Using marijuana as part of your prayer life if your a Christian..


Well-Known Member
Your only starting tot see how sovereign he is and how much he truly is with his anointed ones. These tiny signs are only the very, very beginning of whats coming for you.

He who is faithful with little will be faithful with much. Luke

When you acknosledge and trust it is God in control fo those moments, then he looks down and sees you are ready for more because you dont throw it off as just mere coincidence.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry Zaehet. I just don't know enough to comment properly. I don't see it the way you do.

Although it must be said that you are not a Christian (your words.. I have no idea what you believe) so I don't see how you could see it from my point of view. You are making your judgements from the sidelines. Come join in the game baby! :)

What I do know is that the bible says that we are a pecular people & once saved by faith in Christ you see things differently than the unsaved.

I say saved & unsaved not go to church or NOT go to church. I think saved is what Christ said it was. Basically believe in Christ & what his death ment. We all fall short of the glory of God. To follow Christ is to follow his teachings. He said Love God more than anything else & love your neighbour as yourself. & the more I read & study the more understanding I get.

Its like the thief on the cross.. he got saved but that was it. He never learned a THING in the bible, no rules or regulations, no following of traditions or worshipping on a certain day.

So far as I can tell, those things are good & Godly, but have nothing to do with salvation other than if Christ moves you to do something & you don't, you may loose the joy of your salvation, but your still in the club. THis is what I have felt for the past 25 years going to church (dad's a pastor but not till later on in life). The rules & regs are what the pharassees followed & that's what Christ came to stop us from doing & give us the actaul freedom of the Gospel!

Anyways, Im gonna dig a hole for myself here so I'll stop here. All I know is that there is definetly a moving in my life by the Holy Spirit & I'm excited to see where it goes!

And you are correct. We all have been told & we will all have to answer for it. Including you.. (your words..)

It's your life, it's your death, and more importantly... your risk. /shrug

You make the choice, but like i said before, when you get there... don't say God didn't warn you, because he did.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry Zaehet. I just don't know enough to comment properly. I don't see it the way you do.
You see, the thing is that it doesn't matter how you or anyone else sees it... what matters is how God sees it. Deep down you know this, everyone does... but most people choose to ignore it and decide that it is their own interpretation that seems fit to guide their lives.

We all have been given a choice, to live in sin or to live without. It doesn't matter what you subjectively interpret as a sin... if God sees it as a sin then it is one regardless of what you think.

When you and i are at the gates and we are being judged, none of us will be excused for our behavior in the eyes of the Lord, no matter how differently you think.

There are many who call themselves Christian, but basically serve their own desires. God will not be deceived by those who play the Christianity game.


Well-Known Member
I agree wholeheartedly with you Zaehet, I have a question for you, why do you not believe in God?

And also, when our views line up with God's views per the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, as they cannot contradict each other, then we too can say it does matter how we think. The Apostle paul was able to make judgements about things, as was Jesus, why? because they fully submitted to the Holy Spirits Judgements. Jesus said I judge only what I hear. In other words, he spoke and judged only what the Holy Spirit judged for him to say. That is how Christaisn filled with the Spirit are to judge, not based upon what they see with their eyes or hear with their ears.

God will not be deceived by pharisees (playing the Christianity game) as he sees every motive and our hearts are laid out before him to whom we must give account.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I do not believe in God because i have never seen or heard it. I've searched my dreams for it countless times when i have been lucid. I've searched many, many different religions with no sign what so ever. I have searched within myself but to no avail.

But just because i don't believe, doesn't mean that a god or gods do not exist... because they very well may exist.

I was born and raised Christian, which is why i know so much about Christianity and the many bibles it has produced. You think i would avert my faith without countless hours, days and years of rigorous study?

I've come to the truth within myself, and the truth is that i don't know the truth. That is one of the hardest things i have ever done, to be honest with myself and to admit to myself that i don't know if there is or isn't a god. It's scary to live without faith, but even more scary to live in "sin".

If i had to guess, that if this existence has anything to do with some deity, i would say that we are all already experiencing different levels of purgatory in this existence. And until we can figure out how to get to "heaven" we will stay here in different states of purgatory for all eternity, over and over again. That no religion can pave your path, you must create your own. That in order to attain "heaven", you must live without "sin" regardless of any denomination.

But like i said before, if you believe the Christian doctrine is true... and you do smoke cannabis. Be prepared to be judged for it the day of your death.


