Blueberry x Pineapple Express first grow 400w

Whats up all. So I figured I would wait til it got interesting before I posted a journal. I have been posting a bit, but I have been finding fuck tons of info on how to grow on this sight. I have found all question not related directly to my plants is here to be found. So other new growers do a search before you start a thread about sexing nutes ect ect.. So anyway I figured this would be a good place to do a grow journal. Heres a little back ground.

I have a lot of knowledge about cannabis strains, medical values, tastes, curing, making hash, ect. Although I have a decent amount of grow knowledge from helping friends and my time on the west coast. This is my first solo grow. Its a totally legal grow, well state wise. Like I said I have studied studied and studied, but I would really appreciate the advice of veteran growers. So here are the details.

The strain is a blueberry pineapple express cross. Its straight from Norcal. I dont want to go into anymore detail about that, but its legit. They were started in a window and then under a basic cfl. on 19/5 light cycle
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I germinated 13 and 13 came up. The soil was potting soil mixed with some outdoor soil, all black dirt by me. 78 day temp 68 night. The only event during this was two had mites. I used sns 217 and put the bag back ove the two that showed signs. Nothing since. Knock on wood.

The 4/20 upgrade. 400watt mh moved to a new room all to themselves. I did this on 4-20!! They were put in #3 smart pots ff ocean forrest straight up no perlite added(didnt research that till after). Only the best 8. the rest I put in clay pots as back ups, and I would use them as testers.

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No nutes for the first week. Then I started a with 1 tsp of grow big.

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By this time they are also reviving big bloom. I didnt realize what it was a first so I didnt buy it. Plus the soil has more than enough nutes. I know less is more, but this stuff seems good. no real chance of od.
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The temp has been 83 high day and 68 low night. Pretty much consistent to this day. In the beginning, of the 400w, I had a few high temps of 88 and a few signs of light burn. but I raised the lights and they have had no problems light/heat problems since. I control the humidity with a dehumidifier so its always good. In this time I noticed my girls were showing signs of something not being right. The ph was fine 6.5-6.7. I had added dole lime to the soil although I am sure it had not done anything yet. I top my soil with 3 tsp and h2o mixed it in. After some research I found clawing to be the problem. They were dark green also so I figure Nit overdose. Perfect time if any for the flush was on anyway. So I am not following the ff chart anymore which I had been to the tee. I flushed and gave them 3 h2o before giving anymore nutes. My cycle will be wwnwwn at the most from now on.

The switch. Light switch to 12/12 on 5/7. I left the mh in for a week. Jorge C's advice. bongsmilie No dark just switched. They didnt give two shits.
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Yea I started a thread cause I thought I was herming out. But its just a growth behind the cylax on the lower elbow no sex parts at all(see last pic). Thanks for the advice on that peeps you were right.

flow pics 5-14 006.jpgflow pics 5-14 012.jpg5-14 my little girls are ladies!! 5 for 6 are keepers. The other one I wasnt sure so I threw the bastard out!!

Kidding it was a male. I laugh my balls off every time someone does that.

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And here they are today. Growing 3 or more inches a day like a pubescent teenager.

I am sure I left some important details out so ask anything you want to know. I plan to use only one more nute/add. And thats some kind of sugar. I am thinking either blackstrap or Honey ES. I dont want to add any flavor, just bring out the goodness that is already there. Like I said any and all constructive criticism is appreciated. I love the process so much, I just wish it wasnt costing me my bud money to do it. But I know the pay off should be grand!!


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a lot of change in 3 days!!!

So I am getting close to the 1' mark from my light 400hps. Its still under 85 that close and not hot to my hand after a min. But they can stop streching anytime now. Any ideas to help with that? Only two have gotten that tall.
the first sign of crystals. I knew she was special, she was my 1st. So I call her #1. Hella original, I know. 5-27 011.jpg

She is the only bushy one. All of the other girls grow straight up like this5-27 010.jpg

I am starting to feel like all I am doing is putting my grow out here for the feds to see. :finger:

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
I'm all in. What nutes are you using? And as far as the Feds I'm sure they have bigger fish to catch. You are the least of there worries. Lol
Yea just messing about the feds. Just felt like I was talking to myself. lol I am using the fox farm line. Grow big and big bloom for veg and now tiger bloom and grow big. Lastly blackstrap molasses every third watering. I waterw/molasses water feed water feed repeat. Thats all I will use. I dont want to over do it.
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They are all coming along nicely but this one is such a such a horny girl.

I had a heat problem a couple days ago, it got up to 88f above the tops after a moved the room around. Only for about two hours, they didnt seem to mind. But since it has been about 80 for a high, 77 or so in the room.

5-30 004.jpg The other girls.
They are coming along very nice. The first one is very different than her sisters. She is so pa express dominant. Where the others seem to lean toward the blueberry. She is the first one.
5-3 032.jpgdabber moment the first one is the same as the third. The PA chick is much light out of the hps.6-4 034.jpg

These are the tops of a couple of the more bb ones

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My tops as of this morning.
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Okay so I have a question about knowing its time to finish. Now I know what I am looking for to take them down. All milky no amber tri's yet. But I want to start my flush before that by a week or two. So whats rule of knowing when to start that? The strain I am working with has no indoor growing info. Their parents dj blueberry 50-60 and pineapple express(the true cut not at the seed co.'s knockoff) 44-54 flow time. My assumption would be to assume that I would find a medium of like 47-57 and flush before that. Or is there a way to just tell the plants are getting ready?