
New Member
I'm sure you have all grown up and heard over and over again, that no matter what else...FDR did end the depression. If I heard that once, I heard it a hundred times..... This also ties into a statement often heard that it was WW2 which helped pull us out as well...which is a very small consolation prize since 100's of thousands had to die to bring it about.... if it's true.

But is it actually the truth of the matter? The answer is an unequivocal NO. In fact, it is just the opposite. So let's look at the period of US history when Keynesian economics was in full swing.

It's the same with the WW2 comment.... the answer is NO, the war did NOT pull us out of the depression and any positives were very limited. Building tonnage of war equipment is an awful way to bring about prosperity. You can't drive a half track down a highway to get to work.... it goes on the scrap heap typically as soon as peace thankfully arrives.

So, let's just take a look at FDR and his policies and how they played out.

The NEW DEAL: FDR loved letters apparently.... we have the great new agencies of AAA, NRA, WPA and also the TVA. All of these agencies failed to produce SUSTAINABLE employment. They were VERY EXPENSIVE stop gaps and unemployment still exceeded 20% in 1939. Now remember that the depression was a GLOBAL depression. Keeping that in mind, it is interesting to note that in 1938, European countries average unemployment rate was 12%. That's quite a difference and one of the few times in the 20th century that the USA suffered from higher job losses. Kudos to Europe by the way. :clap: They weren't socialist nations back then and did not follow Keynesian economics at all.

The New Deal forced taxes UP and discouraged businesses from investing....sound familiar? It should. :sad:

So, let's move on to WW2, since that is always the fall back position on the road to excusing FDR and his inane policies. Was there full employment? Yepper, but it was very temporary...again. There were 10 to 12 MILLION soldiers (workers) overseas and another 10 - 15 MILLION ppl making war equipment, and as I stated earlier...there isn't much use for that after a war is over....temporary jobs.
So the country basically traded temporary jobs for a wildly increasing national debt. Most of those jobs had very little or no value after the conflicts dies down.

FDR knew all of this....FDR and his cabinet advisors were going nuts at the possibility of the great depression RETURNING when the war ended (since Keynesian economics doesn't work), and Johnny soldier showed up for a job.

So what was FDR'S response? Why, more of the same...!!! He was so smart, right? (sound familiar? :lol:) On October 28, 1944, six months before his death, FDR laid out his vision for the post war America. He wanted to DOUBLE down on the "Old" New Deal (smart? uhh, no)

Included in his new plan was subsidized housing, federal involvement in health care, more TVA projects, and the "right to a useful and profitable job", provided by the Federal govt. if necessary. ( uh oh....this sounds familiar as well :lol:)

Poor FDR died before the end of the war sadly... I do think he deserved to see it's end, but life isn't about fairness (what??!!)....

So he never got to implement his plan for the country.....but guess what...his successor President Truman, also a Democrat, and faithful to FDR, pushed the NEW New Deal to Congress.

On Sept. 6th, 1945 (war is now over folks) Truman urged Congress to enact FDR'S plan for REAL recovery.

So let's recap real quick.... FDR knew his plans and projects did not work at all, just by looking at Europe, that much was plain to see. So we are now through WW2 and the country is still has the SAME problems....14 years of Keynesian economics and nothing had changed....except the DEBT.

So Cracker , tell us, what happened? (edge of seat) :lol:

Well, Congress LISTENED to Trumans speech and then BOTH houses simply said .... NO! Enough already!! Also...SHOCKINGLY....both houses were dominantly controlled by ..... Democrats!
They said no the NEW New Deal. NO federal program for health, limited housing subsidies (for soldiers), and no increase in the minimum wage or SS benefits.

Instead, what did the DEMOCRAT controlled govt do? Why they reduced TAXES!!! ( we are leaving Obama parallels at this time...keep ur hands and feet safely inside ) Everything was reduced across the board.... Income and corporate taxes.

FDR also had an EXCESSIVE PROFITS TAX (for you liberals bitching about Exxon).... Congress REPEALED it! Gone!! :clap:

So at this juncture in time....1945.....15 years after FDR's Keynesian type economics had FAILED to do anything permanent .... a Democrat Congress adopted SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS.

