Is the press giving the president a free pass?


Well-Known Member
Robert J. Samuelson
The Obama Infatuation

Is the press giving the president a free pass?

Jun 1, 2009 | Updated: 1:47 p.m. ET Jun 1, 2009

The Obama infatuation is a great unreported story of our time. Has any recent president basked in so much favorable media coverage? Well, maybe John Kennedy for a moment, but no president since. On the whole, this is not healthy for America.
Our political system works best when a president faces checks on his power. But the main checks on Obama are modest. They come from congressional Democrats, who largely share his goals if not always his means. The leaderless and confused Republicans don't provide effective opposition. And the press—on domestic, if not foreign, policy—has so far largely abdicated its role as skeptical observer.
Obama has inspired a collective fawning. What started in the campaign (the chief victim was Hillary Clinton, not John McCain) has continued, as a study by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism shows. It concludes: "President Barack Obama has enjoyed substantially more positive media coverage than either Bill Clinton or George W. Bush during their first months in the White House."

The study examined 1,261 stories by The Post, The New York Times, ABC, CBS and NBC, NEWSWEEK magazine and the NewsHouron PBS. Favorable articles (42 percent) were double the unfavorable (20 percent), while the rest were "neutral" or "mixed." Obama's treatment contrasts sharply with coverage in the first two months of the Bush (22 percent of stories favorable) and Clinton (27 percent) presidencies.
Unlike George Bush and Bill Clinton, Obama received favorable coverage in both news columns and opinion pages. The nature of stories also changed. "Roughly twice as much of the coverage of Obama (44 percent) has concerned his personal and leadership qualities than was the case for Bush (22 percent) or Clinton (26 percent)," the report said. "Less of the coverage, meanwhile, has focused on his policy agenda."
When Pew broadened the analysis to 49 outlets—cable channels, news Web sites, morning news shows, more newspapers and National Public Radio—the results were similar, despite some outliers. No surprise: MSNBC was favorable, Fox was not. Another study, released by the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University, reached parallel conclusions.
The infatuation matters because Obama's ambitions are so grand. He wants to expand health-care subsidies, tightly control energy use and overhaul immigration. He envisions the greatest growth of government since Lyndon Johnson. The Congressional Budget Office estimates federal spending in 2019 at nearly 25 percent of the economy (gross domestic product). That's well up from the 21 percent in 2008, and far above the post-World War II average; it would also occur before many baby boomers retire.
Are his proposals practical, even if desirable? Maybe they're neither? What might be the unintended consequences? All "reforms" do not succeed; some cause more problems than they solve. Johnson's economic policies, inherited from Kennedy, proved disastrous; they led to the 1970s' "stagflation." The "war on poverty" failed. The press should not be hostile, but it ought to be skeptical.
Mostly, it isn't. The idea of a "critical" Obama story is one about a tactical conflict with congressional Democrats or criticism from an important constituency. Larger issues are minimized, despite ample grounds for skepticism.
Obama's rhetoric brims with inconsistencies. In the campaign, he claimed he would de-emphasize partisanship—and also enact a highly partisan agenda; both couldn't be true. He got a pass. Now, he claims he will control health-care spending even though he proposes more government spending. He promotes "fiscal responsibility" when projections show huge and continuous budget deficits. Journalists seem to take his pronouncements at face value even when many are two-faced.

The cause of this acquiescence isn't clear. The press sometimes follows opinion polls; popular presidents get good coverage, and Obama is enormously popular. By Pew, his job approval rating is 63 percent. But because favorable coverage began in the campaign, this explanation is at best partial.
Perhaps the preoccupation with the present economic crisis has diverted attention from the long-term implications of other policies. But the deeper explanation may be as straightforward as this: Most journalists like Obama; they admire his command of language; he's a relief after Bush; they agree with his agenda (so it never occurs to them to question basic premises); and they don't want to see the first African American president fail.
Whatever, a great edifice of government may arise on the narrow foundation of Obama's personal popularity. Another Pew survey shows that since the election the numbers of both self-identified Republicans and Democrats have declined. "Independents" have increased, and "there has been no consistent movement away from conservatism, nor a shift toward liberalism."
The press has become Obama's silent ally and seems in a state of denial. But the story goes untold: Unsurprisingly, the study of all the favorable coverage received little coverage.


