What Percentage of Obamacare Lies Do You Support?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Dude, she's just as much of a slug as Buckie, the millionaire daddy in-law is pure fantasy.
That makes sense..Buck probably married her for her daddys money..So when he died he would inherit from the daddy..That seems to be the way his mind works..I am starting to think Buckys daddy left him when he was young...


Well-Known Member
The fact remains, the POTUS is a liar, plain and simple. A complete and total liar. Anyone dismissing that as a falsehood is delusional, and most likely a liberal Democrat. That is the truth, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
The fact remains, the POTUS is a liar, plain and simple. A complete and total liar. Anyone dismissing that as a falsehood is delusional, and most likely a liberal Democrat. That is the truth, plain and simple.
I support all Presidents. All Presidents lie. Ero Sum...maybe I'm lying about that.

diet coke

Active Member
How can anyone put any faith in this president, he has claimed to have no knowledge on every screw up since he started office. This man is the absolute worst leader of the country ever voted in to the office of President.
Obaba care is horrible and a huge fail. 100 million plus spent on just the web site (waste of money) are you kidding, man just call youtube and have them set one up with some adds and they would do it for free.

I would hope that Obama would resign but then crazy Biden would be in charge. With any luck the next president will be a leader and the senate democrats will loose the majority.

Obama is the absolute worst leader this country has ever survived.


Well-Known Member
How can anyone put any faith in this president, he has claimed to have no knowledge on every screw up since he started office. This man is the absolute worst leader of the country ever voted in to the office of President.
Obaba care is horrible and a huge fail. 100 million plus spent on just the web site (waste of money) are you kidding, man just call youtube and have them set one up with some adds and they would do it for free.

I would hope that Obama would resign but then crazy Biden would be in charge. With any luck the next president will be a leader and the senate democrats will loose the majority.

Obama is the absolute worst leader this country has ever survived.
Where you alive for Nixon, Ford, or Carter?


New Member
oh ya dems control the market on lies right
Does it really matter, Obama is the one we're talking about, he is the one that is being caught in lie after lie.
Sure the other side is guilty of lying but lets talk about the current lying POS, let's hear your thoughts on that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Nothing but a red herring.

Give me another example of when the US Government forced it's people to purchase a product or service, then you can go on and on.
the militia act of 1789 REQUIRED that all free men between 16 and 60 acquire for themselves a musket of not less than .75 ball and a goodly store of powder and shot suitable for that weapon, dragoons were likewise compelled to own a horse a sword and pistol, and militia commanders were expected to provide their own distinctive uniforms. all this under penalty of fines and even imprisonment for failing to comply, though these provisions have never been implemented, and milita units generally are forced to store and issue arms to urban recruits when called up, as the urban dweller has never had much call to own a rifle in his day to day life.

the Dick Act (lulz) of 1903 changed this to "arms of a type in common use in the day" as well as "sufficient ammunition and other materiel to go on campaign for 30 days without resupply" and shifted the burden from private militias to a (presumptively unconstitutional) standing army and the new invention of the "National Guard" as the "organized militia" with the great masses of free men as the "unorganized militia" with no real requirements save that they be available to be called to service. (yet the "own a rifle" mandate remained intact but unenforced)

the Dick Act (dubble lulz) has been reviewed and continued at regular intervals since 1911 with no major changes.

the State does have the power to compel us to own things when militia duty (an essential component of the civic duty) is involved, but has never insisted that we submit to what amounts to Healthcare Licensing to ensure total compliance with their mandates. further this is entirely a financial transaction and has no bearing on national security or national defense, thus is simply overreach.

im not surprised none of the lefties have used the Militia Act and it's mandate to attack your position, as they despise it and their Reverse-Correct Info-Speak talking points providers try to pretend it doesn't exist, to protect their second sacred cow, gun control

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
There is absolutely nothing about Obamacare that is socialist.
Until you read Mussolini, who was a Marxist Socialist (and proud of it), then it is clear his new brand of non-revolutionary Marxist Socialism IS consistent with O-Care.

Third Way Socialism is still Socialism, still falls under the Marxist Rainbow, and is 100% compatible with O-Care, as well as Amtrak(nationalization of passenger rail travel), nationalizing the oil and energy industries (attempted but failed) and now, semi-nationalization of medical insurance.

Third Way Socialism uses small steps, and slow erosion of capitalism and democratic governance through the very weaknesses found in capitalism and democracy. GREED.

when you can offer the Have-Nots the ability to pick the pockets of the Haves, you can slowly "spread the wealth around" (mainly by concetrating it in the government and it's subordinate bureaucratically controlled corporations) you can boil that frog ever so slowly and he wont even realize he is in the pot until he is already turned into soup.

you may pretend you dont understand this, but it is obvious that you do, and are eagerly pushing for the next small step toward the glorious Revolution/Evolution of Marxist ideology. Nobody is fooled, we all know Marxists LIE, especially about their plans and goals.

except Utopian Communists. they are charmingly upfront about their Wackadoodle Madcap Schemes, but thats why they are harmless. communists invite us to join their delusion, socialists demand, threaten, intimidate, lie and infiltrate to get their Wackadoodle Nefarious Plots into our body politic.

and yes, i know you have already TLDR'ed this missive, but it wasnt for you anyhow, it is a rebuttal to your LIES for others who might be seduced by your simplistic and deliberate NewSpeak.