By the late 1940's a new economy emerged from the ashes of FDR'S FAILURES, generating more annual federal revenue than the US had received during the WAR years, when tax rates were HIGHER! By 1946, price controls were eliminated (the last vestiges of Keynesian economics), and the USA started running budget SURPLUSES.

FDR gave the country double digit unemployment in the 30's and by 1946....thanks to a Congress wise enough to know that Keynesian economics is non-sense unemployment dropped to about 4%. They maintained that with a few burps for a decade.

So the great depression ended.... NO THANKS to FDR are necessary.

Thank a DEMOCRAT CONGRESS which prophetically mirrored Ronald Reagan.
I might add that since Ronnie grew up during this period..... he MIRRORED the 1945 democrat Congress ( Ronnie was a Democrat for most of his life yah know).

It was they that saved the nation, not FDR.

And know the true story of FDR......cast the myth aside.

Obama hopes you don't....because he is repeating all of the same mistakes FDR made.

He's so smart.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have all grown up and heard over and over again, that no matter what else...FDR did end the depression. If I heard that once, I heard it a hundred times..... This also ties into a statement often heard that it was WW2 which helped pull us out as well...which is a very small consolation prize since 100's of thousands had to die to bring it about.... if it's true.

But is it actually the truth of the matter? The answer is an unequivocal NO. In fact, it is just the opposite. So let's look at the period of US history when Keynesian economics was in full swing.

It's the same with the WW2 comment.... the answer is NO, the war did NOT pull us out of the depression and any positives were very limited. Building tonnage of war equipment is an awful way to bring about prosperity. You can't drive a half track down a highway to get to work.... it goes on the scrap heap typically as soon as peace thankfully arrives.

So, let's just take a look at FDR and his policies and how they played out.

The NEW DEAL: FDR loved letters apparently.... we have the great new agencies of AAA, NRA, WPA and also the TVA. All of these agencies failed to produce SUSTAINABLE employment. They were VERY EXPENSIVE stop gaps and unemployment still exceeded 20% in 1939. Now remember that the depression was a GLOBAL depression. Keeping that in mind, it is interesting to note that in 1938, European countries average unemployment rate was 12%. That's quite a difference and one of the few times in the 20th century that the USA suffered from higher job losses. Kudos to Europe by the way. :clap: They weren't socialist nations back then and did not follow Keynesian economics at all.

The New Deal forced taxes UP and discouraged businesses from investing....sound familiar? It should. :sad:

So, let's move on to WW2, since that is always the fall back position on the road to excusing FDR and his inane policies. Was there full employment? Yepper, but it was very temporary...again. There were 10 to 12 MILLION soldiers (workers) overseas and another 10 - 15 MILLION ppl making war equipment, and as I stated earlier...there isn't much use for that after a war is over....temporary jobs.
So the country basically traded temporary jobs for a wildly increasing national debt. Most of those jobs had very little or no value after the conflicts dies down.

FDR knew all of this....FDR and his cabinet advisors were going nuts at the possibility of the great depression RETURNING when the war ended (since Keynesian economics doesn't work), and Johnny soldier showed up for a job.

So what was FDR'S response? Why, more of the same...!!! He was so smart, right? (sound familiar? :lol:) On October 28, 1944, six months before his death, FDR laid out his vision for the post war America. He wanted to DOUBLE down on the "Old" New Deal (smart? uhh, no)

Included in his new plan was subsidized housing, federal involvement in health care, more TVA projects, and the "right to a useful and profitable job", provided by the Federal govt. if necessary. ( uh oh....this sounds familiar as well :lol:)

Poor FDR died before the end of the war sadly... I do think he deserved to see it's end, but life isn't about fairness (what??!!)....

So he never got to implement his plan for the country.....but guess what...his successor President Truman, also a Democrat, and faithful to FDR, pushed the NEW New Deal to Congress.

On Sept. 6th, 1945 (war is now over folks) Truman urged Congress to enact FDR'S plan for REAL recovery.

So let's recap real quick.... FDR knew his plans and projects did not work at all, just by looking at Europe, that much was plain to see. So we are now through WW2 and the country is still has the SAME problems....14 years of Keynesian economics and nothing had changed....except the DEBT.

