Canadian Seal hunt controversy

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Humans on an all-meat diet dodge the current horsemen of the metabolic apocalypse: obesity, cholesteremia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These are actually brought on by a carb-rich diet. (Details? Read Gary Taubes' book.)
We have a predator's metabolism; now why is that?
And might it explain some of what you view as moral dislocation? We truly are what we eat.
All my blood levels are in the very healthy range, without murdering my animal ancestors.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
For them it is the holocaust...
yavull mien herren.

i have sent so many carrots to the ovens it's getting to be a little macabre.

gonna start having to find new uses, perhaps lampshades from their skins, or maybe soap...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
yavull mien herren.

i have sent so many carrots to the ovens it's getting to be a little macabre.

gonna start having to find new uses, perhaps lampshades from their skins, or maybe soap...
I actually use a Jew holocaust survivor's plant soap company. He even donated the company to a bunch of black people.


Well-Known Member
For them it is the holocaust...
And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber.
And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself.
And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own midwest.
And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil.
One thousand, nay a million voices full of fear.
And terror possesed me then.
And I begged,
"Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?"
And the angel said unto me,
"These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots!
You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."
And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared,
"Hear me now, I have seen the light!
They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul!
Damn you!
Let the rabbits wear glasses!
Save our brothers!"
Can I get an amen?
Can I get a hallelujah?
Thank you Jesus.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
So, what's the deal Canna? You vegan/vegetarian because of ethical reasons or because of the taste?
Karma impact reasons. You're ingesting an animal's life essence and you partially live their last moments. So it desensitizes and puts your sense of oneness out of balance. The very thought gives me an unnerving feeling.


Well-Known Member
Karma impact reasons. You're ingesting an animal's life essence and you partially live their last moments. So it desensitizes and puts your sense of oneness out of balance. The very thought gives me an unnerving feeling.
I don't believe in karma, life essence or memory transfer by ingestion. So, I guess that's why we don't share a similar viewpoint.

I view it as animals have been eating one another since animals have existed. I am an animal, and biologically I am designed to consume meat. I have a digestive tract designed to consume meat (our appendix used to be for the purpose of eating raw meat, but we've adapted to eating cooked meat).

Animal fats are good for you in controlled quantities, and meat offers certain proteins that can be difficult to find in vegetation, or if you can find it in vegetation you need to eat large quantities in order to supplement small portions of meat.

Plus, they're frickin delicious and I get a great satisfaction from cooking and consuming meats. I'm a classically trained cook, so cooking french food without meat (or butter/cream) is like blasphemy. lol

To each his own.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I don't believe in karma, life essence or memory transfer by ingestion. So, I guess that's why we don't share a similar viewpoint.

I view it as animals have been eating one another since animals have existed. I am an animal, and biologically I am designed to consume meat. I have a digestive tract designed to consume meat (our appendix used to be for the purpose of eating raw meat, but we've adapted to eating cooked meat).

Animal fats are good for you in controlled quantities, and meat offers certain proteins that can be difficult to find in vegetation, or if you can find it in vegetation you need to eat large quantities in order to supplement small portions of meat.

Plus, they're frickin delicious and I get a great satisfaction from cooking and consuming meats. I'm a classically trained cook, so cooking french food without meat (or butter/cream) is like blasphemy. lol

To each his own.
When an animal dies, it produces death chemicals, like DMT. Those chemicals permeate the meat and fat. DMT is a psychedelic. Meat is made of chemicals, which are no different than drugs. After 7 years as a vegetarian and five as a vegan, your whole mental process changes. Especially if you're a vegan pot head. But it's more than just the food and chemicals. You get into a routine, and how you eat changes. A vegan's role in society causes a chain reaction of changes to your local social environment.

Karma isn't something magical, but does exist. Every living being's actions from the past affect your choices right this very second. Had only one change happened, your life would be very different. Those choices you didn't make have extreme consequences on what could've been and what is.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
our appendix used to be for the purpose of eating raw meat, but we've adapted to eating cooked meat
That's a lie because scientists wanted to prove God doesn't exist so bad.

Parker said:
"Once the bowel contents have left the body, the good bacteria hidden away in the appendix can emerge and repopulate the lining of the intestine before more harmful bacteria can take up residence," Parker continued. "In industrialized societies with modern medical care and sanitation practices, the maintenance of a reserve of beneficial bacteria may not be necessary. This is consistent with the observation that removing the appendix in modern societies has no discernable negative effects."

Several decades ago, scientists suggested that people in industrialized societies might have such a high rate of appendicitis because of the so-called "hygiene hypothesis," Parker said. This hypothesis posits that people in "hygienic" societies have higher rates of allergy and perhaps autoimmune disease because they -- and hence their immune systems -- have not been as challenged during everyday life by the host of parasites or other disease-causing organisms commonly found in the environment. So when these immune systems are challenged, they can over-react.

"This over-reactive immune system may lead to the inflammation associated with appendicitis and could lead to the obstruction of the intestines that causes acute appendicitis," Parker said. "Thus, our modern health care and sanitation practices may account not only for the lack of a need for an appendix in our society, but also for much of the problems caused by the appendix in our society."


Well-Known Member
When an animal dies, it produces death chemicals, like DMT.
Where is the scientific study that shows that animals release a psychedelic into their muscles when they die? You've said 'like DMT', but it's not DMT and doesn't have the same affect as DMT.

Those chemicals permeate the meat and fat. DMT is a psychedelic. Meat is made of chemicals, which are no different than drugs.
Meat is made up of proteins mostly. This is vastly different than drugs. Your explanation thus far has been pretty friggin' loose.

After 7 years as a vegetarian and five as a vegan, your whole mental process changes.
No idea if this is true, but I'd want to see credible, documentation before I'd take this with any amount of authority.

Especially if you're a vegan pot head.
What is this assertion based off of?

But it's more than just the food and chemicals. You get into a routine, and how you eat changes. A vegan's role in society causes a chain reaction of changes to your local social environment.
Some small changes, but the vegan lifestyle is still fringe at best. Vegetarians have pretty much always existed, it's nothing new.

Karma isn't something magical, but does exist. Every living being's actions from the past affect your choices right this very second. Had only one change happened, your life would be very different. Those choices you didn't make have extreme consequences on what could've been and what is.
I'm a determinist, so I'm with you on the cascading actions/reactions side of your argument. I don't believe there is any consequences that could be considered 'other worldly' for doing certain actions, e.g. doing immoral things. I do believe our actions have consequences in reality, but there's no overarching universal connectivity that levels the playing field with regards to good and bad actions.