The Adventures of Lank

today I moved the light hanger up the room a bit, just to make more work space. the roof is sloped so now the light is in the high part of the room, before it was in the middle of the roof.


This is the Black Russian (dinafem), its doing really good, although still smaller then the Sour Spyder.
i topped it at 4 branches, i think im gonna tie this one out.

Here is a Sour Spyder (Mdanzig Seeds, thru BCBD)
really just taking off, im exited for these.

and some pictures of the Purple Moroccan, dried and curing. got over a half pound all said and done, 7 plants, 600 watts.

Good Afternoon Everyone!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear of the little one passing. RIP. so sad. YOur plants look terrific! I really dig the colorful label "fruits" and the way you place your plants in a circle is very cool. its kinda spiritually charging or something to me. do you dance in the middle of the circle ? I probebley would .lol The purple moroccean looks so damn tasty, nice job on that.everything looks really dialed in ! do you ever pick up the chickies and play with them?have a wonderful weekend!
Sorry to hear of the little one passing. RIP. so sad. YOur plants look terrific! I really dig the colorful label "fruits" and the way you place your plants in a circle is very cool. its kinda spiritually charging or something to me. do you dance in the middle of the circle ? I probebley would .lol The purple moroccean looks so damn tasty, nice job on that.everything looks really dialed in ! do you ever pick up the chickies and play with them?have a wonderful weekend!

i didnt think the 4th quail was going to make it from the start, he was having a hard time staying on his feet long enough to drink/eat, thats just the ways she goes sometimes :-(

on a happeir note, the plants are doing good, thanks for the compliment. my girlfriend made me the "Fruits" label, shes pretty awesome ;-)
i put the plants in the circle because i think its the brightest place for them (equal distance from the bulb) and if i go too much closer i get light bleaching.

i took this picture for Whodat and the Club 600 Vert

the Purple Moroccan is great smoke, i friggin love it bongsmilie
it was the first thing to go into this growroom, ever.
this run will be the first start to finish grow in this room, and my OWN first start to finish grow indoors!

the chicks dont like being held, apparently all quail dislike handling, although mine happily eat out of your hand or drink from a eyedropper :eyesmoke:

thanks for the questions and compliments!

feel free to comment,

got ahold of the OG, this should be fun :mrgreen:
what do you guys think?
^notice the nice clean bong :mrgreen:

normally i use green twistie tie, but when i run out i have florist wire.

have a relaxing sunday errrr'body!

The Og i tied out last night completely turned up towards the light.
it always amazes me how quickly plants recover after being manhandled :-o

i tied her down a little tighter, gotta keep bending them or it will get too woody to bend.


really entertaining way to grow plants, much more interactive then just letting them grow or trimming them occasionally.
any thoughts? i was going to start twisting them into a "circle" once it grows outwards a few more inches, but any ideas are more then welcome!



Well-Known Member
nice looking plant buddy =)
When I looked at it my first idea was WEED DOUBLE HELIX haha
took the day off today :-P, so lotsa time spent with the allllll the girls;-)
there filling up my room hella quick, probably going to make the regular plants into Moms, and let the Autos take over for a few months. then clone the Moms for the next batch.

Group Shots

Me 'n the Sour Spyder

Sour Spyder

Early Morning (cold) Temps

The OG ive been playing with, Before


the Fowl! when i got home this morning they had eaten all their food (a first), and when i took the cage off to refill the food and water one of them did a flying hop straight up almost 2 feet! it landed back in the tote, but now i really have to remember to keep the cage on:lol:
so many feathers now, and they are getting so big! the colors on their head always reminds me of chipmunks, hahaha
goofy lil bastads, really fun to watch now because they are always stretching their wings and trying them out.
im working on a new Bear-Proof Hutch for these 3 lucky quails, its gonna be DOPE. ill put up pics later today,
have a great afternoon everybody,

Supa-Gro block, this one was White Lightning. hella fun, both to grow and eat;-)
this was the first flush,
there very good when fresh (at least in my opinion :lol:) much easier to eat then dried ones, they dont get stuck in your teeth at all!

feel free to ask questions or just say Hi,



Well-Known Member
How easy is that mushroom business? what cares does it need? and how long does it take?

And the fundamental question. how's the high? =P
How easy is that mushroom business? what cares does it need? and how long does it take?