So Cracker , tell us, what happened? (edge of seat) :lol:

Well, Congress LISTENED to Trumans speech and then BOTH houses simply said .... NO! Enough already!! Also...SHOCKINGLY....both houses were dominantly controlled by ..... Democrats!
They said no the NEW New Deal. NO federal program for health, limited housing subsidies (for soldiers), and no increase in the minimum wage or SS benefits.

Instead, what did the DEMOCRAT controlled govt do? Why they reduced TAXES!!! ( we are leaving Obama parallels at this time...keep ur hands and feet safely inside ) Everything was reduced across the board.... Income and corporate taxes.

FDR also had an EXCESSIVE PROFITS TAX (for you liberals bitching about Exxon).... Congress REPEALED it! Gone!! :clap:

So at this juncture in time....1945.....15 years after FDR's Keynesian type economics had FAILED to do anything permanent .... a Democrat Congress adopted SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS.

By the late 1940's a new economy emerged from the ashes of FDR'S FAILURES, generating more annual federal revenue than the US had received during the WAR years, when tax rates were HIGHER! By 1946, price controls were eliminated (the last vestiges of Keynesian economics), and the USA started running budget SURPLUSES.

FDR gave the country double digit unemployment in the 30's and by 1946....thanks to a Congress wise enough to know that Keynesian economics is non-sense unemployment dropped to about 4%. They maintained that with a few burps for a decade.

So the great depression ended.... NO THANKS to FDR are necessary.

Thank a DEMOCRAT CONGRESS which prophetically mirrored Ronald Reagan.
I might add that since Ronnie grew up during this period..... he MIRRORED the 1945 democrat Congress ( Ronnie was a Democrat for most of his life yah know).

It was they that saved the nation, not FDR.

And know the true story of FDR......cast the myth aside.

Obama hopes you don't....because he is repeating all of the same mistakes FDR made.

He's so smart.
You mean to tell me, all this Socialism stuff has been tried before and has failed? Stop man, you are blowing my mind. :o

Another thing we rarely hear about FDR is his relative indifference to the murder of Jews in Europe. FDR actually turned away Jews seeking sanctuary and he refused to bomb Auschwitz and other death camps despite pleas to do so. Great guy.

My understanding is that some Liberals are trying to rewrite history to say this isn't true. It figures.


New Member
Liberals HAVE to rewrite history....:lol: Else everyone would laugh at them.

Obama is making the EXACT same mistakes....and hoping no one notices...but even without the historical details...the general population instictively knows Obama is INCORRECT.

Approval from 64% to 43% in a single year in office.


Well-Known Member
lets talk about history then...

it wasnt FDR's policies that ended the depression...
it was the war that did it.
and here's why:

