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  • hey man. i made that post about the yellow transformers, and then didnt check up on it for afew days.
    i was reading what you were saying about it being a possible accidental candy flip. ivenever done acid before. so idk. get back to me, i wanan talk to you more about this!!!! that night was fucking insane, and if it was acid, im totaly down to do it agian, were as before, i was not so sure about dropping it. (taking acid for my first time i mean)
    you can send a private message just clickon the arrow in the upper leftcorner. the lighting depends on #1 the space u have and #2 the strain ur growing. i usually start 24hr light then after they get how big i want i and depents on strain i switch to 12/12. if ur growing in a small space use an indica for sure. the nutes again depent o the strain, pH, ppm, and flushing. i used the technaflora nute line, it was ok but i suggest going all organic. depending on what soil you used some times you mayt not have to use nutes for a while. and if your plants look sick DO NOT add more nutes because that may make things worse, try checking the pH of the water you give and the run off.
    Hey man, this site doesn't seem to have PMs like the other forums I use...so I guess I'll just write it here.

    I've got quite a few questions, but I'm sure I'll have more as this grow progresses. First off, I am just growing seeds from some bagweed that I've had in the past and seeing what I can get going. So far, I've got 4 germinated seeds in solo cups in my grow box with 6 26W CFLs. It's pretty fucking bright in there, so hopefully these will do fine until I get some 46W bulbs. Anyway, what lighting schedule did you use for your grow to start the seedlings? I've read 18/6, but I've also heard some people just jump straight to 12/12.

    Next, what nutrients did you use, and when exactly did you start them? I've been planning to start them about 2 weeks after my seedlings pop up...but I'm not sure. I've seen mention of nitrogren, sulfur, and a few others. This is new ground for me, as I've never grown a plant at all. I have no gardening experience.

    If I can think of any other questions, I'll definitely hit you up.
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