Well-Known Member
I know I won't be because he who sent me is true and what I hear from him is exactly what I tell the world, just as Jesus said. Yes, I hear the Holy Spirit, as any believer has access to through faith and this is why I am able to be confident on the truth and not walk by blind faith, but by true faith which has evidence, after all Hebrews says faith is the evidence of things not yet seen. There is still evidence. My evidence comes from within, with my body being a temple and the Holy Spirit residing in it. This is why I have no fear of your condemnation aBout cannabis because Jesus has already told me a little is perfectly fine when used in the right context, just like alcohol. It is a sin to be drunk or living in debauchery, it is entirely possible to be sober while smoking a little aNd to be sober while drinking a little. These are not what matters, what matters is faith expressing itself through love by accomplishing the will of the Father in heaven. I pray to God your eyes will be opened, I am here as a witness to you that Jesus is the Christ, and the bible backs me up. As I have said earlier, I had no knowledge of Christ up to my experience and then one night was told about Jesus through the Holy Spirit, just as the scriptures say will happen. That is a sign to you of the one true God working.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Then it is a risk you rightfully choose to take... so when you are at the gates, you do not have the privilege of using the excuse that God did not warn you. For he is doing so right now.


Active Member
all seed bearing plants are for meat. genesis first page.
change any word or meaning and you and all yours are damned. revelations..Last page.

new wine of canna.

King David danced in the streets singing and playing guitar (in a loin cloth...the women were impressed)...the most favorite of all Gods children. King Solomons Father (correction). The first temple to God was full of incense and various smoking resins. with the doors closed.

Juss sayin.....Party on.


Well-Known Member
all seed bearing plants are for meat. genesis first page.
change any word or meaning and you and all yours are damned. revelations..Last page.

new wine of canna.

King David danced in the streets singing and playing guitar (in a loin cloth...the women were impressed)...the most favorite of all Gods children. King Solomons son. The first temple to God was full of incense and various smoking resins. with the doors closed.

Juss sayin.....Party on.
^^Think you mean...Solomon was David's son.;-)(Maybe I read you wrong?I'm kinda :eyesmoke: right now)


Well-Known Member
Hey! Once you start looking at things through the guidence of the Holy Spirit you start seeing God everywhere.

Driving to work today on the highway doing 80kph on slush because we just got a dump of the white stuff (all you coke heads settle down.. Im talking about snow!) Being passed by transports constantly & you know, I didnt have to put my wippers on once. I wish I had taken pictures somehow.. You ever drive on the highway in the snow with slush & crap so bad that you can't drive the speed limit & not use your wippers?? I drive a company vehicle & it is TERRIBLE in the snow (Small 2 wheel drive pick up truck, no weight, no power, but man is it cheap for me to run :)) & I hate driving it in the snow or freezing rain (both of which are happening right now here) After I prayed about my fears I felt reassurance. I felt that God woudnt be working in my life only to see me squished on the highway early into the program..

Now I could be nuts & that's ok.. isnt it better to give credit to God for something rather than fluff it off as nothing? I suppose it could be that it was so windy that the spray was being blown away from the other vehicles instead of hitting my windshield.. Its possible.. but I now get to spend the entire day thinking God's looking out for me, which goes along with what I read in the bible this morning & you know, its a good place to be :)

Lol.. I love it. I really do.
It's easy to see through this filter if one is not taking in the big picture. I hear this from the faithful often, that something great and against the odds happened to them and they credit god. My mom expresses this often, 'isn't god great? Praise god!' What these people seem to mean is god is good to me. We were incredibly fortunate to be born in the 20th century Western World; life is incredibly easy for us. Most of humanity lives in harsh conditions and experience actual problems daily such as finding clean drinking water, where their next meal is coming from, which gov't will be in power next week and will they live through the transition, etc.. God doesn't seem to be doing much good on the majority of the planet. Remember, when you are lucky and beating the odds, there are many more who are not and are experiencing misfortune. When you thank god for your good fortune, maybe also say a prayer for those he is punishing...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It's funny, Christians come here to seek refuge and affirmation to justify their cannabis use. When an informed ex-Christian explains to them why the word of God defines intoxication of any kind a sin... they ignore it and continue to justify it by giving passages in the bible different subjective meanings.

That's like going to a different church because yours doesn't give away free hot cocoa and snacks at the end of the sermon.


