else to finish ? Rent a climate controlled storage unit or something if you don't have anywhere else to bring them. Roommate sounds like a Nazi, sorry bro.
yeah i know i thought of it but im a poor college student with very little cash. don't have that option. the only option is to chop it down and make some use of it. is there any suggestions?


New Member
maybe try a two month cure in a jar. open just enough to prevent mold. so it needs to be less than 70% humidity for 3 days. UV, or even sunlight may help but will age and degrade thc, but it needs to cure.


bud bootlegger
maybe try a two month cure in a jar. open just enough to prevent mold. so it needs to be less than 70% humidity for 3 days. UV, or even sunlight may help but will age and degrade thc, but it needs to cure.
two month cure in a jar with what is what i'm asking?? two weeks of flower and i usually am just starting to see pistil clumps at that point, and surely nada worth smoking and or curing..

if you must, i'd just chop it and toss in the bin as you're not going to get anything really worth doing much with imo..


Rebel From The North
two month cure in a jar with what is what i'm asking?? two weeks of flower and i usually am just starting to see pistil clumps at that point, and surely nada worth smoking and or curing..

if you must, i'd just chop it and toss in the bin as you're not going to get anything really worth doing much with imo..
I was going to comment on that and thought id wait lol
I was going to comment on that and thought id wait lol

hahahahaha niceee. so there literally nothing I could do?
man this guy doesn't stop! When we were done arguing I had my door open and was sitting on my comp chair and he was walking back to his room (through the hallway) and he came into my room and YELLED/SHOUTED in my face with all his might (like he has a childish temper problem), "YOU'RE DONE! YOU'REEEEE OUT OF HEREEEEE!!!) I smirked and laugh because this guy was super immature it was ridiculous.
ON TOP OF THAT, I went to the library today to do some homework, when I came home I realized that my laptop had shutdown, my alarm clock had been set back a couple of hours (2+ hours), and that my timer on my grow had been set back. HE SHUT THE FUCKING ELECTRICITY OFF. I believe this was an attempt to "kill/drown" my plants which didn't work. BTW the cops never showed up when he called them right in front of me with speaker on.


Rebel From The North
hahahahaha niceee. so there literally nothing I could do?
man this guy doesn't stop! When we were done arguing I had my door open and was sitting on my comp chair and he was walking back to his room (through the hallway) and he came into my room and YELLED/SHOUTED in my face with all his might (like he has a childish temper problem), "YOU'RE DONE! YOU'REEEEE OUT OF HEREEEEE!!!) I smirked and laugh because this guy was super immature it was ridiculous.
ON TOP OF THAT, I went to the library today to do some homework, when I came home I realized that my laptop had shutdown, my alarm clock had been set back a couple of hours (2+ hours), and that my timer on my grow had been set back. HE SHUT THE FUCKING ELECTRICITY OFF. I believe this was an attempt to "kill/drown" my plants which didn't work. BTW the cops never showed up when he called them right in front of me with speaker on.
Dude just keep growing your shit if the cops come they will take hime to jail for the shit hes done
Dude just keep growing your shit if the cops come they will take hime to jail for the shit hes done
yeah i'll keep it growing but i'll have to cut it off on the 27th or before the 1st of dec. Do you think i'll be able to do anything with plants that are just a little less than 3 weeks in flower? I had an idea but I don't know if it was too much. I was going to go to my local hydro store and ask the owner if he grows or anything and if he wanted the plants? is this is a good idea? hahaha I just didn't want to waste my work/effort


Active Member
you can always make some bubble hash out of them. im sure you will get a little quality smoke out of them.
I was wondering how long can the plants last without air being pumped into the res? Because i know that i'll be leaving for thanksgiving (long weekend) and im pretty sure that immature bastard will turn off the electricity again to try and kill my plants. Today he turned off the electricity for 2 hours plus or minus some but the plants look fine. So whats the estimated time for plants surviving in a dwc system with no air being pumped to the res?


Well-Known Member
fuck your rm bro just keep growing it and put a lock on your door. fuck that dude, beat his ass, and make him feel like a kid he is acting like. If it gets out of control, stab him and plant a stolen gun in his hand.. tell the cops you were at gunpoint LMAO