

Well-Known Member
I guess cannabis is addictive. I have heard that the weed going around these days has so much more THC then the shit in the 60's, That there really can be an addiction caused by repeated daily use. The average THC content of the ganj, rose from 3.5% in 1988 to 7% in 2003 and up to 8% in 2006 (Wikapedia). That is more then twice it's potency. Plus, with the invention of Vaporizors and shit like that, I'ts becoming easyer to isolate the THC for a larger dose. But Hey, thats what love about it.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
I guess cannabis is addictive. I have heard that the weed going around these days has so much more THC then the shit in the 60's, That there really can be an addiction caused by repeated daily use. The average THC content of the ganj, rose from 3.5% in 1988 to 7% in 2003 and up to 8% in 2006 (Wikapedia). That is more then twice it's potency. Plus, with the invention of Vaporizors and shit like that, I'ts becoming easyer to isolate the THC for a larger dose. But Hey, thats what love about it.

what are you basing this on? different strains have different THC%, just wondering by the way, or i may have totally misread your post :P

but i know one thing, and that's i aint addicted.


Well-Known Member
I guess cannabis is addictive. I have heard that the weed going around these days has so much more THC then the shit in the 60's, That there really can be an addiction caused by repeated daily use. The average THC content of the ganj, rose from 3.5% in 1988 to 7% in 2003 and up to 8% in 2006 (Wikapedia). That is more then twice it's potency. Plus, with the invention of Vaporizors and shit like that, I'ts becoming easyer to isolate the THC for a larger dose. But Hey, thats what love about it.
dunno about the THC levels but you are talkin completely bullshits about the addiction


Well-Known Member
what are you basing this on? different strains have different THC%, just wondering by the way, or i may have totally misread your post :P

but i know one thing, and that's i aint addicted.
On average the THC content of pot has been increased over time. The numbers I gave are straight out of Wikipedia. You wanted to know, well here it is... Regardless of how much we know about weed, this info is from much smarter people, who know what they are talking about.. Type in Cannabis see for yourself...

These intensive horticultural techniques have led to fewer seeds being present in cannabis and a general increase in potency over the past 20 years. The average levels of THC in marijuana sold in United States rose from 3.5% in 1988 to 7% in 2003 and 8.5% in 2006.[40]
"Skunk" cannabis is a potent strain of cannabis, grown through selective breeding and usually hydroponics, that is a cross-breed of Cannabis sativa and C. indica. Skunk cannabis potency ranges usually from 6% to 15% and rarely as high as 20%. The average THC level in coffeehouses in the Netherlands is about 18–19%.[41]
The average THC content of Skunk #1 is 8.2%; it is a 4-way combination of the cannabis strains Afghani indica, Mexican Gold, Colombian Gold, and Thai: 75% sativa, 25% indica. This was done via extensive breeding by cultivators in California in the 1970s using the traditional outdoor cropping methods used for centuries.
In proposed revisions to cannabis rescheduling in the UK, the government is considering scheduling the more potent cannabis material as a separate, more restricted substance.
A Dutch double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study examining male volunteers aged 18–45 years with a self-reported history of regular cannabis use concluded that smoking of cannabis with high THC levels (marijuana with 9–23% THC), as currently sold in coffee shops in the Netherlands, may lead to higher THC blood-serum concentrations. This is reflected by an increase of the occurrence of impaired psychomotor skills, particularly among younger or inexperienced cannabis smokers, who do not adapt their smoking-style to the higher THC content.[42] High THC concentrations in cannabis was associated with a dose-related increase of physical effects (such as increase of heart rate, and decrease of blood pressure) and psychomotor effects (such as reacting more slowly, being less concentrated, making more mistakes during performance testing, having less motor control, and experiencing drowsiness). It was also observed during the study that the effects from a single joint lasted for more than eight hours. Reaction times were remained impaired five hours after smoking, when the THC serum concentrations were significantly reduced, but still present. When subjects smoke on several occasions per day, accumulation of THC in blood-serum may occur.
Another study showed that consumption of 15 mg of Delta(9)-THC resulted in no learning whatsoever occurring over a three-trial selective reminding task after two hours. In several tasks, delta(9)-THC increased both speed and error rates, reflecting “riskier” speed–accuracy trade-offs.[43]:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Plus, don't you watch celebrity rehab, that girl from family matters was addicted to Pot. You don't define addiction by somthing you withdraw from. It's difined as: Addiction was a term used to describe a devotion, attachment, dedication, inclination, etc. Nowadays, however, the term addiction is used to describe a recurring compultion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individual's health, mental state or social life. So lets ask ourselves: Could we be addicted. Who care anyway, It's not going to ruin our lives like coke or heroin addiction.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
When was cocaine a hallucinogen?