Well-Known Member
Until you read Mussolini, who was a Marxist Socialist
I told you before bro, if you don't want to get TL;DR'd, you can't open with bullshit. Open strong, but not with bullshit. Put the bullshit in the middle.

He wanted people to believe he was a socialist, just like how Jefferson said wonderful things about equality but actually owned slaves and did a lot to ensure that people continued to own slaves.

Mussolini was a fascist and fascism is a form of capitalism.


Well-Known Member


Italy’s first Fascist government applied a large-sc
ale privatization policy between 1922 and 1925.
The government privatized the state monopoly of mat
ch sale, eliminated the State monopoly on life
insurances, sold most of the State-owned telephone
networks and services to private firms,
reprivatized the largest metal machinery producer,
and awarded concessions to private firms to
build and operate motorways. These interventions re
present one of the earliest and most decisive
privatization episodes in the Western world. While
ideological considerations may have had a
certain influence, privatization was used mainly as
a political tool to build confidence among
industrialists and to increase support for the gove
rnment and the
Partito Nazionale Fascista
Privatization also contributed to balancing the bud
get, which was the core objective of Fascist
economic policy in its first phase.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I told you before bro, if you don't want to get TL;DR'd, you can't open with bullshit. Open strong, but not with bullshit. Put the bullshit in the middle.

He wanted people to believe he was a socialist, just like how Jefferson said wonderful things about equality but actually owned slaves and did a lot to ensure that people continued to own slaves.

Mussolini was a fascist and fascism is a form of capitalism.
thus proving you have never read Mussolini. (though i believe you have read Mussolini, and understood it, but are playing a game as usual)

Fascism AKA Third Way Socialism, AKA "The Third Way" is SOCIALISM, using the elements of capitalism and democratic governance to undermine capitalism and democracy with a long term goal of instituting true Authoritarian Socialism, and eventually as fully explained in the Communist Manifesto, Utopian Communism.

your feigned ignorance is really quite tiresome.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
derp derp derp

and you persist in pretense of retardation

who did mussolini "sell" these industries to?

CORPORATIONS which were so strictly regulated they didnt run their shit, they simply profited by it, thus the industries which had previously been crippled by inept bureaucratic incompetence were turned around by capitalism, but capitalism on a short leash, which became shorter and shorter as the "Movement" "Progressed" towards true Socialism.

that is the essence of Fascism, USING Capitalism and Democracy to undermine Capitalism and Democracy until Socialism becomes the obvious next step.

Fascism is Non-Revolutionary slow creeping Socialism to acheive the same ends Marx desired without any bodies being hurled at barricades. Fascism is the only way to get happy prosperous capitalist Lumpen Proles to support Marxism, and it was only opposed by Marxists because it was Non-Revolutionary, thus Counter-Revolutionary.

To the true believers like Trotsky, Third Way Socialism was a betrayal of the Proletariat. He felt it would never become properly Socialist as the capitalist Bourgeois would certainly stop the advance of "Progressive" Marxist ideology once they had achieved their own Capitalist goals.

next you will argue that the Agrarian Vanguard Socialist revolution in china was also not Marxist because they broke with the traditions of Intellectual Vanguard Socialism.

are the Zapatistas Non Socialist too?

is Mexico Non-Socialist?

are the Scandinavian countries Non-Socialist?

is North Korea Non-Socialist

your No True Scotsman defense of Marxism and Socialism doesnt wash, as your own rhetoric is Crypto-Marxist, yet insufficiently "Crypto-" to conceal your love for Authoritarian Socialism which you falsely claim to be "Libertarian Socialism" and "anarcho-_________ism"

now post a shitload of pictures of Karl Marx, a whole cluster of Marxist Slogans, and some propaganda from the Workers World Party and the Green Socialist Party, which you voted for, and didnt vote for, while supporting Obama, and secretly supporting Gary Johnson, while preparing your ballot for Jill Stein, while secretly voting for some other Marxist who is unnamed. yeah, nothing confusing about those lies at all.

you do not take a position and defend it, thats too Mainstream. you assume all positions except Marxism, while sabotaging all positions save Marxism, all the while, claiming to be "Not Pushing Anything", yet only Marxism remains when you are finished demolishing (in your own mind only) every political position, economic stance or philosophy EXCEPT MARXISM

it doesnt take a genius to figure out what you are slinging, and it aint "Libertarianism"