Well-Known Member
No one can truly understand the kingdom of God unless he is born again. What does righteousness have in common with unrighteousness? In other words, a former or non christian cannot give true advice about he bible because they cannot understand it without the Holy Spirit. The wisdom of this world is coming to nothing, we have supplied true doctrines and scriptures to show it is okay when used in the right context. We are not twisting it.


Well-Known Member
No one can truly understand the kingdom of God unless he is born again. What does righteousness have in common with unrighteousness? In other words, a former or non christian cannot give true advice about he bible because they cannot understand it without the Holy Spirit. The wisdom of this world is coming to nothing, we have supplied true doctrines and scriptures to show it is okay when used in the right context. We are not twisting it.
How do you expect someone to be born again first before they can understand God?

Wouldn't I need to understand God in order to truly be born again? If not, what is stopping me from going to church this Sunday and telling the pastor I'd like to be born again and become a Christian?


Well-Known Member
change any word or meaning and you and all yours are damned. revelations..Last page.
I have to say, this is the most abused verse in the Bible. It does not bar change to the bible; merely change to the prophecies found in the book of revelations. The bible, as we know it, was assembled well after that passage was written, and references itself specifically. It does not forbid changes to the rest. Not saying the bible doesn't have some passages that support enjoying your life; that verse being misused has just been a pet-peeve of mine since I was a kid.

A thought just occurred to me while writing this response. Seeing as idioms are essentially untranslatable, and the subtleties of long-dead languages are constantly a subject of debate; wouldn't the mere act of translating revelations into English be changing the word or meaning?


Well-Known Member
The book spoken of in revelation is the bible and not merely just revelation. The scriptures are complete and proverbs says if anyone adds to my word I will rebuke him to his face and prove him to be a liar.

All scripture is God breathed and the Holy Spirit confirms that it is completed. And as far as translating,. Jesu sis alive, an all prophecy is from God and prophecy does not have the origin within the will of man according to scripture, so therefor because scripture is God breathed, he is able to translate it because it is not the exact word but the meaning of the words that matters, just like how I can translate a book perfectly fine to another language for my reader to understand and get the same message across using different words, still the same message, meaning the same thing.

As far as understanding God before you get saved and become born again, you can understand to a degree, but then once you realize who Jesus is it is only by faith in His cross that you can understand anything past the gospel. It is the gospel of Christ, the cross and his death and resurrection because of it and your forgiveness of sins now, that saves you and that is what leads you to being able to understadn the rest. Can anyone be saved without the knowledge of the cross of Christ? No, and is salvation apart from this knowledge? No, we are saved because of our faith once we receive this knowledge.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You can justify anything, any way you want. But when you face God at the gates, he is going to ask you why you didn't listen to your heart and to his messages about intoxication of any sort, and you will be judged for your sins against him.


Well-Known Member
That's where the faith comes in. He says knock & the door will be opened. You start the process, but He finishes the work He started in you. The first step is recognizeing that there is a God.. YOu start there & move on through faith then you study because you want to know more or grow closer to God.

That's how you become born again without knowing jack. I assume that's the way it happened to everyone. Even the apostles. They got called & dropped everything to follwo Christ. They didnt ask shite first. They just obeyed.

That's how I see it anyways.

How do you expect someone to be born again first before they can understand God?

Wouldn't I need to understand God in order to truly be born again? If not, what is stopping me from going to church this Sunday and telling the pastor I'd like to be born again and become a Christian?


Well-Known Member
Im sorry I dont know where it is, but Im sure someone on here does.. but there is another book in the bible that has a similar line about adding or taking away. Damn it I wish I knew this stuff off by heart as some others do.

I think the phasasies of the day put the words in the bible & in many cased the bible it self ABOVE what/who it teaches about. It's a guide book line to start your journey & the Holy Spirit is the guide.

Hope that comes across right.. :)

I have to say, this is the most abused verse in the Bible. It does not bar change to the bible; merely change to the prophecies found in the book of revelations. The bible, as we know it, was assembled well after that passage was written, and references itself specifically. It does not forbid changes to the rest. Not saying the bible doesn't have some passages that support enjoying your life; that verse being misused has just been a pet-peeve of mine since I was a kid.

A thought just occurred to me while writing this response. Seeing as idioms are essentially untranslatable, and the subtleties of long-dead languages are constantly a subject of debate; wouldn't the mere act of translating revelations into English be changing the word or meaning?