"The larger the gun, the more menacing the situation,"


New Member
The generals asked to Obama to send more troops because Afghanistan campaign had regressed so much under GWB leadership. We have more casualties in Afg because you can't really fight in the winter(there is always more casulities in summer) look at the numbers. You send more troops there is going to be more contact with the enemy and more casualties.

Bush half assed it in Afghanistan and now Obama had to send in the Marines to finish the job

My buddy(marine spec ops) just got back from Helmand yesterday actually
You can go back a few months when the troops were sent in..... there was no plan on what to do with them. Some of the top brass questioned this bit of odd wisdom. The Taliban is reorganized and charged up over there. Now we may see an increase of ANOTHER 40,000 troops being sent over there soon. This will top us off to around 110,000 troops there. If Obama doesn't get a handle on this....he may be the next LBJ.

No one wants Obama to succeed more than I do in this area. Our troops lives depend on him. As for Obama's economic ideas..... fail fail fail....please fail...for the sake of the average citizens future....please fail.


between you and me... if i lived in the middle east and i was invaded by a foreign nation...

i would fight them too

im not advocating death of soldiers, nor am i saying i want them to die

lets use an example

you look out your window and you see russian troops patrolling the streets

they have invaded, taken over, give you no human rights, search and seize without cause or warning

checkpoints, and basically just armed to the teeth all around you

wouldnt you be PISSED that some one did this to your country?

Big P

Well-Known Member
between you and me... if i lived in the middle east and i was invaded by a foreign nation...

i would fight them too

im not advocating death of soldiers, nor am i saying i want them to die

lets use an example

you look out your window and you see russian troops patrolling the streets

they have invaded, taken over, give you no human rights, search and seize without cause or warning

checkpoints, and basically just armed to the teeth all around you

wouldnt you be PISSED that some one did this to your country?

not if my previous government the taliban was killing women and preventing my daughter from going to school.

and if the russians helped build her schools and was killing the people oppressing me

i would be with the russians against the poeple who have destroye dmy country

when we wer british colonies we turned on our british oppressors and joined up with the frenchs help to defeat them



not if my previous government the taliban was killing women and preventing my daughter from going to school.

and if the russians helped build her schools and was killing the people oppressing me

i would be with the russians against the poeple who have destroye dmy country

when we wer british colonies we turned on our british oppressors and joined up with the frenchs help to defeat them

thats what they know man, thats how they have been for hundreds of years

its in their culture to not have women go to school and to dress them 100% clothed at all times in public etc

but who am i to say they are wrong?

i say, let them BE )unless of course large being murdered )

let them have their own society, free of our military's oppression, and free over our influence

bring our troops HOME DAMNIT

Big P

Well-Known Member
thats what they know man, thats how they have been for hundreds of years

its in their culture to not have women go to school and to dress them 100% clothed at all times in public etc

but who am i to say they are wrong?

i say, let them BE )unless of course large being murdered )

let them have their own society, free of our military's oppression, and free over our influence

bring our troops HOME DAMNIT

dude you think they like that?

im an arab and i been out there man they dont enjoy havnt thier daughters uneducated and murdered they dont enjoy being whipped for being caught with a cd

thats not what being a muslim is about man


New Member
Just let them be huh..... keenly. :sad: so sad.

You would have been against the US Civil war I presume? Just let the southerners be. Just let slavery be. Who are you to say they are wrong......



dude you think they like that?

im an arab and i been out there man they dont enjoy havnt thier daughters uneducated and murdered they dont enjoy being whipped for being caught with a cd

thats not what being a muslim is about man

muslims are very nice people, most hospitable

i guess what im trying to say is im tired of america being the world police

"drugs are now your global policy, now you police the globe" - Prison song SOAD

im tired of people like my cousin corey and my best friend growing up, our brothers, our sisters, our fathers and our mothers, join the military to and go police another population, many of which fight, die, and even kill people who are just trying to conform in their society as best they can

it sounds like your saying they do need help. and i could agree with that to a point

but why does so many of our finest need to be that help

why do they continue to go out there and get killed for, at the grand scheme of things, NOTHING

sometimes get killed for it

edit: the above post may make all, little, some, or no sense.... this post is the ambien takling


Just let them be huh..... keenly. :sad: so sad.

You would have been against the US Civil war I presume? Just let the southerners be. Just let slavery be. Who are you to say they are wrong......

no no no not even close

im not anti war, war has a purpose, it exists for a reason
i would fight in the civil war because it would be in my homeland i would pick the side i felt was morrally correct and head on into battle

not just let the southerners be,take away slavery, with an iron fisht if needed

but you cant take away a culture, a mindset of gererations and generations has hard wired into these peoples brains

some women want the traditional lifestyle, some dont

they should be able to schoose what they want....freedom i believe its called

everyone deserves freedom to be happy, even if that means not being free to be happy

Big P

Well-Known Member
Have you seen fabled enemies

you know who orginally created the Taliban right? your a smart man i think you do

well lets be honest we are not helping them out of the goodness of our hearts we went there to destroy the enemey that was harboring and hiding the one who has declared war on us and perpertated the worst attach on on american soil since pearl harbor,

but a good way to help destroy them is to help the local population so they end up helping us.

win win.

think about it total casualties for both Iraq wars on the american side is less than 10,000

thars 0.3% of the population of our nation, so if we had thais 1 out of 300 people

take a look at the data, isnt it amazing we were able to free 2 counties that 50,000,000 people with less of the same causalties as we have had in previous years during peace time

