Recent content by ZeOdekoza

  1. ZeOdekoza

    cheap fan speed controllers UK

    well like i said i dont know european works so im not sure. but i have had fans that buzz when turned down by a dimmer switch. im not saying its cool but it proly is.
  2. ZeOdekoza

    cheap fan speed controllers UK

    is it the fan or the controler that is humming?
  3. ZeOdekoza

    Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

    when bush was governor of TX he even said that if he ever made it to office he was going to finish what his daddy started.
  4. ZeOdekoza

    cheap fan speed controllers UK

    not sure sry dont know the way a non US hooks up:bigjoint:
  5. ZeOdekoza

    cheap fan speed controllers UK

    nothing but a screwdriver, wire strippers hook up the fan to the + , _ of the dimmer switch then do the same for the wires going to power supply thats the basic Here is a very crud drawing lol but basicly thats how its done.
  6. ZeOdekoza

    Christmas in November

    damn if it got that cold here i would probly move to a warmer location lol i hate the cold i was born and bread in the south where its nice and warm all year long the coldest im used to is putting on a light jacket. not a suit so u dont freeze your balls off in like 2 mins lol
  7. ZeOdekoza

    cheap fan speed controllers UK

    try these guys they make custom thermal controlers DegreeC - Thermal Fan & Blower Controls - PRONTOflow
  8. ZeOdekoza

    Christmas in November

    thats cool we only got about what you see in the pic it stoped shortly after i took the pic ok now it can get warm again i saw the first snow lol
  9. ZeOdekoza

    Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

    Why is it that everyone is trying to save everybody else children? People need to worry about their own children before we start worrying about the rest of the world. That doesn't go for just the US it goes for the entire world. Worry about your own children and your own people suffering in...
  10. ZeOdekoza

    Christmas in November

    Hey check this shit out. Snow in Nov. Lets see them pics of snow if you got them. Come on ppl lets see them. Open up your fron door and take some pics of the snow.
  11. ZeOdekoza

    Need help First DWC

    check this shit out anyone got some Christmas trees yet lol its foocking cold here
  12. ZeOdekoza

    $45-$60 a gram?

    check this shit out anyone got the Christmas trees yet damn its cold here
  13. ZeOdekoza

    Need help First DWC

    Yea no doubt lol good thing they make carbon scrubbers
  14. ZeOdekoza

    $45-$60 a gram?

    round here its all the same not to good but its not bad either
  15. ZeOdekoza

    Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

    lol i think my 9 year old spells girl like that.