Search results

  1. odbsmydog

    210 beans trainwreck 2.0

    I'm looking for any and all legit trainwreck genetics and crosses to help me with my next year's breeding project goal of creating a stable, high yeilding and sturdy outdoor trainwreck/hashplant/jack herer/gooey/romulan cross (basically all the childhood favs from growing up in...
  2. odbsmydog

    The breeding grounds or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2021

    The first follow-up to my smash outdoor gardening forum hit ( ) after a 12 year hiatus... Was out of commission and not growing the last ten+ years as my mother lost the house I used to grow...
  3. odbsmydog

    Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2011! White Picket Fence Garden!

    What's up everybody, how was your winter?! Just now getting my garden started, been taking an organic/sustainable gardening class at my local community college and got a whole shitload of free organic veggie starts! My mom (who owns the house I garden at) doesn't want me blowing it up last...
  4. odbsmydog

    Vegan Peanut Butter, Banana and Honey Sugar Cookies!!! (cheap and easy recipe)

    :leaf:Ultra Chronic Vegan Cookies :leaf: (I'm not vegan, just have tons of friends who are and I enjoy eating that way when I can) Now usually I make all my pot food from scratch, this is just an easy cheater way to homemade cookies. so what you need for Ultra Chronic Vegan Cookies is...
  5. odbsmydog

    Czech Pinpoint LSD

    Ate 2 blotters (skull & crossbones) yesterday at 2pm and tripped until about 12 at night, and was high and awake till 4 am and fell asleep still tripping. some of the cleanest L I've ever had, got me just as high as when I ate 6 hits (3 paper, 3 liquid) at harmony festival a couple years back...
  6. odbsmydog

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    So I've been meaning to start this thread ever since I planted on the first of this month. for some reason I'm just now getting to it. I thought I had pics of my plants when I first put them in the ground but I guess I just have a pic of the empty garden and the plants in pots about to go in. so...
  7. odbsmydog

    precipitated bonemeal/ dicalcium phosphate

    I got a giant free bag of 0-18-0-23% calcium bonemeal and i was wondering if anyone knew any application rates for using it to flower? i cant find any good info online and I dont wanna buy anything else cause im broke as fuck. anyone out there use this stuff? Thanks a lot guys and much love.
  8. odbsmydog

    anyone heard of these new strains?purple snow, purple tragic, per-ponic, orangebud2

    My buddy I grow with that works at the club gave me a bunch of clones that i have never heard of and cant find any info on, they are purple snow, purple tragic(purple, trainwreck and magic i was told, never heard of magic), orange bud2, per-ponic. they also had shit called xxx and simper fi...
  9. odbsmydog

    Bubba Kush clone revegging question

    So I was just given 2 "clones" of bubba kush, but when i took them home and looked at them closely it looks like it was a little plant that was already flowered and they just revegged it, theres a lot of new shoots on it though. so my question is, since it's already vegging again should i just...
  10. odbsmydog

    Mandala Seeds Satori/ Speed Queen/ Hasberry

    does anyone recomend these strains? I've never bought seeds before, just traded and shared with other growers, but it seems like everyone is growing the same shit around me.(purple kush, romulan, trainwreck, etc) and i want something new and different that no one around here would have. i love...
  11. odbsmydog

    my dog decided to try and garden for me

    So I get home and walk outside to check on my outdoor crop and i see one of my plants in the middle of the yard ripped up and out of the pot. i was flabergasted. the dog carried the plant like 100 feet before tearing it out of the pot and destroying it. but before i had a chance to get mad i...
  12. odbsmydog

    How do I get chloramine out of my water?

    So i know i can bubble chlorine out of water and all but my town uses chloramine and that doesnt get it out. anyone else have this problem and know how to deal with it? im sick of buying 5 gals of water at a time to make compost tea. any help?