new. journal

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
so basically. what the fuck is wrong with these. i got them under the window screen cuz someone said the 600watt hps was too much for them, even at the good 30-36 inches away the light is. the one ugly green one is like 3 weeks old. the young dark green one is about a week old. why is the grow so slow??

trichlone fiend

New Member
...your seedlings look too yellow....maybe overwatering, bad ph, or soil too strong. What type of soil are you using?

EDIT: I see you donot have any drainage holes in your party cup there, what about the other pot, does it have any drainage holes? ...this makes me think your overwatering.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
there is drainage on the bottom of all pots/cup. im watering about every 3 days/when the pots feel light and dry. im using scotts soil that has nutrients in it. im using tap water that i let sit out for atleast 24 hrs.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...scotts soil, maybe too hot (strong in nitrogen) for seedlings. Are those time released fertilizers like Miracle Grow? ...or is Scotts all organic? you have a link to that soil?

trichlone fiend

New Member
Scotts is miracle grow bro....toss it, you'll have more problems than you'll ever be able to figure out. MG has time released fertilizers that are released by waterings, the more you water...the more is released...garbage soil to start with, and this is more than likely your problem. Go to a hydro store, get some Fox Farm's Ocean Forest, it's really good shit....Roots organic has been getting alot of attention lately also, however, I can only speak on FFOF, I love the's pure organic, and if you want superior results, I'd suggest you stay organic while using it. I like to fertilize FFOF with organic teas.


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you aren't watering them heavy enough. That'll starve them, if there aren't enough damn roots to sustain the plant. When you water, you MUST wet the entire medium. If that's not the case, it's likely that the PH of your water is waaaaay off. My money is on 'underwatering', not allowing the roots to spread, keeping the plants small.


Well-Known Member
environment seems great. its all the soil, trich is right.

you got more genetics to start over?


Well-Known Member
get rid of that screen and get new soil, make sure you mix in some perlite. any soil that does not have time release ferts will be better. the specific suggestions above are great. good luck. post specific questions, they usually get more specific answers.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
im going to get some soil at the hydro store long til i should be needing to start feeding? so the screen is useless? someone told me it was the light being too strong and a screen would help. ill remove, thanks a lot guys, really. Tgibbs


Well-Known Member
i would suggest a synthetic soil. pro mix and perlite. that way you cant burn the seedlings. its simply fake soil and perlite ( 50/50 ish). you will have total control of what goes in the soil this way.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...from seed, you should plant into a small container, a little heating pad always helps, along with a humid environment...maybe consider getting a seedling heating pad, a humidity dome w/ tray...put your seeds in some quailty soil, like Fox Farm's Ocean Forest...moisten the soil, plant the seed and turn the seedling heating pad on...plant the seed about 1/4" deep...keep in the dark with the humidity dome on until you see the sprout pop.....once you see growth above the surface of your soil put the whole setup under some fluorescent lights.....keep them moist, not too about 1 week after growth transplant into your party cups with more FFOF....let them grow for about 2 weeks in your party cup, then transplant into your final pot, the bigger the better.....after which all is done, you'll start fertilizing 3-4 weeks after your final pots transplant. You can follow up with something pure organic, an organic tea is what I prefer....but, Fox Farm has what they call the "Trio"'s 3 bottles, not pure organic but it works great....just ask the hydro store about's really popular. see that little star below my avatar? ...that's call Rep, give it up. :)

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
will do, but it says i gave too much rep and have to wait 24 hrs. i like what youre getting at trichlone. so im gonna get that foxfarm if possible or something similar to it at the hydro store.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
im about to germinate some new seeds. ive got 6 going now. i think 3 are salvageable. so ill start up some more using only the new soil


Active Member
Agree w/ rzza, iriele & trich, go back to square 1, use a neutral soil or soil-less mix and quality nutes from GH, Technaflora, Humboldt, etc. at about 1/4 strength. If you go with FFOF (I personally like it) make sure you add a little calcium or wait until they have a few more leaves and foliar feed with a calcium/magnesium supplement like CalMag or MagiCal at 1/4 to 1/2 strength. A 600W light is a bit much for seedlings, try to get them at least a couple of feet from the light (looks like you have) & get rid of the screen. I don't usually feed my seedlings until they have at least 2-3 sets of leaves, just pH'd water before that but if you go with the FFOF it has nutrients in it so don't add any yet.