Recent content by sknkman818

  1. sknkman818

    Should I kill this plant now and save my time? +++++ PICS ++++++

    My basic rule is like that of hypothermia victims, they aren't dead until they have absolutely no green left.
  2. sknkman818

    How to survive prison? So yeah, super size me guy goes to jail for 30 days
  3. sknkman818

    Stealth Drying?!? Suggestions?

    Why isn't anyone bringing up Active Carbon?
  4. sknkman818

    first problem i can't seem to shake

    I'm using sun light as the majority, but being behind a window, even with it open, in hot days it gets over 90 degrees. So heat stress makes seance. The little guy lost the two bottom setts of leaves. Something that none of the others have done. It might be that when it fell in an accident a...
  5. sknkman818

    first problem i can't seem to shake

    My plants are growing well enough accept all the leaves are like this in the picture. I don't quite understand what is going on. Can somebody help?:confused:
  6. sknkman818

    Male Plants! General questions

    I just want to bring up the point that you can have a male and female and pollinate which buds you want. You grow the male full term and have it in a separate location with newspaper under it to catch the falling pollen. You then store this pollen in some container and i hear you keep it like...
  7. sknkman818

    first problem i can't seem to shake

    Like a car in a front end collision, these leaves just will not.... fan out. First i thought i gave to much zinc and blocked the iron so I flushed them. Leaves still in that condition i thought i might have over watered and let them dry. When that didn't help, i then started watering, and...