in the dark days after 1929, no one had faith in the gov, for good reason. this was an era where 'corporations' and wealthy individuals controlled enough capital to do hostile takeovers of entire nations... nevermind competitors. a financier such as jp morgan could break the us economy in less than a week, if he so desired. corruption was the way of life, and since the public generally believed that these businessmen and companies provided the atmosphere that led to the crash, they also correctly believed that these same entities effectively controlled the congress.... (sounds familiar, huh) there was no confidence in the governments ability to protect the national economy from outside influence... that had to change, for good reason.
its no state secret FDR removed the gold standard so that the fed reserve could 'create money' to fund rapid mobilization leading into the early days of ww2. they knew war was coming, but they didnt know when or how. they had to have the ability to fund it. but with no one spending, no taxes were collected. you cant fight a war without a war chest... but with the gold standard, the only money was the gold.. and no one was spending it. everyone was hoarding it, and only spending when they absolutely had to... they had to find a way to pump the private sector with cashflow, but without causing a general panic by announcing war was on the horizon. so they had to get cash into the economy, without massive short term inflation. this was achieved by the eradication of the gold standard and the creation of the federal reserve, backed by the us govt. this freed up the currency that would fund the new deal projects, that would in turn 'trickle down' to the private sector, and encourage people to start spending again. they also knew that an almost totalitarian administration would have to be in place to prevent economic chaos due to japans rapid expansion into the south pacific, cutting off americas oil supply for the west coast, and trading routes into the far east.
few remember that the pacific war was caused by a threatened embargo by the us towards japan... an embargo of (surprise!) oil! when the us said we'll cut off japans oil supply if they didnt withdraw from china, japan struck first, seizing oil feilds in indonesia and then destroying the US navy's ability to retake them @ pearl harbor. combined with the pressure the uk was putting on us for strategic support, things were not looking good. even in those days, our economy was somewhat globalized, and in the delicate state that the economy was in, the threat of a nazi germany effectively cutting off european nations as trading partners, disaster and economic ruin was on the horizon. so drastic measures were undertaken. fdr's true genius was not the bringing about of the new deal, but having the foresight to see what was coming, and how to prepare for it. many of fdr's policies were intended to revive the citizens confidence of the government to protect its citizens, its economy, and make a show of force that someone, for once, was in charge that was looking out for the people, not the industrialists. even if it was a bold faced lie, it worked. this new feeling of 'change' in the air is what caused previously pessimistic business owners to rethink there business plans, adapt to current conditions, and start hiring and producing again, instead of laying off and canceling orders that no one had the money to pay for. if the new deal hadnt generated this feeling of solidarity, there is a very good chance that half of us would all be speaking german or japanese right now... it was so close to happening that winston churchill once admitted (after the war) that there were several instances where gb would have been forced to surrender to germany if just one convoy hadnt gotten through in 1939. if that had happened, it would have given germany a stragetic advantage that would have greatly altered the course of history. south america would have been next. on the other side of the globe, japan was to invade australia. after this was completed, the 2 axis powers planned a pincer movement to invade south america, with the ussr playing rearguard to both of them. there is no way the US would have been able to prevent that from happening, if gb fell. after south america was dominated, japan was to attack from the south through centeral america, germany to attack from the east, and russia from the west. russia was to get canada, japan west of the mississippi, and germany was to get east of the mississippi. yet the US's rapid mobilization, possible because of fdr's previous economic policies, stalled the axis just long enough to reverse there strategy. japans invasion fleet for sydney turned back less than 500 miles from its destination... germany's plans to invade GB were stalled when by an incredible stroke of luck... rommel was defeated in africa leaving germany cut off from the oil in the persian gulf. from that pont on in the war, it was a matter of economics. whoever could produce the most, would win the war. well, we produced the most, and we won. this was possible because of fdr's new deal revitalizing the economy before the war had ever broke out; because if he hadnt made his moves when he did, we wouldnt have pulled of the dolittle raid... because the planes that were used wouldnt have been built yet; this raid caused japan to reposition its navy in the hope of catching a us carrier group at sea. this reposition forced its sydney invasion group to reinforce indonesia, because japan could not afford to leave its oil fields unguarded with with a us carrier group loose in the pacific. and we couldnt have afforded to loan GB the destroyers and convoy escorts that allowed the convoys to get through, even with devastating losses suffered, because we would have been using them ourselves to protect our own coasts and shipping in the pacific. but back to fdr....
his policies were crap... no one can really dispute that. but some of his agencies were not such a bad thing.
the TVA is one of my favorites. the TVA's original mission, was to create power generation and a sustainable grid in an area of the country where no such thing even remotely existed; later, in 1943, the mission was changed, and the grid was actually constructed to switch power to the massive uranium enrichment plants (k-25) in oak ridge. little known fact. there still there. during the height of production, over 90% of all electricity generated in the united states was switched into oak ridge, on the tva'a power grid. the money provided by the tva's many projects flooded into the local economy that had been stagnant since the civil war and then reconstruction. it was this boost that eventually led to the 'new south', which has been one of the most rapid economically expanding areas of the country ever since. and they still provide jobs...

so did fdr singlehandedly stop the depression? no.... he did what he had to do to prepare us for a war that was unavoidable. since we won that war, that put us in the position to be very strong during economic/diplomatic negotiations after the war was over. combined with the efficiency in manufacturing from having a having a highly trained and disciplined production workforce from a wartime production economy, and the years of accrued combat pay veterans were now free to spend and invest, it was a perfect recipe for economic revival.
fdr didnt do it, he just laid the cornerstone, and as history often shows us, the one that did the least got the most credit.
but he does deserve some credit for it.... just not all.


Well-Known Member
Where did all that BS come from? I never knew Russia and Germany were allies in WWII - you learn something new every day.


Active Member
Obama hopes you don't....because he is repeating all of the same mistakes FDR made.

He's so smart.
Liberals HAVE to rewrite history....:lol: Else everyone would laugh at them.

Obama is making the EXACT same mistakes....and hoping no one notices...but even without the historical details...the general population instictively knows Obama is INCORRECT.

