cheap fan speed controllers UK


New Member
anyone know where i can get one, asked one of the grow shops in my area and he said he didn't stock because they are really expensive and he just uses one from B & Q but went there and they didn't have any, anyone else know any big chainstores that would have these found one on the internet at but the cheaper one is blatantly a standard store bought one marked up like their clip on fans.


Active Member
anyone know where i can get one, asked one of the grow shops in my area and he said he didn't stock because they are really expensive and he just uses one from B & Q but went there and they didn't have any, anyone else know any big chainstores that would have these found one on the internet at but the cheaper one is blatantly a standard store bought one marked up like their clip on fans.
try these guys they make custom thermal controlers
DegreeC - Thermal Fan & Blower Controls - PRONTOflow


New Member
thanks man, but just went down to my hydro shop and the guy said i could just buy a dimmer switch and hook that up so might give that a go.


Well-Known Member
can't you just hook a dimmer switch inline with the power of the fan.. and control the speed that way?


New Member
yeah thats what the guy hydro shop was saying i think, i'm capable but i don't really know much about that sort of stuff, what would i need to do that?


Active Member
yeah thats what the guy hydro shop was saying i think, i'm capable but i don't really know much about that sort of stuff, what would i need to do that?
nothing but a screwdriver, wire strippers
hook up the fan to the + , _ of the dimmer switch then do the same for the wires going to power supply thats the basic Here is a very crud drawing lol but basicly thats how its done.



New Member
thanks just got one but mines a bit different different, cause i'm from england it'll be different it says c where it says to put live in then l1 to the light and neutral straight into the light, anyone know what to do with the other live cable, there is another bit that says l2 but i think thats for connected more than one light:confused:


New Member
i've completely forgotten all this stuff since school but am i right in thinking i plug one live into the the dimmer have a cable coming from that into the fan, another live straight into the fan and the neurtral straight into the fan?


Well-Known Member
the power should have 2 wires, the dimmer should have 2 wires and the fan should have 2 wires. at least a red and black, or + and - .. hook those up exactly as you would speakers or anything else.


New Member
its only got 3 holes to put wire in though, would it mess it up if i just did trial and error or would it just not work


New Member
ok so it is humming a bit, works on full then turn it down a little bit and it still works but past that it starts humming loader and stop almost completely, it not very gradual, any help?

noticed both the dimmer and the fan hum


New Member
just noticed it say 40 - 250 watts on the dimmer and think my fan is like 35 or something could that be the problem??


New Member
ok just been looking at some fan controllers on the internet on progrow they have a few, but only one of them says its a quiet one, this is what is says "A variable speed control with no interference giving very quiet fan speed control without the buzzing noise associated with normal fan speed control units. This speed controller has 5 different speed setting." anyone with a cheaper fan control notice this buzz or anyone with a dimmer notice this buzz do you think its a big deal?


New Member
when the dimmer is on full only the dimmer buzzes as you turn it down it gets louder, once it gets to a certain point the fan slows down almost completely and start buzzing louder than the dimmer, but the dimmer starts buzzing loader as well. I guess it works just, not like i had hoped.


Active Member
well like i said i dont know european works so im not sure. but i have had fans that buzz when turned down by a dimmer switch. im not saying its cool but it proly is.


New Member
alright its probably fine then, i don't really know much about this and just thought it sounded a bit dodgy, but guess it works and if thats normal then its probably fine.
