Please Help, Beginning of 3rd Weed Veg


Active Member
Jason have you checked the link yet?
Thank's for you're concern but my solicitors and i guess i can call them the law... what i'm currently going through don't mind me being a cannabis smoker as i have never used near/around my daughter "ellie" ;)
yes cheesy song


Active Member
have you checked to see if the buds feel hard like a big orange/lemon or more like a sponge
if the buds are soft you will not have much yeild 4oz
but if hard, you could hit 10oz (dank bud)


Active Member
The pure AK is rock solid
But like i said it's hairs have all gone in to the buds pure ak is definately ready,

I'll check the other 2 at 11 i think they might need an extra week as where the hps is close to the ak it's far from them two so i'll check although these 2 have nice nodes the bud sites are huge on them i'll take the ak out and put it in a dark room at 11 then i'll check the other 2 and decide where i'm going from there will you be online to advice me? i won't be able to show pictures but i will be able to give a very good description of all i see and feel.

I don't mind going an extra week or so, the other 2 plant's hairs have gone almost all brown so i know they will go into the buds and the buds will harden up soon it's hard for me to tell since it's been ages since i saw an oz i try to imagine a gram but 28 of them but my minds just not that great but i think with these other 2 buds if i wait until they go solid i may be able to pull 3 - 4 oz off each


Active Member
I've heard some good things about bubble hash :D is it nice to smoke?
its the best i wish i could lend you my bags
had some mates round the other day, one was saying, he was a heavy smoker and told me he can get the best stuff, really well the weed i picked up will knock you on your ass
1 joint,
so went in the kitchen and rolled 2 joints one for me and one for him (but add some hash in his)
well he was f*cked after that joint lol


Active Member
Lol, i don't like people claiming they can smoke when they can't
Experience will come to them in time, i personally was put in a hostle when i was 16 with heavy smokers got introduced to socket bongs etc... i was selling 2oz a day so i spent every day smoking myself to sleep i was sick so many times but now i can just keep going and going.
And i know someones not a trained stoner when they claim to be fucked out there face,
The correct phrase is I feel effing amazing although i do envy them
I wish i could get zoned for that cheap still, although i love the fact i can get an oz and smoke it all when i celebrate like that i really do feel that i am in heaven one of them where you wake up 24hours later and you're still high :D


Active Member
The pure AK is rock solid
But like i said it's hairs have all gone in to the buds pure ak is definately ready,

I'll check the other 2 at 11 i think they might need an extra week as where the hps is close to the ak it's far from them two so i'll check although these 2 have nice nodes the bud sites are huge on them i'll take the ak out and put it in a dark room at 11 then i'll check the other 2 and decide where i'm going from there will you be online to advice me? i won't be able to show pictures but i will be able to give a very good description of all i see and feel.

I don't mind going an extra week or so, the other 2 plant's hairs have gone almost all brown so i know they will go into the buds and the buds will harden up soon it's hard for me to tell since it's been ages since i saw an oz i try to imagine a gram but 28 of them but my minds just not that great but i think with these other 2 buds if i wait until they go solid i may be able to pull 3 - 4 oz off each
yes i will be on


Active Member
With this pure ak's 48 hours of darkness will it matter if i take it through the hallway into another dark room? i've always had them in complete pitch black i can't get it completely pitch black while in the hallway as i will walk into a wall lol but it will be quiet dark


Active Member
Gheeze there is something really wrong with me,

felll out with a close friend today in all fairness he was being a complete nob but i can't wait to have my percy
I'm on my last chance to go prison for another violence charge, cannabis helps me control my adhd i know i'm an adult next year but it really get's to me sometimes and when i don't have a bud on them odd once every few months time i do thing's without thinking, i'm good with the law but when i'm being an idiot waking up in police cells everything caught on cctv i can't wait for this to be ready so when i get in one of them moods i can roll the best herb in the world and get it inside my lungs.
Some people will say if you grow weed you will go prison
I say if i don't i will probably go prison


Active Member
Gheeze there is something really wrong with me,

felll out with a close friend today in all fairness he was being a complete nob but i can't wait to have my percy
I'm on my last chance to go prison for another violence charge, cannabis helps me control my adhd i know i'm an adult next year but it really get's to me sometimes and when i don't have a bud on them odd once every few months time i do thing's without thinking, i'm good with the law but when i'm being an idiot waking up in police cells everything caught on cctv i can't wait for this to be ready so when i get in one of them moods i can roll the best herb in the world and get it inside my lungs.
Some people will say if you grow weed you will go prison
I say if i don't i will probably go prison
i know what that feels like
i lived next to a smack head in my late teens and that smack head in his 30's took some of my stuff and threaten to beat up my 13 years sister i nearly kill him
if he had turned up to court, i would have bin in jail for a long time
lucky i had friend and family that helped me out


Active Member
back to your grow
how many oscillating fans have you got
and have you got a thermometer you can hang