DopeWears Outdoor Late Start...


Well-Known Member
hey ele thanks forthe comment good luck to you... aswell. seattle is right below me so i know what havey rainfall is aswell. i play paintball so i have a big camp stroller bag and people know i play paintball around here so they always assume im just going into the woods for some fun so ill throw my 2 30Litre brags into it and ill throw all my plants into a tuberware container... and as for mounties lol lets just say there office is only 1000 meters away lol. but they'll never catch me unless theres a chopper in the sky but i can hear them before i see then so i can retreat to thicker bush till its gone. and ill be planting them on a tree line and they should probly get a good 8 hours of direct sunlight if not more... cheers and good luck


Well-Known Member
no your the man! lol and to protect my plants from slugs and shit i figure cut the top and bottom off a 2L pop bottle and put it around thhe plant...


Well-Known Member
on your pop bottle idea... maybe cut only the bottom and leave the cap end intact. poke large holes in the side, remove the cap and trench the cut end into the ground around the plant, creating a breathable make shift "cage" to keep critters out. might also work as a humidity dome. plant gets tall enough to fend for itself, take it off... but it would never get the breeze to strengthen it....

maybe just ignore this whole comment altogether and do what you do best... kicking ass.


Well-Known Member
thats sort of what i was thinking but thats why id cut the top off to get the breeze in there but thank you for the idea shack, now i just need to stop being lazy get off my xbox and go dig lol


Well-Known Member
Day 20 / May 29 / 2009 - Sprouts

Pics 1-4: heres the area before i cleared it, its all tall grass and shrubbs where my plants with get 10+ hours of direct sunlight :D

Pics 5-6: heres how i got the kidds down there, i was trying to be sneaky...

Pics 7-11: yah put a camo jacket over my white soil bags as i worked. 10-11 were grassy areas a macheted to death so i could spread my pots out...

Pics 12-14: heres what i had to do because i was dumb, i used some original forest soil its like a mix of peat moss and compost it really rich no pine trees so i shouldnt be too acidic, filled them about half way then put black earth bag mix onto sort of mixed it aroun but not to much.

Pics 15: heres the roots system of 1 of the glads it was pretty much the same idea for all of them.

Pics 16-17: here a group photo, yes i know theres only 8 the second half are all purple pine berry where ill have to put those in some dencer forest because if i were to put those out in the field they'd stick out like a black person at a kkk convention(im not a racist)

Pic 18: heres the final 9 purple pine berry that will be going out sometime this weekend when i get more pots. and soil.

this was all done yesterday i went to check on them this morning and they seem to be doing great! I also gave them lots of water and a dose of 5-1-1 fish emulsion...



Well-Known Member
Awesome! So.. you're keeping them in pots out there. Neat. Great work, man. With the site being down, I was wondering how you made out..


Well-Known Member
yah i figured pots would be best then bugs and shit cant get to them so easily... thanks for the comment and yah the site was down forever!


Well-Known Member
the site wasn't down... it was being hacked by big brother! THEY HAVE ALL OUR INFO!!! juuuuust kiddin'
awesome plot!! look forward to seeing them grow tall under that canadian sun. by the way, are those power lines overhead in the first photo? I KNOW WHERE YOUR PLANTS ARE!!! kidding again. +rep for the balls it took start this up!


Well-Known Member
fruck as fuck? please explain, citing specific examples. by the way, i saw a mounty headed your way... KIDDING! sorry man, had someone fuck with my paranoia the other day, and just feel like spreading it around.

Somewhere in Canada....


Well-Known Member
Day 21 / May 30 / 2009 - Sprouts

Pics 1-9: Heres some pics of the kids since theyve been moved outside they are all doing great they get watered about every 2 days 4L of water each plant and every second watering each plant gets 1L of full strength nute solution. They are all doing great theres also a pic at the end that shows the creek i pull my water from and yes 1 pic has a machete blade in it. also pic 2 is of a plant i didnt top but it was topped so im so rattled! theres no trace that anyones been there but i only topped 1 but now theres 2! i dont the the 5-0 would be topping my plants for me...



Well-Known Member
:shocked: my jaw is still dropped. decent response in 5..4..3..2..1! Those look nice man! haha its amazing what natural sunlight does for growth!!
As far as the mystery topping is concerned, you have to keep in mind, those plants are outside... in the WILD man!! There is any number of explanations as to why a plant mysteriously topped... Most probable IMO wildlife came by and nipped at it, or a bug crawled up and snacked down on your top.

My advice though, growing outdoors? Don't top, the height colas get from natural sun is ridiculous, all that height later translates into weight. Of course, never grown outdoors, and never topped a plant outdoors, possible two colas would grow like crazy outdoors! Why miss out on that??

I often wonder if my posts are useful.. haha!! i present one set of thoughts, immediately contradicted by another. Too much herb tonight... or not enough?

:peace: and :hump:


Well-Known Member

after hitting up Gypsy's picture depot, i feel wrong about the photo above, consider removing it at your discretion.. haha all his talk about "negative vibes" i think he's on to something for sure!