And the fundamental question. how's the high? =P
Stupid easy. i mean, if you just do what i did and buy a pre inoculated block of substrate, otherwise, culturing shrooms yourself requires a lot more work, but is very cost effective.

what i did was used my cloning dome. at one point i had the last few clones in the dome as well as the 2 mushroom blocks.
the actual setup consisted of a cloning dome, on a heat mat, with one inch of pebbles and atleast half an inch of WATER in the bottom of the tray at all times. the blocks sat on trays ontop of the pebbles.

everyday i would take the dome off and spray them with pure water, then an hour or so (sometimes many hours-oops) later put the dome back on.
thats all i did.

somewhere between 2-3 weeks later i had fruiting mushrooms,
they get you high quicker when there fresh, but it also ends quicker when fresh, at least in my opinion.
people who dont like supermarket mushrooms will probably HATE fresh magic mush. i prefer them fresh.

the hardest part was the fact that i would have to check on them every day. EVERY DAY. so no going straight from work to the wifeys house for the night or anything fun like that.
but really i think everybody should try groing mushrooms. its really fun and rewarding in a really short time!
thanks for the questions, and for stopping by. feel free to ask any other questions you have,



Well-Known Member
Dude super awesome all around. I need to make a better reply but been a lil busy around here kinda. Love all of it man keep that stuff going for sure.



Well-Known Member
that sounds awesome.

I've never had mushrooms before though. So my last question still remains, how is the high? is it long? is it overpowering? or is it smooth and enjoyable? Can it even remotely compare to any weed high in any way?
some of the Sour Spyder were just starting to droop, so it was time to water them. basically got just water, with a little chunk of BTI in it to prevent fungus gnats.
there doing really well for themselves, just keep on growing. there still just showing a handful of pistils each but they keep getting taller and bushier :-o
lights are on 18/6, and i am planning on leaving it that way for the duration of the Auto's.

the Quail are getting SO MUCH BIGGER. its crazy, every time i look they have more feathers and look bigger!
here are some pictures of the goofy little things

and one let me pick it up! it didnt even fight back or want to get out!

and as far as the Mushroom High, you just gotta try them. after all, its just a mushroom ;-)
thanks for the questions and compliments! this is truly an awesome forum.
have a good weekend everyone!



Well-Known Member
lol "its just a mushroom" dont listen to him!

So I can get an inoculated cake, and then turn that cake into all the cakes I want right?
I just happen to have everything I need besides inoculant/inoculated cake. Pressure cooker (used for canning stuff from the garden) wild bird seed, jars, foil ect. I need to get on this after harvest,,, looking at dry flowers in 3 weeks hopefully :-)

Heres a sample nug :-)

lol "its just a mushroom" dont listen to him!

So I can get an inoculated cake, and then turn that cake into all the cakes I want right?
I just happen to have everything I need besides inoculant/inoculated cake. Pressure cooker (used for canning stuff from the garden) wild bird seed, jars, foil ect. I need to get on this after harvest,,, looking at dry flowers in 3 weeks hopefully :-)

Heres a sample nug :-)

^that nug looks beautifully frosty man, nicely done!

and yeah, that is like the best part about those Blocks is that you can use a tiny amount of a block to inoculate any good Sterile Substrate. i have heard of people blowing up a block of Coco Coir with boiling water (to sterilize) then crumbling a block of Supa Gro into it and putting it in the warm dark cupboard for a few weeks and then had a full tote of fully colonized innoculated substrate ready to fruit from just one 40$ block of Colonized Mycelium!

sounds like you have a plentiful harvest going on, but once thats done you should try and find a distributor who sells Colonized Mycelium to your area, it can be really rewarding, especially since you seem to have the know-how to multiply your colony to get a good amount of mushies from a rather small space.
thanks for the picture, and the good conversation
happy saturday!

the other day, at work, i had a strong suspicion that these little mushrooms i was seeing everywhere were the much spoken-of Liberty Caps.
after a short time on the google, i was damn sure that these were they. :-o

so i read all about them, then ran out into my yard with a glass dish, and before i knew it i was standing in a magical grassy wonderland FULL of libbies! tons of them, tiny little things scattered in amongst the grass blades! so i collected for a few minutes before taking a break to call a friend over.
here are some pics of my first 30min sesh,

and some ID pics,

the biggest cap we found all day, was growing 50ft from my house!

i was so exited about discovering these, once you know what they look like they are EVERYWHERE. i mean everywhere! we ran around like children for a few hours, looking through neighbors lawns :-P and fields and roadsides, it was an amazing afternoon. i was eating little freshies all day, hahaaaa.

anyone else find any of these before? i showed some old-schoolers and they starting going off about how these are the ones they used to pick wayyyyy backkkk, lol
everyone is welcome here!
more pictures to come,

just going to dump these here, lol
this was about 2 hours of actual picking, with a friend.

and i left a big ol' cap on a piece of natural paper overnight and it left me this PERFECT spore print!

its Mushroom Season Everybody, get out there and check your local damp fields and roadsides! you might be amazed by what you find!

happy picking!



Well-Known Member
I see those little suckers all over here, but def don't have the baws to eat them! I hope they don't fuk you up in a bad way!