Approval from 64% to 43% in a single year in office.
Good information. But you are completely WRONG by asserting that what FDR did, and what Obama is doing are "mistakes'. I can see how you cant seem to get out of the RIGHT and LEFT paradox. Republicans, and Democrats are ONE IN THE SAME. Divide and conquer is a tool the powers that be continue to use, and you you are falling for it.

It's all part of a BIGGER plan.


Well-Known Member
bs? open a book...

russia, japan, italy, and germany, and a few rogue states formed the axis powers.
it was only in 1941 after hitler caught syphilis and lost his fucking mind and invaded russia that the ussr withfrew from the axis alliance.
google the katyn massacre if you dont believe me. russia helped germany invade poland... among many other things.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Where did all that BS come from? I never knew Russia and Germany were allies in WWII

ever heard of Joseph Stallin? Yeah I remember covering this in 6th grade.


Well-Known Member
some more history for you....

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, colloquially named after the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and the German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, was an agreement officially titled the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union[1] and signed in Moscow in the early hours of 24 August 1939 (but dated 23 August).[2] It was a non-aggression pact between the two countries and pledged neutrality by either party if the other were attacked by a third party. It remained in effect until 22 June 1941 when Germany implemented Operation Barbarossa, invading the Soviet Union.


New Member
Good information. But you are completely WRONG by asserting that what FDR did, and what Obama is doing are "mistakes'. I can see how you cant seem to get out of the RIGHT and LEFT paradox. Republicans, and Democrats are ONE IN THE SAME. Divide and conquer is a tool the powers that be continue to use, and you you are falling for it.

It's all part of a BIGGER plan.
Well, as my 1st post points out quite clearly sir, FDR's policies were a huge mistake. Huge. FDR prolonged the depression sir, and never solved it. This is not a right left issue sir, since it was the DEMOCRATS who turned the country around. Am I clear? :lol:

It's not about right or left, it's about knowing which types of economics helps or hurts the country. This isn't a game.... and Obama is making the same classic mistakes FDR did. I would say the exact same thing if (fill in the blank) were in office, if they started thinking the way Obama is. I couldn't care less which party is in office.

Now we didn't have a depression, not even close. What happened was serious, but in no way threatened the USA's solvency or ability to recover. Obama said differently, and rode that "crisis" right into the White House. Facts are, unemployment is in double I'm not going to fault Obama for being President when the job losses increased in the beginning, but it's been over a year now since we peaked, and Obama can't bring the number down. So, he's going to, get this, double down again. FDR.....

You know why Obama can't bring the numbers down?, except the numbers of his own popularity that is...:wink:

Because Keynesian economics doesn't work.... and that sir, is exactly what Obama is doing... mimicking FDR, and we will have a similar result.


Active Member
Well, as my 1st post points out quite clearly sir, FDR's policies were a huge mistake. Huge. FDR prolonged the depression sir, and never solved it. This is not a right left issue sir, since it was the DEMOCRATS who turned the country around. Am I clear? :lol:

It's not about right or left, it's about knowing which types of economics helps or hurts the country. This isn't a game.... and Obama is making the same classic mistakes FDR did. I would say the exact same thing if (fill in the blank) were in office, if they started thinking the way Obama is. I couldn't care less which party is in office.

Now we didn't have a depression, not even close. What happened was serious, but in no way threatened the USA's solvency or ability to recover. Obama said differently, and rode that "crisis" right into the White House. Facts are, unemployment is in double I'm not going to fault Obama for being President when the job losses increased in the beginning, but it's been over a year now since we peaked, and Obama can't bring the number down. So, he's going to, get this, double down again. FDR.....

You know why Obama can't bring the numbers down?, except the numbers of his own popularity that is...:wink:

Because Keynesian economics doesn't work.... and that sir, is exactly what Obama is doing... mimicking FDR, and we will have a similar result.

Yes, I agree! But what you are failing to realize is these events are not "mistakes". They are highly planed and orchestrated events. FDR as well as Obama are just front men, puppets if you will. Carrying out there masters agenda with out question. The agenda is to have complete control over the masses in the form of a "new world order". But nobody is that evil...... right? :lol::fire::lol:

None the less, it is interesting to see the similarities between FDR and Obama. Considering the events that lead up to the last world war are being mirrored today....


