New way of growing


Active Member
I provide scientific data proving the bottles work better than clear plastic sheets or glass. Now how about you admit you were wrong? Laugh out loud


Active Member
Speak for yourself buddy. Believe it or not a lot of people are here to learn. I'm not trying to convince anybody. I just want people to know my idea works.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
OK never mind man. Smoke a bowl calm down, nobody gives a fuck about your silly coke bottle idea. We will grow with our dinosaur lights. It's all good man have fun!


Active Member
it's a way to grow weed inside using the Sun from outside. Its for stealth purposes. Dig a hole and put a board over it with some Solar bulbs in it. Nobody will see anything.


Active Member
you realize that you are going to have to tend these plants , right? Water, air circulation and such. They just may wonder why you are watering a hole in the ground with coke bottles poppin' up, just sayin'


Active Member
So if you so happen to see somebody watering the ground with some pop bottles in the ground you would assume that there's a grow op beneath them? Lol... They would look like half buried pop bottles with water in them Lol...could be anything. Water them using a wick system and a reservoir in the same hole. Air flow is easy is negative pressure can be attained. U could also build a shed and put a bunch on the roof.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Oh man I went and smoked and this shit is funnier high! thanks again New School! Ill sub to any grow journal of yours when you get this idea up and running.


Active Member
It's funny how all these self proclaimed experts have their doubts until I provide actual scientific information backing me up. what do you guys have to say now??


Active Member
The only reason you doubt it is because you're not smart enough to understand why it would work. I have videos of the bulb in action and pictures of a vertical garden and diagrams and Data regarding lumens output. It will work. Grow bud in a hole in your garden in the backyard!!! no Electricity!!! Secretly!d


Active Member
Im starting to think that it would be hard to lift the roof off the hole with a bunch of full bottles attached to it. Building a shed and fitting a bunch to the roof is a better idea.


Well-Known Member

Complete scientific data. Including charts and diagrams. Data starts page 28.
And if you put a light meter 1" away from a magnifying glass, it really damn bright; doesn't change the fact that it's just focusing light into a point source from a larger area. Now, factor in the inverse square law and see how it works out for you. You can't create more photons by filling a bottle with water.


Active Member
1 sqft of bottles will produce 6750 lumens ( average not peak)

1 sqft of weed requires 5000 lumens to grow..

How is that not enough? Lol...


Well-Known Member
Like Im going to give up my hids in the winter and my direct sunlight in the summer for plastic bottles filled with hopes and dreams.

If you believe in it so much, go grow your own this way and prove to the world with a documented grow that it not only works, but is efficient as well.

So what do you tell the neighbors when they see this trashy looking pile of plastic bottles in your yard?


Active Member
I originally said to build a shed or dig a 4.5 ft deep hole and use a cover fitted with solar bottles over it and to camouflage the cover with leaves and sod.

U could just tell your neighbor your saving money on your power bill by building and installing solar bottle lights. Lol.. Its just light man.. U don't just grow dope with it.. U use it to see things too lol