400w Soil SCROG, Northern Lights and Blueberry


Hi all started my grow and here is my journal, I'm currently 3 weeks in from seed so I'll fill in the gaps for you...
I'm using 3 Northern Lights and 1 Blueberry in a scrog over 1 square meter.
I know you shouldn't SCROG from seed; but I have and I am, my feelings are as long as the screen fills it doesn't matter if the plants have different growth rates. I'll coolly slay any plant that decided to fuck me about. I will be offering my plants a loving environment but will not be letting them call the shots as I literally own them.
  • Bio-Bizz nutes, including topmax and algamic..(the last two where free)
  • Molasses
  • Plagron light mix from start to finish
  • Secret Jardin grow tent
  • Carbon Filters...yes two!
  • B&Q orange buckets, drilled for drainage as they are shit loads cheaper than pots
  • 400w MH (veg) HPS (flower)
  • PH testing gear for water and soil
  • Reservoir or north English tap water with 2 air stones running 24/7
  • Thermometer with Humidity reader
  • Plug and Grow safety timer so I don't kill my family with fire
  • 1ml syringes for super accurate feeding
Story so far...

Ordered all my stuff and my seeds, it all came so I set it up, had to angle grind the tent to fit as it was about 2 inches too tall.
Placed 3 NL and 1 BB seed in some damp cotton wool in my wardrobe for 2 days, one of the NL seeds had a tiny tap root and the rest where very swollen so I moved them into tiny pots.
After about 2 days under soil they all seemed to sprout on the same day and went under 100W of mixed spectrum CFL's which I borrowed from my Royal Python. I will be employing the 18/6 light schedule for veg as 24 hour light just doesn't seem natural and also I image the stress of going 24/0 to 12/12 is more than 18/6 to 12/12.
I kept them under the CFL's for one week, using just plain water when required. I also foliar fed with 0.5% nutrient solution every day at "sunrise"
After one week of CFL's they were all doing fantastic and pretty much all the same height and stature. At this point I changed to 400w MH and kept it about two and a half feet away, I moved this down about 4" at a time every two days.
My temperatures are roughly around 74-78 and at their highest hit 81, the humidity is now at about 40% but I had that a lot higher in the first week to aid sprouting.
As they are entering their 3rd week of life I transplanted them from their baby houses to the big buckets I have. Transplanting went well, just a slight squeeze and all the soil and root mass came out, everything clean and the roots bright white.
Hopefully within a couple of weeks I should notice significant growth and be able to fix my screen into the tent.

  • Though advertised as 4 plant SCROG I germinated 4 seeds kind of expecting one to fail, then I would still have 3, but so far all four are looking fine.
  • Two of my NL's lowest leaves have the slightest signs of nute burn, this is either due to me being over generous on foliar feeding or from what I have read the bottom leaves frequently start to die off in most cases.
  • All my tap water is kept out for at least 24 hours to allow all the shit to evaporate.
  • My sunrise is at 7pm
  • I almost jizzed myself at how light and fluffy the Plagron soil was.
  • There are sadly no photos of anything I have written, however I have a big daddy camera and as of tonight I will be regularly posting images of my clan.(about 11pm tonight)
  • Most of my major updates will be done from about 10:30pm onwards due to my fiancés mouth!
  • I'm hoping for about 6-8 ounces dry, less than 4 will be horrific, more than 10 and I'm starting a cult.
I hope all of this makes sense to you guys, I really hope lots of you fellows follow this, I've ready so many journals that cut off midway through or people don't post their weights at the end...fuck you douchebags
Back later with some photos, please feel free to ask questions and criticise my methods, I'm all about knowledge.
However please bear in mind, I've all ready started SCROG from seed so there isn't much point in telling me it's not advisable, other than that do you worst.

Kindest Regards,



Active Member
Blueberry is going to absolutely kill Northern lights in the yield category in a scrog grow. But some NL's pheno's can produce harder stronger buds than Blueberry. been there done this....

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey bitchilly your journal caught my eye. That looks like the heritage of the seeds I'm waiting for...Mental Floss. The male is a DJ Short BB but the female is supposedly a secret. It's highly speculated that NL is the female.

I like your style and since I'm currently not watching anyone's grow I'll keep an eye on yours. I don't know where everyone is, prolly the time of year, but throw up some pics and maybe that will get some of these lazy stoner arses up :)

No experience with NL, but you'll love the BB. Its been a staple in my garden for a few years now. And to scrog your girls is a great idea!! That's where your highest yield is going to be. I'm doing a lot of scrogging this time around as well.

I know that there is not a lot to report on at this stage of the game, but I hope you continue with your journal. I'll start one I think with my new seeds. Little burnt out on journals...I had a nice one this past winter (over 60 pages), but my good buddy subcool deleted it, the prick :evil: . Guess I didn't kiss his ass enough .

Good luck brother. Or baby


Blueberry is going to absolutely kill Northern lights in the yield category
Ha, well phrased.

Not bene onlinbe for a while which is shit, nothing much to speak of so far, they are all in veg coming up to 3 weeks from when they sprouted.

All my NL are short and stocky.

My BB is shooting off, I've recently topped it to give the NL a chance to get to the same height.

Should be due a watering tomorrow.

Here are some pics over the last 2 weeks.


Nice I'm doing a 1 plant scrog with blueberry in a cabinet grow I started I just put my clone in about a week ago
Keep updating!!!