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  • mr. west,
    sorry about not following up, just learning how to use the site. here is my ?. indoor to outdoor and back to indoor
    I had to move my girls outside because my partner had not finished harvest, and they were outgrowing my room. I did this on the 25 of Feb., hop
    ing that they would get a head start on flowering. I live in northern calif., where the coldest part of the winter has already past, but nighttime temps. dip into the high 30's. The girls have not shown any negative effects from the temps, they have just pretty much just stopped growing, as i expected. Their sisters that remained indoors have started flowering as normal. my question is, when i stick the girls back under lights on a 12/12 light cycle, will they flower out in a normal fashion in 8-9 weeks? Or will the 2 weeks they spent outside count count against their flower time? Thanks
    I used just cheap soil in my last grow, I'll shortly be using Maxsea on Foxfarm Ocean Forest, but not till my plants depleat the soil a bit. Maxsea is my favorite fert, simple yet effective.
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