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  • Hello again mate, another stupid question sorry, im getting my water ph'd to 5.8 but when i ph test the coco soil is about 3.8 is that ok? or how do i raise it?
    cheers mate done a bit of reserch this afternoon and see that its normally like that, ive been getting it down to 6.2 but ive only wattered the jiffy pellets did the seeds for 24hours and they've been in the heated Propagator since last night had a bit of a deley in starting no steems has poped yet though. allso only just realised i havnt got an ec meter can i get away with that? or is it best to get one?
    Hello again mate, All is going good so far but my tap water is p.h'ing at 7.8 is that right? i thought it was ment to be lower am having to use the ph down quite a bit.
    Hi again mate, got all my bits and am ready to start tomorrow the only thing is i couldnt get the lowryder 2's so got Big Buddhas super Automatic autoflowering fems do you know anything about these? would you grow them the same? many thanks for your time in helping me. Smokie
    thanks alot mate ill let you know how i get on, one more simple questions but did you add 3ML of each canna a+b i.e 6ML?
    cheers ed thats spot on thats answered pretty much every thing i had questions for and saved me hours of trawling the net. I dont have any lower lights than the 600w can i still start with that just keep it well away form them? or would you go for buying lower ones? i am on a bit of a budget though. cheers again for your help mate
    Hello mate, Thanks for the reply just tryed again with pm but no luck says i have not got permission. I was going to follow your grow pretty much as you have logged it as its the best guide ive seen on here by a long shot but im a complete newbie so could do with picking your brain on a few bits if thats ok? First off on your nutes did you add every time you water'ed? or did you do one with them then one without ( just water) e.t.c?. Would you sugest sticking with canna as you did? or would you change anything? ive read quite abit on the net that less nutes is better with lowryder auto but see that some people used bloom and boast-pk 13/14. The next thing is ive got a 600w light for all the way though as im on a budget would this make any difference as i see you used a 450w? and finaly how long should i leave it for start before i stick them under the light? And would you go with 18/6 20/4 or 24 hour light? sorry i know this is a lot of questions and appreciate your time. Thanks again
    Hi, followed your lowryder #2 journal was top notch, i was thinking about doing the same and wondered if i could pick your brains? as im pretty much a newbie but i cant seem to private message you on here.
    Heya ive been struggling to get a good dealer since i moved to a new city. I mailed forth and back with BB admin and he told me to get a member to contact him referring me to the site.

    Can you please help me out on this one?: ) my mail is [email protected]

    would be highly appreciated!
    hey ed hows it going bro? well i read true all your journals now, and had a quastion for you, p.s i order some formulex thats a good tip got it becous of your thred, plus rep. i learned really alot from your journals, thanks alot!!! and i must say you produced some niceee plants!!!

    well the quastion i have for you is, you know when you was on the second week from seed you was adding 5.0ml of formulex, thats what stage i am on now in the second weeks i started formulext yesterday at 2.5 ml per leter, and next day they seem really good i can alredy see the diference i think lol, but what the quastions was is about how many times in the 2cnd week did you water them and if it was more then 2 times in that week did you add the fomulex every time you waterd them or was that formulex only for one week and then the next week the other does? thanks
    did you grow that diesel ryder just in canna coco and using canna coco nutes ????? awesome job dude
    conincidence....i only got home sat night from my best m8s birthday, left on thursday afternoon! good times.

    Today the kish arrived...14g.

    The kish is far better than the island honey. Wow i dont think i could grow anything really to this quality! i am seriously impressed! Am smoking it now and personally i am very very happy and have no complaints about their service apart from a few lag times within the whole ordering and delivery service. weighed up this mornign when i opened it at 14.2g. the smell is seriously potent and it tastes exactly as it smells, which is of a rich berry arom. dont need so much in a j.

    let me know when your diesel ryders are done...i would love to see the final pictures all together of all your plants if you could d that somewher eon your profile?

    Cheers m8.im off for a few more joints and some playstation!

    drp me your private email if you can too as the inbox on this site gets full real easy if you dont mind?
    Hi there, was reading your journal entry and was reading you use canna coco natural....would canna coco professional be alright to use?? Am a first time grower. Sorry for being a pest.
    tried dropping you an inbox m8 but your all full up...will try again soon

    Hope your all good!
    Perfect, send me what you can... that you have done.
    I have a job for you, If your willing to work the hours.
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