First Grow w/ Unknown seeds


Active Member
Maybe you all can help me out. I've looked through the site and found a thread by a guy named Breakback or Breakneck or something(sorry:-?) and got inspired to make my own little grow room.

My first actual time I used an incandescent shop light and didnt know a damn thing but it did grow... Till I came home to a stub and a note attached. lol, many years later and in my own house, I've created these. 10days old.

Dunno what they really are since I just keep all the seeds I find. Could be 3 different seeds, who knows.
The runt of the pack had a more red light on it since I potted them so I'm guessing thats what is causing the slow growth(the heat also). Its always around 85-95 degrees in there and for the first 10 days I've only had the 2 lights. Since then I've added 1 stronger fan(80cfm compared to the 24cfm fans) in the exhaust and 2 more lights. Well see how that goes.

Any tips are welcome.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. Nice box. Whats the rest of the plan?? You know 2 1/2' s not going to be enough height to flower those plants and you did such a nice job on constructing it, I want to see the rest. VV


Active Member
I thought 12" was the minimum to start flowering? If it ends up not being enough I can add another tote in the middle.

As for the rest my plan, I was just going to get four 2000 lumen bulbs for flowering. You think thats enough? I don't have the money for anything real serious like an HPS/MH.


Well-Known Member
It is but they will double or triple in size during flowering. By the time you take off 6" for the pots and 6" for the light, your kinda gettin tight. See what I mean. VV


Active Member
That'd be nice but I just don't have the space or money for a nice light. Well see what they grow like but another layer sounds nice.

Got any tips for hanging the light? Right now its duct taped and zip tied to a poll going from side to side. I want something a little more sturdy but I want to keep the stealth effect.

Thanks for the tips so far! Heres another shot from day 12.


Active Member
Little bump for me.

What is a good lumen output to aim for with CFL's for flowering? I know you would want a red spectrum and allot more lumen's than in veg, but how much more?

14days(Second set of 5 leaves):

This last one is the runt. Seems to be as healthy as the others but its just growing really slow. Dunno if it a problem with the light or if its a different strain.


Active Member
Day 18

Not too good... I'm not sure if its a nitrogen or a magnesium deficiency or maybe even over watering??

I've gone ahead and put together a fish emulsion & Epsom salt mix to use at every watering. Hopefully it will knock it out and let the new life grow healthy. If you know better than I clue me in I feel like I'm talking to myself here.

The plant was showing some small signs of yellowing so when I topped the plant I also started fertilization with a diluted 20/20/20 mix since the soil was probably used up.


Active Member
Day 24

Thanks to a few people from anther thread and VV, my plants seem to be heading in the right direction. Each has spouted some wild growth from where I cut it but at least their growing.

The yellowing hasn't changed but I think I have everything in order now. The fresh soil is at 7.8ph and the new growth is coming in nice and green. I've also added 2 more lights with the only 2 blue spectrum bulbs(6 total) on the outsides. In a few weeks I'll have 1 more 45w blue bulb and some of my flowering lights. It'll be about 20k lumen/270w red spectrum CF light for flowering. So if everything lives till then I might make something that'll put a :mrgreen: on my face.

BTW my house wreaks!


Active Member
Smell got too bad so now I've realized my stealth grow is no more...

Overkill but it did the trick. Below is what is inside. lol

No pics of the plants since the camera is charging but they are growing so fast everyday they grow into the lighting and burn a few leaves. :(

My future plans will be to make a very unstealthy box and grab some high powered computer fans to keep it cool along with some 200w CFL's maybe. Not too sure there.

Pics soon.


Active Member
Well 31 days now in veg. They seem pretty small compared to some I've seen. What am I doing wrong? Is a reflector that important with a small reflective room? That's all I can think it would be. Theres only 2 light bulbs on each really...

gonna be bringing them to flower soon even if they don't get much bigger. I have about 90 days from now to harvest so I just need to get them done and just get some better equipment when I can afford it.


Well-Known Member
id go with three thousand lumens per plant minamum more only helps if you can sustain the heat they are really thin for being so bushed out so they are probly just hungry.get some damn guano!and give her some foliage tea!


Active Member
Thanks I'll look into that bat shit. Where can I find guano and the tea?

Each plant has almost 4000 lumen's each, all within inches of the tops of the plants. 1 red light and one blue.


Active Member
2nd day into flower. They are small but I'm running out of time and need to finish this up for now.

Was told from another thread that the yellowing is normal... So I flushed it and just let it go. Here a pic 3 days later.

If you got any tips let me know. Not sure if its normal or if theres a zinc or mg deficiency.


Active Member
Update: The yellowing has faded. They were flushed and given Mg to get rid of the yellowing of the top leaves.

11 Days in flowering and only one confirmed female.

Of the 3 plants I started I THINK the other 2 are males but its still too early to tell. The area is so small right now it could just be new growth.

1 out of 3 isnt bad. At least the female wont have to share the light with her useless brothers.


Active Member
Good news / Bad news

Good news, all 3 plants are female!
Bad news, I have about 2 inches left of room in my grow box for the plants to grow. Working on a adjustable shelving system this week and hopefully before the plants grow into the lights.

Pics soon.


Active Member
they fattened up real nice like good luck to ya!
Thanks JESSE!

The leaves could be more full but I'am happy so far. At least they are alive. I'll post up some pictures tonight.

Also, a quick update: 2 of the 3 are females the other was a Hermie! :spew:


Active Member
Running behind on the pix. These were taken at 14 days.

Plants look way worse today. I noticed yesterday the plants were too dry so I water pretty good and noticed some yellowing again. Few hours of light and they all pirked up. They are still very thin but they looked healthy besides the yellow. But tonight I checked in about 15min after the lights turned on and this is what I see...

Not sure what to do. I'm thinking the heat got to them because something fell over the intake hole. The humidity is always around 50% but temps are around 90-100F. Not sure on the yellowing either... I've been just feeding them ph'd water with a little fish emulsion.


Active Member
90 to 100 is real high look at reaching 70s. C02 could help some..
I'm in the process of building a new grow room. Just need to cut a few things and it will be ready. hopefully the temps will go way down but the plants have done pretty well while they were in veg with same/higher temps.

Any thoughts on whats going on? It seems so drastic... the changes from no light to light. I'll get some pictures up when they have soaked up some more light.
I thought C02 raises temps?