

Active Member
i think coke is bad if you use alot. i use it every now and then.. probably once or twice a month if that. when i take a line it just make me happy and puts me in a good mood.. one or two lines is good enough. i've also never gotten cravings. but in my opinion the good herb is still my number 1


New Member
Marijuana has never made me want to ,not come home, become dillusional, psycotic, or shut out family and friends. It has never cost me a marriage, job or life savings.
I have not lost sleep or teeth becuase of the exlixer herb.
Cocaine on the other hand has done it all and is no friend of mine.
Please think twice before you play with the drug you call Coke.
cfoke did that too a good many of my friends so that was enough to keep me from playing with that too much.
smack on the other hand I have been addicted to and Im now clean for 4 years.

and weed is addictive to some odd degree, but it helps me deal with a lot of cravings and shit that I have for the way smack made me feel.
so on that note id rather be addicted to weed anyday


Well-Known Member
i did the coke awhile back then smoked crack awhile, and let me say it is a waste of money and time period. Its interesting all the people I knew who smoked weed and then started to dable with coke, heroin oxycontin etc. all stopped smoking weed and just went after the others. If you liked to play golf you wouldent be doing it for long if you started doing the other drugs, but with weed you will play just as much golf. The point is addictive drugs take you away from the world and weed just maked the world a bit more fun.. I love my weed its the only drug i do other then legal drugs caffine etc. But I just love to get on the forum and smoke some weed like i am right now. Screw the hard addictive drugs if you want to try it fine but dont get hooked, or i should say dont let the drugs hook you. I have done shrooms a few times and that is something I will probably do again I have nothing agenst it like I do coke and herion But I dont feel I need to go back to that level of conciousness that a shroom trip will bring you. But weed its perfect you can go to the movies on and just have fun. and not worry about your next fix or money that you need to get or seeing the person's face melt off as they are talking to you.


Well-Known Member
I get happy when I think about coke haha. Everyone on this post is all depressing and sad! You dont have to get strung out on it but is a fun drug if u dont!

Dont take it if your looking for an escape and thats with most drugs if u want an escape it will give you one and you'll be strung out but if you want to have some crazy fun cokes the way to go... sorry but it is

ah wait or extasy


Well-Known Member
last time i checked, ive never been on my hands and knees on the floor looking for crumbs of pot
ive seen so many people do this. i really find it dicusting!!! but i have had a friend of mine wh did sell his blood to buy some weed... that was pretty sad. ive even seen girls give up thier booty for some smoke.


Active Member
when the sacks gone and you got nothin but reson ... you do a once around for roaches..... cokes not bad in moderation... like once a year maybe twice


Active Member
Cocaine and heroin and even ecstasy sometimes are all processed and treated with chemicals. coke is filled up with stuff like baby powder, half the the time only some of it may be coke. with that aside, cocaine and heroin are some of the most addicting substanes in the world, so it's just not that smart to do them in general, you never know what you'll get.


Well-Known Member
I get happy when I think about coke haha. Everyone on this post is all depressing and sad! You dont have to get strung out on it but is a fun drug if u dont!

Dont take it if your looking for an escape and thats with most drugs if u want an escape it will give you one and you'll be strung out but if you want to have some crazy fun cokes the way to go... sorry but it is

ah wait or extasy
I would recomend Extasy if you want to have a good time and feel happy. It think its much better feeling then coke and it lasts longer and its not anywhere near as addictive, I love it and only did it 5 times.


Well-Known Member
I love crack heads .. where else can you buy shit dirt cheap... We used to have a crack head that came around a job site in the city and use to take orders .. tell him what you wanted , after a few hours he would have that item...


Well-Known Member
It's true that it originally comes from a plant..Marijuana can be mentally addictive just like a cup of coffee in the morning or anything in a daily routine... but you can't be throwing up DT-ing from it like you can with coke..don't get me wrong coke is a blast but it's nothing to fuck around with if you have an addictive personality, like myself.