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have all grown up and heard over and over again, that no matter what else...FDR did end the depression. If I heard that once, I heard it a hundred times..... This also ties into a statement often heard that it was WW2 which helped pull us out as well...which is a very small consolation prize since 100's of thousands had to die to bring it about.... if it's true.

But is it actually the truth of the matter? The answer is an unequivocal NO. In fact, it is just the opposite. So let's look at the period of US history when Keynesian economics was in full swing.

It's the same with the WW2 comment.... the answer is NO, the war did NOT pull us out of the depression and any positives were very limited. Building tonnage of war equipment is an awful way to bring about prosperity. You can't drive a half track down a highway to get to work.... it goes on the scrap heap typically as soon as peace thankfully arrives.

So, let's just take a look at FDR and his policies and how they played out.

The NEW DEAL: FDR loved letters apparently.... we have the great new agencies of AAA, NRA, WPA and also the TVA. All of these agencies failed to produce SUSTAINABLE employment. They were VERY EXPENSIVE stop gaps and unemployment still exceeded 20% in 1939. Now remember that the depression was a GLOBAL depression. Keeping that in mind, it is interesting to note that in 1938, European countries average unemployment rate was 12%. That's quite a difference and one of the few times in the 20th century that the USA suffered from higher job losses. Kudos to Europe by the way. :clap: They weren't socialist nations back then and did not follow Keynesian economics at all.

The New Deal forced taxes UP and discouraged businesses from investing....sound familiar? It should. :sad:

So, let's move on to WW2, since that is always the fall back position on the road to excusing FDR and his inane policies. Was there full employment? Yepper, but it was very temporary...again. There were 10 to 12 MILLION soldiers (workers) overseas and another 10 - 15 MILLION ppl making war equipment, and as I stated earlier...there isn't much use for that after a war is over....temporary jobs.
So the country basically traded temporary jobs for a wildly increasing national debt. Most of those jobs had very little or no value after the conflicts dies down.

FDR knew all of this....FDR and his cabinet advisors were going nuts at the possibility of the great depression RETURNING when the war ended (since Keynesian economics doesn't work), and Johnny soldier showed up for a job.

So what was FDR'S response? Why, more of the same...!!! He was so smart, right? (sound familiar? :lol:) On October 28, 1944, six months before his death, FDR laid out his vision for the post war America. He wanted to DOUBLE down on the "Old" New Deal (smart? uhh, no)

Included in his new plan was subsidized housing, federal involvement in health care, more TVA projects, and the "right to a useful and profitable job", provided by the Federal govt. if necessary. ( uh oh....this sounds familiar as well :lol:)

Poor FDR died before the end of the war sadly... I do think he deserved to see it's end, but life isn't about fairness (what??!!)....

So he never got to implement his plan for the country.....but guess what...his successor President Truman, also a Democrat, and faithful to FDR, pushed the NEW New Deal to Congress.

On Sept. 6th, 1945 (war is now over folks) Truman urged Congress to enact FDR'S plan for REAL recovery.

So let's recap real quick.... FDR knew his plans and projects did not work at all, just by looking at Europe, that much was plain to see. So we are now through WW2 and the country is still has the SAME problems....14 years of Keynesian economics and nothing had changed....except the DEBT.

So Cracker , tell us, what happened? (edge of seat) :lol:

Well, Congress LISTENED to Trumans speech and then BOTH houses simply said .... NO! Enough already!! Also...SHOCKINGLY....both houses were dominantly controlled by ..... Democrats!
They said no the NEW New Deal. NO federal program for health, limited housing subsidies (for soldiers), and no increase in the minimum wage or SS benefits.

Instead, what did the DEMOCRAT controlled govt do? Why they reduced TAXES!!! ( we are leaving Obama parallels at this time...keep ur hands and feet safely inside ) Everything was reduced across the board.... Income and corporate taxes.

FDR also had an EXCESSIVE PROFITS TAX (for you liberals bitching about Exxon).... Congress REPEALED it! Gone!! :clap:

So at this juncture in time....1945.....15 years after FDR's Keynesian type economics had FAILED to do anything permanent .... a Democrat Congress adopted SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS.

