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  1. B

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    That's pretty cool dude! Keep us posted! My computer broke again but I'll be back soon hopefully!
  2. B

    PLEASE HELP? Why the Hell are my Yields so low??? Need some help with new set-up?

    20 plants each x 2 so 40 plants? u said 7 to 28 grams per plant so let's say 14. So you're harvesting 20 oz. on one 1000w light? That's almost 600 grams which is .6 grams/watt. Honestly that's not bad at all. From the variables u described, you should have no troubles. May need more...
  3. B

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Damn that makes me worry that 17/18 oz. was just an anomolee(sp?)! I hope that wasn't a one-time fluke. I did a couple crazy things during that grow too. #1: I have a 1000w HPS that I just beamed in the Producer for the last 2 wks of flower to add whatever I could. I was really counting on...
  4. B

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Looks great!! I'm glad to see everything worked out. Seems like just yesterday my computer was dead and you were just starting round 3 and I get my comp back and now it looks like your done already! So what kind of numbers did you pull out of this one? I'm happy to report my first grow of...
  5. B

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    and btw ancap- ur initial journals were invaluable for me when making one of the most important decisions of my life rite after getting my med card
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    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    lookin good dude. sorry to make u swallow ur ego. that always hurts! btw i use a one-litre bottle of ona polar crystal with no dispenser and it does OK. also use 3 airwick plug-in air-fresheners. the device is only a buck and refil containers about 2.50 each. the 1$ dispensers even have...
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    and thats y they dont call u professor:)
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    prof-i think u misunderstood. there have been some recent posts of new people askin y we all ganged up on u and many of the posts were lacking a clear understanding of who said what and why. u truly were given a chance and blew it. a lot of people were being douchey, but so were u. someone of...
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    new rule-u can post on this thread only if u actually read the WHOLE THREAD. Some of us wasted this whole week on this fukin thread and ill b damned if some late-comers r gonna wash over what really happened here. if u still think the prof was unfairly treated u need to go to the beginning and...
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    i thought in the “bible” ec conversions depended on the nute brand. wait...before i go act like i know what im talkin about im gonna doublecheck what i read.
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    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    good to c u around again smokedup. i gotta get my journal goin but my cmp crashed and apparently u cant upload pix over the wii which is what im usin to surf. my ak47s r on day 54, flower 38 and id love to get ppls opinion but im gonna have to wait another wk for cmp. ancap-whats the word?
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    on that note tho, what conversion would b used with advanced nutes?
  13. B

    Produce weed in 43 days

    skunk-i agree. the ppm post was confused
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    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    i agree tho that spending the xtra buk on nutes usually pays off
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    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    yea 4lt size much better deal but the amnt of nutes still seems high. i read med-mans site and hes def done some tight shit but if ur just starting out u may want to balance his techniques with something more modest. i guess what i mean to say is if ur tryin to b a chef and just starting out...
  16. B

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    thats a lot of nutes. seems excessive. not the variety of products but the amount. esp. big bud. 250? thats a qt of the bottle!
  17. B

    Produce weed in 43 days

    prof- i was on ur side for a while then ppl finally started backin down and giving u the floor a few pages ago and u come out sounding like a baby repeating the same thing over and over again. and dont ask us to respond to ur wife-half of her posts made little sense. somebody of ur supposed...
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    prof-thx 4 responding. i think ppl r way to quick to state as fact what they only know a little about. the prof has decades of experience and those who r quick to criticize without the same experience show that they r threatened and thats fukin sad. and for the last time-2-4” sativa...
  19. B

    Produce weed in 43 days

    and thus making a 43day harvest within grasp. tho i def dont buy 3oz per plant when flowered at 3” if there r 50 per kw lite. thats just insane. tho i dont remember him sayin there was only one lite per 50 plants. ten kw lites could do it imho. prof-how many watts per plant? and can...
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    Produce weed in 43 days

    does anyone know should co2 b stopped a wk or 2 b4 harvest? i thought i read that b4. also, when using hydro a 2-4” clone switched to flower could easily hit 2-3 ft. skunk-did u ever consider that the stretch capabilities of cannabis arent 100% linear? u keep saying all of these x6 and x7...