What Percentage of Obamacare Lies Do You Support?


Well-Known Member
The fact remains, the POTUS is a liar, plain and simple. A complete and total liar. Anyone dismissing that as a falsehood is delusional, and most likely a liberal Democrat. That is the truth, plain and simple.
Obama is the absolute worst leader this country has ever survived.
The Fact Checker

Obama’s pledge that ‘no one will take away’ your health plan

a comment that is copy&pasted half a dozen times across multiple threads, some large, crayon usage that lacks historical perspective, and crudely illustrated pinnochios.

this is the depth of the right wing intellect.

crayons, spam, and kid's drawings.


Well-Known Member
Did you fail college just to "communicate on their level"? I love how you're constantly changing the goal posts...
i love how you're constantly lying.

i chose to leave college with a ~3.25 or so GPA.

join any holocaust denial groups (again) lately?


New Member
i love how you're constantly lying.

i chose to leave college with a ~3.25 or so GPA.

join any holocaust denial groups (again) lately?
Sure Bro - It was your muscular and sports like physique that sustained you at ASU... If you weren't a football player I would say it brings back high school memories...


New Member
you also bet on skewed polls, skyrocketing electric, and economic collapse.


All my predictions have come to fruition, except for Obama 2012.
When are you going to help pay for the poor Americans that cannot afford healthcare coverage.
As soon as Im done paying for your wars.
I've never advocated for any war,
BTW did you forget and use the wrong screen name Buckie?


Well-Known Member
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal" ~Thomas Jefferson, slave owner.
You are correct to point out that Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner, disingenuously professes all men are created equal. Because to the contrary, he does not. Similarly, the ideas or political actions taken by your party seem to be justifiable, but said same action taken by opposing party, you road rage and foam at the mouth.

I'm glad you were able to bring that back full circle on yourself with just one phrase.

Side note: is non sequitur hyphenated?