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  1. S

    leaves growing 'spindly', curling up at tips... what deficiency?

    Really don't think its heat stress. Peak heat temps are mid 80s, lows are 60s. Good night-day variation as far as I know. And 2 oscillating fans. Plus the Co2 should mean its okay even in high stress, right? Pics in.
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    leaves growing 'spindly', curling up at tips... what deficiency?

    So i have a number of plants in week 2-3 of flower.some are in rockwool in a 3x6 (these are older/bigger) and doing fine. Most however are in a 4x8 in hydroton, and theyre showing a number of signs thats somethings up. 1) theyre kinda spindly and sparse, if that makes sense. Lots of upward...
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    Tangerine Dream mom - whats going on now?

    I repotted using some potting soil from Osh a month or so again. It could be used up at this point though. THe plant was showing some signs of deficiencies earlier (a few times) - never saw any 'burn' on the tips. Flushing and then adding light nutes has worked in he past but I'd like to get...
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    Tangerine Dream mom - whats going on now?

    Potassium lacking again? Its in soil, been getting light nutes at pH 6.5. I just moved it a bit away from the light (T5 though so its not that hot or anything). I actually added a CO2 generating thing a week ago so that shouldn't be bad. Do soil plants normally need this much potassium...
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    Potassium and/or magnesium problem? Deficiency or abundance?

    So... having some sort of nute issue again. The lower leaves are curling down, looking papery. The upper leaves look like they ahve some burn on the outsides and are curling up. I just watered with straight pH 6 tap water to try to flush out whatever's up. Once that's done... I can't seem to...
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    Does anyone sell straight N, P and K?

    As complicated as you managed to make that sound, im not talking about throwing out convention total nutrient lines. Im talking about a hyrdoponically agreeable so7rce on N, P and K so I canmore easily isolate problems and fix them without making things worse (as it is easy to do, and as i have...
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    Does anyone sell straight N, P and K?

    Would make it easier to treat specific deficiences/toxicities if companies sold straight N, P and K. Does anyone do that? Anyone know where I can find it?
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    4 plants 4 problems

    hmm. they're getting quite a bit of Magnesium and Potassium right now... like, far more than anything else.
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    4 plants 4 problems

    any thoughts on the blotching (yellowing/brown spotting) seen on the big plant? i agree the new growth looks good but the blotching appears to be slowly getting worst
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    4 plants 4 problems

    Pretty good recovery for this guy tho, eh?
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    4 plants 4 problems

    following up... I repotted all the plants, 2 initially and 2 later. The Red Dragon and Superbud made drastic recoveries... both now look excellent (will take pictures later). The Tangerine Dream and 'unknown' (which I'm now thinking is another Tangerine Dream), are still the largest of the 4...
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    4 plants 4 problems

    i'll get some new soil for the real sick ones. the soil is a hodgepodge, but at least in some cases was pretty fresh and quality. i did probably cut it with some crap for volume though in a few cases, especially the superbud.
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    4 plants 4 problems

    What makes you think thats necessary? Is it necessary with all? The soil for the superbud is bad but the rest is a mix of Osh potting soil and Hydrofarm soil, so it shouldnt be bad. I gave them another dose of just ph 6.5 water (mix of tap and distilled), will see how that goes through...
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    4 plants 4 problems

    So I have 4 plants...4 different strains, all with issues.Each is exhibiting some distinct signs, but there are definitely some common issues as well . In all cases I've tried giving them PH 6.5 pure RO water as well as light nutrient solutions. I've guessed potassium, magnesium and phosphrous...
  15. S

    Young plant, leaves folding upwards (not just tips, all the way around)

    Not too hot really... its been pretty mild in SoCal so I'd say it fluctuates between 65 and 75. I think running a fan will help right now they sit in the corner and there really isnt' much airflow around them. The plants are pretty tiny so I'd be suprised if they have a K deficiency but I can...
  16. S

    Young plant, leaves folding upwards (not just tips, all the way around)

    Not sure how 'sick' th eplant is, it currently seems to be happy though growth has stalled some. As you can see in the pic, the leaves all along the top are curling up. There looks to be a little nute burn on the tips - not really bad, but its there. I'm not sure if thast related to the...
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    Yellow/brown splotches on leaves

    Noticed a good number of my plants have developed some yellow splotches. They aren't confined to any specific area of the plants, and some have it, some don't. Any idea what it is? Plants: pre-98 bubba, ebb and flow system, in hydroton, 4 weeks into flower. Using sensibloom...
  18. S

    Best place to find seeds in San Fernando Valley?

    Looking for some autoflowering/feminized seeds (though I suppose thats a given). Any dispensaries selling them?