Search results

  1. FaCultGen

    Conformation Of Membership

    I just wanted to make sure that all is good as far as me being a member... got that e mail and took me to a link but the process seemed kind of glitchy. So Rollitup just please check for me if you have the time, I have been a member for years (even a paying member at one point) and would hope...
  2. FaCultGen

    Need Help On Vegi Garden Fencing

    Hello, Cult here and would first like to say "WOW" this site has totaly changed since the last time i was on, it looks perrty. lol so anyway, i'm putting in a vegitible garden and i need advise on what kind of fence to put around it. i have rabits, voles, moles, deer and cyoties in my area...
  3. FaCultGen

    soil less medium (like cana coco)

    i was thinking of doing a soil less grow, and was looking into canacoco from cana nutrients, they make it sound so easy... anyone done this or similar... opinions? :peace: -Cult
  4. FaCultGen

    lookin for a commune

    I hate the world i live in, i want to escape. looking for a place that doesn't cost any money to join, where i can work for room and board, where i can smoke my weed and drink aaallll my wine lol(led zepplin). i love to garden and so on, want to be able to be free. if anyone knows of...
  5. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    so theres this scetchy chick outside with a t shirt and shorts on (it's about 20 degrees here)... she pretty fat and african american, i went out for a smoke and she was just standing there outside my balcony (i'm on the 3rd floor, she was on the ground)... i nodded at her just to kinda say hi...
  6. FaCultGen

    Slow RIU?

    is it just me or is RIU being really slow taday? i mean my connection says it's fine...
  7. FaCultGen

    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    i need some advice...maybe you guys can help... so i just found out today that my gf of 3 years has been lying to me about going to hang with her bitchy ass sister, and in stead is going to this dudes house and messing around with a guy that lives there...we've been having some issues lately...
  8. FaCultGen

    It's a blizzard in this bitch...

    man it's snowing like crazy outside right now... anyone els get alot of snow this year... it's like it's never going to end... we've gotten like 60-70 inch's this winter...record breaking shit...
  9. FaCultGen

    Is Being Elite Really That Great?

    Now I know that it's supporting the site and i am down for that but still... i don't know how to do all the stuff with my profile and all that jazz... so the profile it worse... i don't even get a title... pluss the private elite forums are all dead all the there really an advantage...
  10. FaCultGen

    all the drugs you've done ever?

    well i was board and looking through the forums when i came across this thread: and after posting i thought to myself: "what all have i done?" and i also wonder what other people have done? so here is a list...
  11. FaCultGen

    You Guys Like Hash?

    with all the leaves from my last harvest i ground them all up and sifted them on my kif screen. does anyone els do this or is this a little to old school for ya? and here is the hash i pressed with a pollen press after i was done sifting(i got exactly a half oz (14g's):
  12. FaCultGen

    How Many Stoners Are There?

    i was just wondering if there were any figures on how many people in the world smoke pot? or how about how many in the US? Europe? lol just thought someone would have a rough estimate or mebey some government statistics.:joint:
  13. FaCultGen

    Your Favorite Meal

    SO lol If you were just about to be killed what would the one meal you would eat before if given a chois of everything in the world? mine would be a jiant turky dinner with cheezy potatoes and corn and mashed potatoes with tones of gravy and green been casarole and stuffing and a shit load of...
  14. FaCultGen

    The Greatest Marijuana Horticulture Book?

    I have a little collection of about 10-15 marijuana horticulture books and i have found that "Indoor Marijuana Horticulture" is my favorite and the most usefull... i was wondering which book you guys think is the best?.. -Cult
  15. FaCultGen


    so whay the fuck are vaporizers so fucking expencive, i've smoke out of a couple in the past and they never even got me high...i don't get does anyone know why they are so expencive? whats all the hype? what are you guys's experiences with them? it's a simple concept so why the fuck...
  16. FaCultGen

    I need to get rid of smell

    ok so i have 3 female white russian plants that i just started flowering, they have always made my apt stink since they were about a month old but now i have reasons to make the smell go away (don't feel like explaining all the reasons), but i need advice on how to get rid of the smell. money...
  17. FaCultGen

    F%$# Me...i suck at cloning...HELP!

    ok i'm posting this in the noob forum because i feel like a big noob panzy...not that noobs are panzies but i feel like a noob and a panzy. ok so i took some clones for the second time with 0% success the first time, i thought i did everything right, i used the bottom set of branches, cut...
  18. FaCultGen

    use 3% h2o2 and enzymes?

    i was just wondering if anyone has ever used the 3% h2o2 and an enzyme like hygrozyme or hydrogaurd? i just got some of each, havn't used the h2o2 yet, just wanted to know if it could work. but most likely in my mind the h2o2 would problebly kill the enzyme, but mebey not at lower levels as...
  19. FaCultGen

    Cup Winners

    i don't know mebey like a small section of the faq that has like a list of all the cup winning strains from all teh different cups and contests involving weed like: high times canibis cup, dutch highlife cup and what ever other contest there are. just a thought... -cult
  20. FaCultGen

    Your Dream Nutrient Regamin

    OK so i'm board and have been reeding alot about different kinds of additives and nutrients. I got to thinking: If I had a bazillian dollars/euros or whatever, what kind of nutrients and additives would i use for a hydroponic system? I was looking at the Advanced Nutrients website and i saw...