Do I Keep Smoking Blunts or Stop Smoking Blunts?


Well-Known Member
of course id smoke a blunt or whatever but its just not what fad im in right now i guess.
You are right about the fad part. I remember I moved around the USA a few times before I did a GTFO. When I was in the north east, I smoked a lot of bongs and bowls and joints and a few few blunts. But then when I got to the south east, to america's wang state, the monster anti-marijuana *Come on vacation stay on Probation* state, we smoke a lot of blunts, and really only me and my bro smoked bongs and pipes. Friends smoked lots of blunts in Orlando


Well-Known Member
Gotta love a good blunt and blunt wraps (coconut, Honey, chocolate, blueberry).... I'd mostly use these with out "texas brick shwag"... But some really isnt as bad as the rep it gets...... Sure, alot is crap...(And trust me... I know.... That's the stuff they sell up north, since they know "rich white kids are crazy, and will pay for it anyways".... and the better stuff stays down here, as they know we know better, and can score better weed so easily..... I can get an LB of solid tric'd up brick for like 120 bucks if i'm lucky.... Normally like 175-200 if it's totally BOMB with maybe 30-40 seeds in a whole LB..(Which isnt a bad thing, to have seeds of some great genetics).... But, seriously.... Most of the time if we're outside chilling, and about to roll a blunt or joint, we straight up just toss the seeds.... But lately, I'll keep 10 or so when I run into something off the charts amazing..... Right now I have like 10 of this last lb we got of some stuff that looked like compressed cotton candy, and would break away like it too, and from all the baggies, about every 4 grams had maybe 1-2 seeds at most 3.....I really wanna grow it out, and see what potential it has under my care, and if it's amazing, I might consider breeding it with some sort of purple or maybe even the SAGE to increase yield..... If the bud from it reminded me of any strain out there in the market, It would be Pyramid Seeds "Wembley", or Barney's Farm "Honey B".... That's what it looked like... Nice light in color, and very pleasant taste, soft smoke.....

anywhoo... Blunt's are awesome!... Then Joints...Glass Pipe... I really enjoy those long Lord of the rings, "Gandolf" kind of pipes also.... Had one made of clay, and it broke on me.... Still usable, but it's only 4 inches long now, so, nah..... I have NEVER Owned an awesome awesome (expensive) glass bong, Like alot of people like to collect....So I couldnt say... It's just not something I see as Convenient, as a quick roll of a joint or pipe..... Chill out, and Just smoke till your eyes go chinese on ya -_-...


Meh I was never a fan of blunts. I tried a couple and they worked, but all they where to me was a big ass joint that tasted and smelled funny. I love the papers, but hate big joints. I always roll tiny little joints and smoke the whole thing in one shot. Then I roll another and another.

For everyday smoking I have my bong and whatever premium weed people are pushing (BC Big Bud right now and OG kush in a couple days). I use my bubbler and pipes occasionally. My vape comes out when I am testing some fresh bud to get all the flavor to find out what I want to do with it (Make hash, smoke it or bake it). I use the vape with friends, but that is the down side of a whip vape, you can't smoke with a lot of people.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day when I spent time making tons of ISO oil, we would always take blunt wraps and smear the goldenbrown oil inside of the wraps and then load it up with buds. I just could never get a joint to burn right if I was throwing some ISO hash in there... Blunts, no problem. And with the right amount of weed and hash in there, a blunt will set anyone's mind off in the highest directions. Peace
Blunts to me seem like an extravagence of weed lol (alone that is)

If I'm by myself, I'd rather get that autopilot feeling from a joint. But blunts are best if there are like more than 2 people in a session at a time.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, but I've never seen a good blunt turn into a canoe like so many joints have. Even sometimes I shut off the blunt, and pick it up an hour or so later. Now if there was a bowl out there that could be hit 30 times and not turn off, I'd switch away from blunts in a minute!
Blunts to me seem like an extravagence of weed lol (alone that is)

If I'm by myself, I'd rather get that autopilot feeling from a joint. But blunts are best if there are like more than 2 people in a session at a time.


Well-Known Member
As explained in other blunt-related threads, I think there's definitely a time and place for blunts; what I can't stand is people smoking them because they think they're an emblem of badass-official-stoner-bad-mannery or something. Blunts don't make you Tupac, but If you want to spark one up in honor, then I'll gladly do the same.:blsmoke:


New Member
As explained in other blunt-related threads, I think there's definitely a time and place for blunts; what I can't stand is people smoking them because they think they're an emblem of badass-official-stoner-bad-mannery or something. Blunts don't make you Tupac, but If you want to spark one up in honor, then I'll gladly do the same.:blsmoke:
I got mine rolled up you ready to put some in the air :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just had to tell you I smoked my last at 4:20 am ^^ Dude, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was ready first, I was too stoned but I still love you <3

...that took faaaaaaaar too long to type X3:eyesmoke:


New Member
well i figured u would so i fired up i got awhile till 420 am here

I just had to tell you I smoked my last at 4:20 am ^^ Dude, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was ready first, I was too stoned but I still love you <3

...that took faaaaaaaar too long to type X3:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Okay now I'm baking away in a hotboxed camping tent with a ladyfriend, munch, brandy and disco lights... I have 12 g, maybe I will roll a blunt or two...


Well-Known Member
Hey buds, I have a special blunt idea ready for friday. I've done figured how to make some excellent shatter hash from BHO and white rhino, even some good middies make fabulous hash from a tek that I do/use everytime. I'm going to go up for the triple threat this weekend, and going to post up some pics for the blunt kings out there to get a look in on my own works in south america. Triple threat : Shatter BHO log of about 2 or 1mm, not sure yet, stretching out 75 percent of the length of the blunt, then 1 gram of white rhino, 1 gram of high middies, and a fresh berry blunt wrap :D Peace, Chronic


New Member
Hey buds, I have a special blunt idea ready for friday. I've done figured how to make some excellent shatter hash from BHO and white rhino, even some good middies make fabulous hash from a tek that I do/use everytime. I'm going to go up for the triple threat this weekend, and going to post up some pics for the blunt kings out there to get a look in on my own works in south america. Triple threat : Shatter BHO log of about 2 or 1mm, not sure yet, stretching out 75 percent of the length of the blunt, then 1 gram of white rhino, 1 gram of high middies, and a fresh berry blunt wrap :D Peace, Chronic
sounds potent bro wish i could hit that with u