Deaths in the Military
1980 .......... 2,392
1981 .......... 2,380
1982 ......... 2,318
1983 .......... 2,465
1984 .......... 1,999
1985 .......... 2,252
1986 .......... 1,984
1987 .......... 1,983
1988 ......... 1,819
1989 .......... 1,636
1990 .......... 1,508
1991 .......... 1,787
1992 .......... 1,293
1993 .......... 1,213
1994 ......... 1,075
1995 .......... 1,040
1996 .......... 974
1997 .......... 817
1998 .......... 826
1999 .......... 795
2000 ......... 774
2001 .......... 890
2002 .......... 1,007
2003 .......... 1,410 [534*]
2004 .......... 1,887 [900*]
2005 .......... [919*] 2006 .......... [920*]

Figures so noted with an asterisk (*) indicates deaths as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
You may initially feel confused when you look at these figures - especially when you see that in 1980, during the term of President Jimmy Carter,there were 2,392 US military fatalities. What this clearly indicates is that our media and our liberal politicians pick and choose and tend to present only those facts that support their agenda driven reporting.
Another fact our left media and politicians like to slant is that these brave men and women losing their lives are minorities.
Wrong again.
The latest census shows the following:
European descent (white).........69.12%
African American.................12.3%
Native American...................1.0%
The fatalities over the past three years in Iraqi Freedom are:
European descent (white)........ 74.31%
African American..................9.67%
Native American...................1.09%
These statistics are published by DOD and may be viewed at:

dont you feel like you have been lied to by the rabble rousers about how bad these wars were when in reality in comparison its been relativly the same per year.

they put politics before thier nation and way before our brave soildiers

Pass this on,Semper Fi


New Member
That's a very good point and I appreciate the numbers which help put it into context. Well done...:clap:

Yes, I have said this many times but not with numbers (slap, ow).

It is simply amazing that the US could hold a beehive like Iraq for so long with such FEW casualties. The top brass and Bush should and will be commended by history of running the smartest war ever for the USA. It will be studied by military academies forever as THE example of getting it done, and getting it done right. Mistakes are ALWAYS made in war.... it's war! It is the corrections applied to those mistakes which create success or failure. Bush and the brass made the right adjustments.

Simply an amazing achievement. Iraq is a self governing, non dictatorial nation state. If you had asked them 10 years ago if that would happen in their lifetime, the answer would have been a big NO. And yet.......simply amazing...:clap:

We are the greatest nation on earth.....surely.

Big P

Well-Known Member
That's a very good point and I appreciate the numbers which help put it into context. Well done...:clap:

Yes, I have said this many times but not with numbers (slap, ow).

It is simply amazing that the US could hold a beehive like Iraq for so long with such FEW casualties. The top brass and Bush should and will be commended by history of running the smartest war ever for the USA. It will be studied by military academies forever as THE example of getting it done, and getting it done right. Mistakes are ALWAYS made in war.... it's war! It is the corrections applied to those mistakes which create success or failure. Bush and the brass made the right adjustments.

Simply an amazing achievement. Iraq is a self governing, non dictatorial nation state. If you had asked them 10 years ago if that would happen in their lifetime, the answer would have been a big NO. And yet.......simply amazing...:clap:

We are the greatest nation on earth.....surely.

I feel we are too, im only around 30 but its feels to me like all the quality americans are dieing off and being replaced with the misgiuded leftovers of the hippy movement

I find the constant self involvement of the baby boomers is so nacasitic and selfish, they are getting the reins and messing this up badly.

I think its up to the 70's 80's & 90's generations to throw them out tell them to stop being such morons. this is life not John lennin "imagine"

i feel my generations and the rap generation knows better about threats deception and the nefarious capabilities of our human brethren

this pie in the sky shit has to stop, you always work for the pie in the sky but never expect it. this is how doom approaches.

the key for the boomers is to hope for the best but expect the wost not expect the best and prepare for nothing.

seems so childish to think in this way.

then you can toss in "the Ego" AKA Ram Emanuel and Barryington Obama

they are so calls and partizan, little do they know there's people watching across the ocean stacking shanks in thir cells preparing for a gang war with this easy prey

the question is what is american gonna be com-predator or prey?

but its almost like the biggest threat is actually coming from our own.

if they fuck america, it will be worthless why would they want such an america it will just lose all its power have no economic stregth and zero growth. I predict canada with overflow with immigrants the day the music dies.

and you got barak obamas thumb print on you forehead so you may enter you own home in peace

like I said before im goin to break my arm voting and pulling the lever against them in 14 months.


New Member
If the USA goes down, it will be by our own hands. It takes a lot of WORK and FAITH in each other to stay number 1. Lib's don't have faith in each other.....why they want a middleman referee....nevermind that the ref gets 70% of the prize money...:roll:

The USA's high degree of success is not guaranteed and each generation must build upon the previous generation. In my opinion, this process is in danger of being derailed. The USA can fail, and will. Then while we will all know WHO to blame...it will be too late to turn it around. The numbers will crush us into a permanent limbo of mediocrity.


you guys are making me a little want to hurl a little bit here

your basically saying "its all good we have only lost this many"

over 1 million dead iraqi's there is NO justifying that

and pearl harbor? another false flag attack to suck us into WWII

what im saying is right now we should fucking be in the middle east

we need to get our noses out of other, SOVEREIGN nations business, and bring every single one of our men and women back home

so, what have we accomplished? nothing

just a little under 1,015,000 dead people


Well-Known Member
there was war long before there was money. men's egos make war. this politics section is a perfect example. :)