Next up: mandated burial insurance...


Well-Known Member
donate my body to necrophiliacs. i'm dead, what do i care?

also, JAH is up to 5 threads now, indicating critical levels of obama derangement syndrome.

also, one starred.


Active Member
Wouldn't surprise me...

It's kind of funny how a multi-sibling family can eat out at restaurants, buy jewelry, spend money on girlfriends/boyfriends, have kids they can't actually afford... all this throughout the extent of their lives, then comes their parent's death and they somehow haven't saved a dime for it.

Meanwhile the parents did the same thing and don't have a dime saved for it, so their assets that the heirs take possession of, are potentially sold off at a net-loss. All in the name of irresponsibility and stupidity resulting in a further financial loss through both traits.

The new America - If most people aren't responsible for something, let's just make a government-enforce insurance program for that specific responsibility most people lack in maintaining.

Oh how fucked up the human race is...