What Is The Output Of A...


Well-Known Member
i would imagine that one with a prolific mind would keep their mouth shut.
shut mouth = most genius idea ever.


New Member


Hippie tip: The word ten is often used to make up three missing characters that may be required to fulfill the 10 character minimium message length requirement.

If only two, then



Active Member
How prolific must a minds be to write a spooky Christmas story on Halloween?

Well the output of prolific is abundant.

So... not very prolific, being that it is Halloween and Writing a spooky story should be easy. How about Charles Dickens?

Robert Zemekis? I would define him as a prolific Director.


Well-Known Member
i would imagine that one with a prolific mind would keep their mouth shut.
shut mouth = most genius idea ever.
^^^ Explain your thinking? I just can't quite grasp it.


Okay, here's my stab in the dark..

I think what DubRules was referring to was what Socrates made somewhat infamous ... and in turn lead to his death after trial.

But yeah.. Socrates claimed that when a person calls him or herself wise that they are condeming themselves to their own ignorance. Socrates admittingly knew he was only as wise as his own mind could let up, and that he was not the wisest. Therefore paradoxically being aware of his own ignorance made him "wiser" than his opponents. lol ..or something like that.


New Member
What could be the theoretical output of Humanity's focused, prolific minds functioning at nearly full capacity?

I mean really.

Have YOU thought about it?

Many focus on what things are not, rather than what they could be.

How many writers does it take to write a book?