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  1. B

    Should you Buy a Magic Flight Launch Box MFLB to Replace Joints?

    Hello, It probably a bit arrogant that I think my opinion might mean anything, but I was looking for reviews for the MFLB recently and never really found the answers to the questions I had. For the sake of whether you can relate to my opinion, my weed tolerence is decent. I'll smoke 2...
  2. B

    HELP, Hermie? Swollen Calyx? lots of pics

    Hi all I'm coming up to 5 weeks flower this Friday. Got 3 Northern Lights and a Blueberry, all my northern lights are going well but my blueberry is causing me concerns. I have a lot of swollen Calyx's or 'false seed pods' or plain seeds. I've had no sign of male flowers and have pulled a...
  3. B

    Big Boobs, free drugs and guns!

    Nothing advertised in the title is's just a link to my grow journal that should be gathering momentum soon. ta, hope to see you there
  4. B

    400w Soil SCROG, Northern Lights and Blueberry

    Intro... Hi all started my grow and here is my journal, I'm currently 3 weeks in from seed so I'll fill in the gaps for you... I'm using 3 Northern Lights and 1 Blueberry in a scrog over 1 square meter. I know you shouldn't SCROG from seed; but I have and I am, my feelings are as long as the...