Well-Known Member
ive seen so many people do this. i really find it dicusting!!! but i have had a friend of mine wh did sell his blood to buy some weed... that was pretty sad. ive even seen girls give up thier booty for some smoke.
haha, I've been to the plasma bank before for some weed money...I mean I don't see the problem with giving aid to burn victims and whatnot for some free grass...


Well-Known Member
coke is like quick sand homie, i didnt have to try it just watched some peeps i grew up with get sucked down and everything they loved and had went with them.....SAD shit that drug is garbage in my opinion.


Active Member
done coke 3 times- its fun, really really fun- but its too expensive for my budget. Spend 80 bucks for 2 G's, but once we start doing it- its gone within 3 hours. Rather buy 2 grams of bud for 20$ and have fun all day!


Well-Known Member
On average the THC content of pot has been increased over time. The numbers I gave are straight out of Wikipedia. You wanted to know, well here it is... Regardless of how much we know about weed, this info is from much smarter people, who know what they are talking about.. Type in Cannabis see for yourself...

These intensive horticultural techniques have led to fewer seeds being present in cannabis and a general increase in potency over the past 20 years. The average levels of THC in marijuana sold in United States rose from 3.5% in 1988 to 7% in 2003 and 8.5% in 2006.[40]
"Skunk" cannabis is a potent strain of cannabis, grown through selective breeding and usually hydroponics, that is a cross-breed of Cannabis sativa and C. indica. Skunk cannabis potency ranges usually from 6% to 15% and rarely as high as 20%. The average THC level in coffeehouses in the Netherlands is about 18–19%.[41]
The average THC content of Skunk #1 is 8.2%; it is a 4-way combination of the cannabis strains Afghani indica, Mexican Gold, Colombian Gold, and Thai: 75% sativa, 25% indica. This was done via extensive breeding by cultivators in California in the 1970s using the traditional outdoor cropping methods used for centuries.
In proposed revisions to cannabis rescheduling in the UK, the government is considering scheduling the more potent cannabis material as a separate, more restricted substance.
A Dutch double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study examining male volunteers aged 18–45 years with a self-reported history of regular cannabis use concluded that smoking of cannabis with high THC levels (marijuana with 9–23% THC), as currently sold in coffee shops in the Netherlands, may lead to higher THC blood-serum concentrations. This is reflected by an increase of the occurrence of impaired psychomotor skills, particularly among younger or inexperienced cannabis smokers, who do not adapt their smoking-style to the higher THC content.[42] High THC concentrations in cannabis was associated with a dose-related increase of physical effects (such as increase of heart rate, and decrease of blood pressure) and psychomotor effects (such as reacting more slowly, being less concentrated, making more mistakes during performance testing, having less motor control, and experiencing drowsiness). It was also observed during the study that the effects from a single joint lasted for more than eight hours. Reaction times were remained impaired five hours after smoking, when the THC serum concentrations were significantly reduced, but still present. When subjects smoke on several occasions per day, accumulation of THC in blood-serum may occur.
Another study showed that consumption of 15 mg of Delta(9)-THC resulted in no learning whatsoever occurring over a three-trial selective reminding task after two hours. In several tasks, delta(9)-THC increased both speed and error rates, reflecting “riskier” speed–accuracy trade-offs.[43]:mrgreen:
God knows that wiki is the new authority on everything :roll:.

What a full of shit post,dont you realize that wiki dont give a rats ass where it gets its info from,please dont spread propaganda based on fukin stupid ass wiki information,it's one thing to post negative things about mj based on personal experience but to quote some wiki stupidity,then post it as a fact sucks ass & is nothing more than posting just for the sake of posting.


Well-Known Member
God knows that wiki is the new authority on everything :roll:.

What a full of shit post,dont you realize that wiki dont give a rats ass where it gets its info from,please dont spread propaganda based on fukin stupid ass wiki information,it's one thing to post negative things about marijuana based on personal experience but to quote some wiki stupidity,then post it as a fact sucks ass & is nothing more than posting just for the sake of posting.
Wiki has Verifiable Information along with names, studies, scientists, Government records and whatever else you might need to establish the truth about somthing. What part of that statment isn't true? I would love to debate it with you. There has been scienific research to back up everything stated in that post. I'm not trying to give false information here.