Hmmmm, i wonder what smoking opium is like or even what opium is for that matter.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
When was cocaine a hallucinogen?

HAHA I was just about to say that

Hmmmm, i wonder what smoking opium is like or even what opium is for that matter.
IMO, fuck opium. Just mellows you out a little. To me it just made me want to smoke some greenery. I also could have had weak shit, but when I ask friends who've tried it they all say the same. I smoked it in a bowl and not a hookah though


Well-Known Member
Well to get the original comments of it all, if it comes from the soil, is it good? Nope, but weed is, coke is a stimulant that causes your endorphines to basically explode, after consistant use your body will develop the physiological need for the Coca to make you get excited what so ever. Thats why crack head flip when they dont have it, they have no excitement and they start to feel like shit. Plus all coke made me do was feel good, then i was an asshole to everyone, lol maybe that was just me Plus other things like angel trumpets and shit come from the ground. I do think that chewing the leaves to get the stimulation would be the best way to insure your only getting God's green and greatness... the man did invent weed


Well-Known Member
Thats really a funny way to look at it. It's not addiction, it's Awsome.. For about 10 years or so, I was a bit of cokehead. I was actully addicted to dope, started with the all mighty Oxicontin and then the Heroin took over as my drug of choice, mainly because My doctor cut me off the oxi and they cost so much more then dope does around here. Well, I used to do coke to keep me motivated and because I liked the way it felt to mix the two. I never enjoyed doing coke alone without the H. It would make me feel kind of sketched out and paranoid. I have been clean from H and coke for a number of years now, 4 to be exact. I still enjoy the ganja though. I guess I can say it's my only vice, I don't drink or do any other drugs. I can say with certainty that Weed helped me combat my heroin addiction, and it helped a lot with the withdrawels, not the really bad ones though. For the first 3 day of being dope sick, I wouldn't recomment smoking the Ganj. I was already really tired but couldn't sleep a wink. All the weed did was make me even more tired and want to shoot my fucking legs off. I had wicked leg cramps, which is very common for withdrawels. The problem with the addict brain is that you cant stop thinking about getting high, it comsumes your every thought. After the withdrawels, the constant thoughts of using are the worst part. Your brain doesn't stop untill you either get high or find something to take your mind off it. Weed did that for me. When I was stoned I didn't want to use as bad. Plus, The reason most addicts use is because they don't like to feel normal. weed also helped with that. I think I'm just blabbing now, it's 3:30am and I'm going to bed.
P.S., I wasn't up this late getting all fucked up, I get out of work at 3:00am.


Well-Known Member
Anyone classifying cannabis with cocaine can duck my sick...

Cannabis does not have to be processed in order to be enjoyed, just dried. Hell, I'm pretty sure if you took a female plant and cooked it without any drying/curing it would have the same effect. Coke on the other hand has to be processed unless you chew the leaves which boost your energy. If you're talking about unprocessed coca, argument there. But processed cocaine and cannabis do not compare.


Well-Known Member
Thats really a funny way to look at it. It's not addiction, it's Awsome.. For about 10 years or so, I was a bit of cokehead. I was actully addicted to dope, started with the all mighty Oxicontin and then the Heroin took over as my drug of choice, mainly because My doctor cut me off the oxi and they cost so much more then dope does around here. Well, I used to do coke to keep me motivated and because I liked the way it felt to mix the two. I never enjoyed doing coke alone without the H. It would make me feel kind of sketched out and paranoid. I have been clean from H and coke for a number of years now, 4 to be exact. I still enjoy the ganja though. I guess I can say it's my only vice, I don't drink or do any other drugs. I can say with certainty that Weed helped me combat my heroin addiction, and it helped a lot with the withdrawels, not the really bad ones though. For the first 3 day of being dope sick, I wouldn't recomment smoking the Ganj. I was already really tired but couldn't sleep a wink. All the weed did was make me even more tired and want to shoot my fucking legs off. I had wicked leg cramps, which is very common for withdrawels. The problem with the addict brain is that you cant stop thinking about getting high, it comsumes your every thought. After the withdrawels, the constant thoughts of using are the worst part. Your brain doesn't stop untill you either get high or find something to take your mind off it. Weed did that for me. When I was stoned I didn't want to use as bad. Plus, The reason most addicts use is because they don't like to feel normal. weed also helped with that. I think I'm just blabbing now, it's 3:30am and I'm going to bed.
P.S., I wasn't up this late getting all fucked up, I get out of work at 3:00am.
Good for you man conquering all of that...if no one else tells you, I'm proud of you and I don't even know you. But hearing things likes this always makes me smile. Keep your head up!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Kids get shot over weed every day. That means someone is trying to steal for it and people die for it. It's all the same, the only difference is our perceptions of the 2 drugs. I run into a lot of weed smokers who would rather spend their money on weed then pay their bills, what's the difference? It's not the drugs, it's the people!:peace:

I support all drugs and think retarded people should be illegal, lol.


Well-Known Member
you can't argue the use of a drug with ANYONE who has never experienced it.. arguing with this kid who obviously has never snorted an 8ball off the back of a toilet bowl at a truck stop at 4 in the morning doesn't know the power of the drug. I can't believe one would assume cocaine just 'grows out of the ground', i guess next meth just forms in your personal home bathtub and is a hundred percent safe


Well-Known Member
Thats really a funny way to look at it. It's not addiction, it's Awsome.. For about 10 years or so, I was a bit of cokehead. I was actully addicted to dope, started with the all mighty Oxicontin and then the Heroin took over as my drug of choice, mainly because My doctor cut me off the oxi and they cost so much more then dope does around here. Well, I used to do coke to keep me motivated and because I liked the way it felt to mix the two. I never enjoyed doing coke alone without the H. It would make me feel kind of sketched out and paranoid. I have been clean from H and coke for a number of years now, 4 to be exact. I still enjoy the ganja though. I guess I can say it's my only vice, I don't drink or do any other drugs. I can say with certainty that Weed helped me combat my heroin addiction, and it helped a lot with the withdrawels, not the really bad ones though. For the first 3 day of being dope sick, I wouldn't recomment smoking the Ganj. I was already really tired but couldn't sleep a wink. All the weed did was make me even more tired and want to shoot my fucking legs off. I had wicked leg cramps, which is very common for withdrawels. The problem with the addict brain is that you cant stop thinking about getting high, it comsumes your every thought. After the withdrawels, the constant thoughts of using are the worst part. Your brain doesn't stop untill you either get high or find something to take your mind off it. Weed did that for me. When I was stoned I didn't want to use as bad. Plus, The reason most addicts use is because they don't like to feel normal. weed also helped with that. I think I'm just blabbing now, it's 3:30am and I'm going to bed.
P.S., I wasn't up this late getting all fucked up, I get out of work at 3:00am.

wow, yea congrats on cleaning up bro, not many have the life you tell about and can live to tell about it


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I lost alot of good friends to dope, that part of the reason I tried so hard to get clean. I laugh at alot of the shit said on these blogs. You can tell alot of the comments are from kids who have never been on the so called "frontline". When I was using to maintain a my habbit, I never would have been online posting threads and all this stuff. In fact, I didn't have a computer, shit for that matter I didn't have a pot to piss in. And anyone who have a computer, never would have let me into there home to use it. I probibly would have stolen somthing from them anyhow. But thank you both DND and Kaya08 for the support, you wouldn't believe how much it still helps me with my self confidence issues which i developed somewhere along the way. That comment about snorting off of a truck stop toilet seat made laugh for about 5 minutes, You can bet I've been there. Infact, I once used the water out of a toilet (which I flushed about 6 times) To shoot up, becasue the sink was broken and there wasn't another bathroom for like 10 minutes. You woulnt beleive how long 10 minutes feels like when your Dope sick.. But, now a days every thing is different for me. Boring really, But i can deal with that. So if There are any junkie out there reading this, feel free to send me a message and Maybe I have some knowlege that can help you kick you habit. Thanks again, and Keep on smoking..