By the late 1940's a new economy emerged from the ashes of FDR'S FAILURES, generating more annual federal revenue than the US had received during the WAR years, when tax rates were HIGHER! By 1946, price controls were eliminated (the last vestiges of Keynesian economics), and the USA started running budget SURPLUSES.

FDR gave the country double digit unemployment in the 30's and by 1946....thanks to a Congress wise enough to know that Keynesian economics is non-sense unemployment dropped to about 4%. They maintained that with a few burps for a decade.

So the great depression ended.... NO THANKS to FDR are necessary.

Thank a DEMOCRAT CONGRESS which prophetically mirrored Ronald Reagan.
I might add that since Ronnie grew up during this period..... he MIRRORED the 1945 democrat Congress ( Ronnie was a Democrat for most of his life yah know).

It was they that saved the nation, not FDR.

And know the true story of FDR......cast the myth aside.

Obama hopes you don't....because he is repeating all of the same mistakes FDR made.

He's so smart.
you are out of you're fucking mind.

during the great depression americans were dying of hunger.

that's right.

people right here in america were dying because they had NO food. just like they do in those 'other' third world countries.

the great depression was nothing like this financial meltdown.

if it wasn't for the new deal who knows how many more americans would've died because of lack of food. americans had NO money.

the president at the time, FDR, did what was good for the PEOPLE. this wasn't about him getting on the good side of a few 'economists', even less about people disagreeing with him close to 100 years later and debating whether or not he extended the great depression, many ecnomists would agree he didn't, but I guess CJ knows best.....:?

it was about giving the people he saw suffering through poverty a little bit of hope and some fucking food in their stomachs. just to give you an idea of how miserable it was: a family member, a dentist to the very wealthy, was training in what now is Baylor Medical Systems in Dallas TX, when the depression was in full swing, he would drink a gallon or more of water until he couldn't swallow any more, and wear his belt very very tight, to get through days without eating. and this was a guy from a good family, he could afford medical school and an apartment, even HE was hungry......... FDR would walk around and see 40-60 year old men weighing 100 lbs.......... it had to be mortifying....

and Obama isn't repeating the same exact steps FDR did. in fact, Obama handled a situation that was undoubtedly going to have the same effect of completely tanking the stock markets and a second Great Depression was as close to imminent as it was 90 years ago.

instead of courting Depression, we faced a short, albeit severe, recession.

the recession will end before Obama leaves office. if you leave it up to the conservatives no thanks to him though.......


Well-Known Member
and i'm gonna finish off saying that if you don't think WW2 ended the great depression, then you have to look at a fucking calendar.

the very year America started to get actively involved in helping the allies fight the Nazis, the depression ended.

it's not a coincidence.

everything from metal to panti-hose became luxury items with extremely high demand.

the metal used to make toys and other excesses was being diverted to make war machines, nylon and polyester was used to make war uniforms, fertilizer was in short supply because it's used in bombs, rubberbands and dolls were no longer widely available to make tires, workers were able to go stand in a line and get a job, something that wasn't seen in a looooooong time....

if a steep increase in demand and accompanying increase in prices, like the one you saw when the US entered the war isn't enough to pull a nation out of a Depression, nothing is....


New Member
Yes, I agree! But what you are failing to realize is these events are not "mistakes". They are highly planed and orchestrated events. FDR as well as Obama are just front men, puppets if you will. Carrying out there masters agenda with out question. The agenda is to have complete control over the masses in the form of a "new world order". But nobody is that evil...... right? :lol::fire::lol:

None the less, it is interesting to see the similarities between FDR and Obama. Considering the events that lead up to the last world war are being mirrored today....
Uhhh, put down the pipe and back slowly away ... you've had enough! :lol:

Poor RED, still unable to parse simple posts. It's all in there. The country didn't start to become prosperous until the late 40,s.... until then it was all RED RED RED.... FDR's policies.... Keynesian policies are failures in every way that counts. This is why I have been assailing Obama, not because he is a Dem, or has ZERO experience, but that he is taking us down the same road of faailure, but in an even bigger and more permanent way. Unless this administration is stopped, the damage will be SEVERE. The ppl already are sensing this.... Obama can't get his numbers up no matter what he tries.... and man, he is tring.... but nada. He is on the wrong path, and the ppl are waiting for him to WAKE UP....but he won't. He's a socialist and believes in collectivism....which means less jobs, less money, less freedom, less happiness.

