New way of growing


Active Member
I'm not sure if you guys are aware of Solar bulbs. Let me explain, if you fill on empty 2 liter coke bottle with water and 3 caps full of bleach it will capture natural light and reflect it to the equivalent of a 60 watt bulb. Half of the coke bottle must be above a roof line in order to redirect the light below. lights require no electricity and and they concentrate the Lumens more then A plane glass would. What I am suggesting is to dig a hole 5 feet in diameter perfectly round and about 4 and a half feet deep. Then cut a piece of corrugated roof to slide over your hole. Then fit 30 of these Solar bulbs to the roof. Each Solar bulb is 60 watts so 30 would be 1800 watts within a 5 by 5 foot area. You could easily grow a pound in that hole without anybody seeing shit. This is proof on concept only.


Active Member
But the sun generates 1300 watts per meter square
Ummm. . This way u can hide your plants... Well a coke bottle is 4 inches in diameter so 3 per foot. That's 180 watts per foot. So 180 x 9 is 1620 watts per square meter... Like i said the bottles amplify lumens more than just direct sunlight...


Active Member
Using my method u get more lumens and u can grow them stealthy. So not only do u benefit by means of.having stealth but the light is also more intense.


Well-Known Member
Using my method u get more lumens and u can grow them stealthy. So not only do u benefit by means of.having stealth but the light is also more intense.
You can't increase the brightness of the sun by passing it through two layers of plastic and several inches of water. That's just basic logic with a sprinkling of science.


Active Member
I can't believe how stupid some people are. This isn't rocket science. I have videos and proof that works with vegetables. But still despite video proof u guys doubt. Lol..idiots..


Well-Known Member
Then how does a magnifying glass burn ants? It has to do with the convex of the bottle. Use your head.
You are aware that a magnifying glass only takes the light that hits it and concentrates it into a relatively small area, right? If so, you may feel free to admit your obvious error here. Glass or a layer of clear plastic would still work better.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe how stupid some people are. This isn't rocket science. I have videos and proof that works with vegetables. But still despite video proof u guys doubt. Lol..idiots..
I'm not saying it wont transmit light, I'm just saying you're REALLY overrating it's effectiveness.


Well-Known Member
woudlnt it be cool if they used real cocaine in coca cola? could get geeked on booger sugar soda then grow some weed to help you come down...wonder if food coloring in the soda bottles would work as far as light spectrumgoes..maybe some red 77 for floweing and some blue 32 mixed with some yellow #5 for veg not just a marijuana grower...i actually smoke the stuff too!! .... honk honk !!! .:bigjoint: