Man thread!!


Well-Known Member
For me, Jer, it would be more like...smush in it, not spread it....cuz...I use pads. The problem with pads, though, is they make this lumpy part in your panties that can sometimes show. What helps is those stretchy panty looking things that go over your panties that also tuck your tummy in for you. Those are nice. A little uncomfortable though.


Well-Known Member
For me, Jer, it would be more like...smush in it, not spread it....cuz...I use pads. The problem with pads, though, is they make this lumpy part in your panties that can sometimes show. What helps is those stretchy panty looking things that go over your panties that also tuck your tummy in for you. Those are nice. A little uncomfortable though.
What, like bicycle shorts or control pants? When I used to use pads I often had to wear a pair (or two) of little spandex shorts over my panties form 10-15. But seriously, switch to tampons! I know sometimes it seems like you have the tightest vagina ever and it's not going to happen (I was diagnosed with vestibulitis, but no sign of infection whatsoever) but try! You'll feel so much less weighed down and all clean and the pad itself won't be irritating the french doors to your lady garden whilst you ambulate.

Ok, let's stop discussing menstruation in the man thread before they invade our pony parks in retaliation... to the Pussy thread!!


Well-Known Member
They already invade our pony parks. I have tried tampons though. I have them in ohhh about an hour before i'm in so much pain that I start getting physically sick. Maybe it's not the tightness maybe i'm allergic or something? I can be really sensitive down there. Condoms hurt me also. Not just in a slight discomfort kind of way but in an oh my God get that thing out of me now, sore for days afterwards kind of way.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, I've escorted the lady to the Pussy thread, earlier desecrated by menfolk. We are now even. Please enjoy the manly videos I posted earlier and continue in your masculine exploits <3


Well-Known Member
Oh and yes, the control panties, that's what they're called. Yes, those help with panty lines in general but when you have a pad in they help a lot more because they hide that bulky part that the pad creates. Of course they also trap in that blood smell too, so, you gotta be careful how long you're wearing them.


Well-Known Member
Alright, alright, gosh. I'll stop. This was a planned estrogen attack though. Remember it next time you bring your penises to the pony parks!!