While Socialism may have seemed to be a utopia for Europe following WW2.... I understand the urge. Europe was once again, bombed out and depleted of population in a most heinous way..... by the left mind you. The left caused WW2.

But almost anything was a step UP for them. Not so in the USA... this is a step DOWN ... and a HUGE step it is. The ppl are being punished by a govt. which cause all of the problems in the first place.

And you are one of the big fat federal govt's biggest cheerleaders. How dumb can you be......

Man o' the green

Active Member
it's not a coincidence.

everything from metal to panti-hose became luxury items with extremely high demand.

the metal used to make toys and other excesses was being diverted to make war machines, nylon and polyester was used to make war uniforms, fertilizer was in short supply because it's used in bombs, rubberbands and dolls were no longer widely available to make tires, workers were able to go stand in a line and get a job, something that wasn't seen in a looooooong time....

if a steep increase in demand and accompanying increase in prices, like the one you saw when the US entered the war isn't enough to pull a nation out of a Depression, nothing is....
This makes no sense to me. It was a decrease in supply that was the problem with prices, as resources were diverted to war purposes.

Let me theorize, with the caveat that I'm totally stoned :
Wasn't it simply a shift of government spending from recovery to war, and after the war sacrifices at home and the subsequent post-war government spending reductions, only then were we able to have prosperity ?
War may bring a false prosperity while waged, but isn't it more due to the sacrifices of those at home than the debt accumulated ?
This was also an industrial economy, which doesn't match well to our current consumer economy. All the excess production and material that was saved for the reserves of war, was then available. We don't have any significant industrial production to speak of today, so our increasing debt is purely consumed, not turned into lasting wealth.



New Member
I'll play along .... it takes a world war to correct 10 years of Keynesian economics. !!

Wonderful!!! We have a very bright future ahead of us.


Well-Known Member
Ummm some good info out there, CJ does an admirable job but doesn't tell the whole story,Iam5stoned tries to make up the difference but gets a few facts wrong, but his heart and mind are in the right place.

Ok so FDR STOLE (confiscated) the peoples money (gold) by gunpoint AND then had the audacity to revalue it upwards by 70%!!! Which means he DEVALUED the dollar by as much. SO, steal gold and pay the citizen at the rate of $20.67 per ounce of gold and then when you have gotten almost all of the gold, revalue it higher $35/ounce , effectively STEALING 70% of the citizens money for the governments use. Then make it illegal for the citizen to own gold, under large penalty if caught. Continue to let foreigners trade in dollars for gold coins until 1971 when the USA completely ran out of all gold ( Fort Knox has been empty since then).

The Federal Reserve had been around for 20 years before the depression came along, FDR didn't create it, private bankers from Europe created the FED to control the USA politically, and economically.

FWIW even under the Gold Standard the Banks of the day still practiced fractional reserve banking, its not a new concept, the fraud of it has existed since the days of the gold smith (1400's). You can only have bank runs if they are leveraged ( Fractional reserve) and they had lots of bank runs before the Fed came into existence.

The reason the USA became so fucking powerful after the war? Almost every single nation that was industrialized was totally in ruins, except one country of course, the USA. The rest of the world did not all of a sudden stop demand for products, all eyes turned to the USA to produce the needs of the world, there was almost NO COMPETITION!! Its easy to make a buck when your the only one capable of meeting demand. We had also imported the finest minds from all the enemy countries.

The greatest growth period of the USA? Easily the period between Andy Jackson's elimination of the Bank of the US and the US Debt and 1913 when the Fed reserve system was put into place and the Income tax amendment was put into place ( to Pay for the interest from borrowing money from the Fed).

The USA has sold it soul. The Corruption at the top for the last 40 years is mind boggling. The chickens are coming home to roost.


Well-Known Member
you are out of you're fucking mind.

during the great depression americans were dying of hunger.

that's right.

people right here in america were dying because they had NO food. just like they do in those 'other' third world countries.
The reason people didn't have food was because of Govt policy. Wages in some industries were boosted by 25 percent. Prices increased by 23 percent. Those who got the raise could afford the price increase the majority of the population fell further and further behind. Prices were fixed on some commodities in order to "pay" for the increase in wages. That is the reason crops were plowed under and not sold at a lower price.