Got scammed...


Well-Known Member
Well first off... This is obviously the work of a troll.. Maybe not a troll at all since op is just being a funny guy. IDK. Are you guys not aware of this?

But just to play along, I'll toss in my two cents.
OP, It's your fault for falling into buisness with a sketchy dealer. Don't ever buy from somebody that makes you do weird things to get your bud. Only buy bud from a trusted friend.

As for payback, keep in mind that he knows where you live. You can try to track down his info based off his cell phone. I wouldn't let him see you since he knows where you live. So if you really want payback, slashing the tires is good enough. And wait a couple of months so that he forgets about how he ripped you off.

You should just drop it though. A sketchy dealer like that will get his payback by crossing somebody that shouldn't be crossed.


Pickle Queen
So u randomly purchased weed late at night from a stranger, u gave a drug dealer u don't know ur parents address and money before u even saw the product??? Damn u must be young, lesson learned, please be safe and wise :)


Well-Known Member
It smells like perfume, not even catnip, I don't want to smoke lettuce.
It for sure isn't catnip...catnip makes weird frondy looking flowers, like lamb's ear or a mint plant, they are all in the same family...
I have no idea what you have there, but it has flowers on it...
Actually the more I look at it the more i think some other kid may have just sold you pot-pourri...I guess they figured it had the word pot in it, and there is no way you are an adult, dealing with adults...
No adult that isn't seriously mentally deficient enough to just stick money in the mailbox and hope for some pot.


Well-Known Member
i lived at home for afew months after i turned 18 and my parents couldn't give me a cerfew but INSTEAD if i wasent home by 11 then the doors were locked and i had to find somewhere else to sleep. needless to say i slept in my car alot for those few months. and thats why i moved out on my own, well and i wanted to grow indoor :-P


Well-Known Member
if you really are over 18.. and you choose to smoke weed without your parents wishes in there house, and invite shady catnip dealers to leave shit in there mailbox at need to take that 55 bucks an go find your own place.

anyone who is over 18 and has a curfew, only live at home cause they cant afford to move out, dont sugar coat it, geta job.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh, Hell NO! You need to call that MF from a different number and try to buy some more. Have him meet you at a park at night. Have a bunch of friends and show that dick what happens when you cheat someone. You really have nothing to lose at this point. Jail beats your momma's curfew any time. Throw that clown a beating until you're tired of hitting him. Then take his wallet (with ID) in case he makes the connection. It's time to stand up and act like a man. $55 is serious business. That's like mowing a whole lawn now, isn't it? That's 55 MF frosty's at Wendy's. Try to record it and put it up on Youtube. Report back.


Well-Known Member
The insult was that he left that garbage at all. He should have just taken the cash out of the mailbox and went about his business. Then he could answer and say there wasn't any money so he didn't leave a sack. Try again the next night.


Ursus marijanus
Ohhhh, Hell NO! You need to call that MF from a different number and try to buy some more. Have him meet you at a park at night. Have a bunch of friends and show that dick what happens when you cheat someone. You really have nothing to lose at this point. Jail beats your momma's curfew any time. Throw that clown a beating until you're tired of hitting him. Then take his wallet (with ID) in case he makes the connection. It's time to stand up and act like a man. $55 is serious business. That's like mowing a whole lawn now, isn't it? That's 55 MF frosty's at Wendy's. Try to record it and put it up on Youtube. Report back.
Good plan (minus the beat-until-tired), but get a friend to make the call from a different phone and location. The mark must be unaware. cn


Well-Known Member
I'm with you clayton.
Why did he even bother to leave you anything?
How'd you get "this guy's" #?

Def have a hubby setup another meet and jump that mofo.


Pickle Queen
Ya I say set him up and scare the shit out of him (I truly mean shit his pants) But minus the beat down, what if things got out of hand and this person ended up seriously injured or dead, could u live with that, all over 55$ !!!!!!????? Karma is a nasty bitch, she will get him in her own way. Keep ur pride and realize u made a stupid choice trusting a person u don't know.

I got ripped off in my younger days, just the one time :( I gave a friend of a friend money for a half and he came back 3 hours later with maybe a quarter. I felt angry since he just tossed it out the car window and left before I could say anything. I eventually saw this person again I gave him a piece of my mind but revenge would have been a weak play on my part. 55 $ is not that much, it's peanuts really, suck it up nd move on knowing u learned a lesson.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh, Hell NO! You need to call that MF from a different number and try to buy some more. Have him meet you at a park at night. Have a bunch of friends and show that dick what happens when you cheat someone. You really have nothing to lose at this point. Jail beats your momma's curfew any time. Throw that clown a beating until you're tired of hitting him. Then take his wallet (with ID) in case he makes the connection. It's time to stand up and act like a man. $55 is serious business. That's like mowing a whole lawn now, isn't it? That's 55 MF frosty's at Wendy's. Try to record it and put it up on Youtube. Report back.
I could really go for a frosty right about now. Maybe even 55 of em.