4 plants 4 problems

So I have 4 plants...4 different strains, all with issues.Each is exhibiting some distinct signs, but there are definitely some common issues as well . In all cases I've tried giving them PH 6.5 pure RO water as well as light nutrient solutions. I've guessed potassium, magnesium and phosphrous but none seem to be right, or at least i haven't fixed it yet :( Plants are kept at around 80, 18 hour veg lighting under a couple CFLs and have a circulation fan going when lights are on. No bugs to speak of. They're in soil, temps are 70-80 at all times, 18 hours a day under a couple CFLs. They had been under a T5 but it seemed a waste with how small they are, and the change in light hasn't really seemed to hurt them.

First... this guy is unknown strain. Its leaves... primarily lower, older leaves, are seeing tips curl up, and some blotching. Upper leaves look fine. Decent size but growth has slowed.

unknown fairly healthy 1c.jpgunknown fairly healthy 1b.jpgunknown fairly healthy 1.jpgunknown fairly healhty.jpgunknown fairly healthy.jpg
Next up, is a tangerine dream. It looks pretty healthy except it is also seeing some blotching, 'the claw' and papery older leaves. It is a bit fuller and generally looks happier.

tangerine dream.jpgtangerine dream (3).jpgtangerine dream (2).jpg

Next we have a Red Dragon. Its got majorly stunted growth. Mostly the lower leaves look sickly... some brown on the outside and they're doing a little bit of the claw/drooping down.
red dragon (4).jpgred dragon (3).jpgred dragon (2).jpg

Hesistant to even bother posting hte Superbud. Its a sad, sad plant. Its even more stunted, extreme 'claw' drooping lower leaves, etc.

greenhouse superbud (2).jpggreenhouse superbud.jpgred dragon.jpg
In short I think there are some common problems but each plant seems to be exhibiting different signs too. Which I guess you'd expect with different strains. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Hi there it looks like it could be nute burn what kind of soil are you using how often are you
Feeding most soil have tons of food and plants don't need to be feed
For a month or more as most have guanos and other slow release food
Flush with Hydrogen Peroxide, yes a full bottle with each plant, then flush with somewhat warm water and foliar feed them everyday :) And get rid of that terrible soil and get some Fox Farm Ocean Forrest or Coca Coir ~ Looks like heat burn as well :)
What makes you think thats necessary? Is it necessary with all?

The soil for the superbud is bad but the rest is a mix of Osh potting soil and Hydrofarm soil, so it shouldnt be bad.

I gave them another dose of just ph 6.5 water (mix of tap and distilled), will see how that goes through the weekend. For the people recommending magnesium... i have added a pretty solid amount of magnesium recently. What makes you think it needs more? I have heard its tough to od on magnesium but when i added it last it didnt seem to help much.


Well-Known Member
1st pics- looks like Mg or K deficiency.
Tdream - Ca or Mg def. Or even K
my guess is lockout due to incorrect soil balance

Last two sets of pics look underwatered/underfed. those sized plants with those sized pots shouldnt be having problems just yet,

The soil looks suspect..


Well-Known Member
Flush with Hydrogen Peroxide, yes a full bottle with each plant, then flush with somewhat warm water and foliar feed them everyday :) And get rid of that terrible soil and get some Fox Farm Ocean Forrest or Coca Coir ~ Looks like heat burn as well :)

oh my god, whatever you do don't dump a bunch of hydrogen peroxide on your plants


Well-Known Member
1. Carefully pull your plants out of their pots.
2. Shake most of the dirt from the roots.
3. Replant in quality potting soil.
4. Don't tinker with them for a few weeks and they will look much better


Well-Known Member
There homes are killing them, they are very stunted and sickly looking.

If you can get some new soil then carefully replant, they will require least a few weeks to recover; if you cannot get nee soil say goodbye.

i'll get some new soil for the real sick ones. the soil is a hodgepodge, but at least in some cases was pretty fresh and quality. i did probably cut it with some crap for volume though in a few cases, especially the superbud.
following up...

I repotted all the plants, 2 initially and 2 later. The Red Dragon and Superbud made drastic recoveries... both now look excellent (will take pictures later). The Tangerine Dream and 'unknown' (which I'm now thinking is another Tangerine Dream), are still the largest of the 4 but still seem to have some sort of deficiency. I topped them a while ago and that seemed to derail them both somewhat. Lot of yellowish bleaching and more of that papery look to the lower leaves. Low potassium perhaps?


the lighter leaf was from lower ont he plant, and is older. the greener/larger one was taken from near the top, and I also included an 'overall' view.

Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
It looks like they are recovering well, the new growth looks green and healthy. Give them lots of water and love and they will thank you for it!
any thoughts on the blotching (yellowing/brown spotting) seen on the big plant? i agree the new growth looks good but the blotching appears to be slowly getting worst


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell, but judging by this chart it may either be potassium or magnesium deficiency.