Active Member
Someone hasn't been watching fox news, you want to see anything remotely related to the democrat party be bashed 24/7 (pres included) all you have to do is tune in there. They don't even care if they deserve it or not just constant bashing... it gets almost funny sometimes.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
o'reilly repub or dem aside should not be on television. he interups tells people to shut up etc.. he is over the top and extremely disrespectful being american knowing people will take men like him seriously is sad.


New Member
you should watch MSNBC..they have news coverage of fox news bashing them like 24/7..last i heard a guy on msnbc was saying o reilly was responible for some abortion doctor murder..they are accusing them of fermenting terrorism and extremism..
this is your typical obama and democrat voter. check it out..dumb as dog shit..but they have a vote too..
So in essence you are calling me dumb as dogshit. I never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box, Like you, but dumb as dogshit? I doeth protest oh great one. I've made it to almost 70, being on my own since I was 15, that takes some intellect. I gleaned out two years of college while supporting a wife and three kids, that takes some fortitude. I may not have hit the million dollar club, but considering from where I started, I've done OK. I'd have to say you may need to hold up a mirror to see dumb as dogshit.


Well-Known Member
ok..ill give you a little credit above dog shit are at least several steps above alot of your liberal bretheron. you have worked during your life least hae contributed and not taken . and that is worthy of note...

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
being disrespectful or using offensive language does not make your feelings any more clear on either side of this subject. we would not speak to each other this way face to face at least not for long. so why do it hiding behind a computer screen its silly and shows personal weakness and insecurity.


Well-Known Member
Please check out See "The Obama Deception on youtube via The Alex Jones channel. The corporate media is controlled by the elite who in turn run our government. The corporate media only reports to the public what is approved by these overseers. You can not rely on them for news, only objective opinions for they are merely commentators and mediators. They wish to channel your thoughts to believe as they wish. FREEDOM OR FEARDOM the choice is ours.:peace:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
all politicians suck wake up. bush and cheney are they forgotten? 8 years of destruction to this country. i did not vote for mcain or obama as there is the secret electoral college which means our democracy is null and void and has been for a while. plus monetary contributions from companies what a joke. you are all playing into the hands of the powers that be instead of looking at our broken system. you only give power to the morally corrupt in this way.


Active Member
Let's be honest.

Love him or hate him...

It is no secret that the main stream press falls all over themselves to show the current administration in a positive light. Even they are admitting it. All I am saying is that if we want to ever treat this as a real step forward is to take the kid gloves off and threat EVERYONE the same. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.

Pro or Con it is your right to speak up.

And yes, I think it is crazy for the Government to be running a car company. Choosing what vehicles we will be driving. I don't want more America workers "paying a great sacrifice" for our future generations. Isn't the trillions more in additional debt enough?


New Member
I'm surprised the OP was in a question form. It's well documanted that the mainstream media is not objective and have stopped serving the American citizenry.


New Member
Come on. Are you just figuring this out now? The "journalists" never questioned or challenged Obama sealing all his records before the election, so no one could review him properly. He has a connection to ACORN, his DOJ has been told to allow illegal immigrants to vote, and the media continues with their devotion to his socialist agenda. Sadly, only 48% of America truly understood what his idea of "change" meant. This is so far developed now, that the media is widely referred to as state-controlled media.

Good morning, trees. It's about time you woke up. You've been asleep a long time.


New Member
you should watch MSNBC..they have news coverage of fox news bashing them like 24/7..last i heard a guy on msnbc was saying o reilly was responible for some abortion doctor murder..they are accusing them of fermenting terrorism and extremism..
this is your typical obama and democrat voter. check it out..dumb as dog shit..but they have a vote too..
I've become conservative in the recent decade, and I do watch Fox news. And I listen to talk radio. That said, I did NOT attend any stupid tea parties, I think Hannity is a dip-shit that can only strum talking-points, and O'Reilly is the king of jerks. As a conservative, I prefer anyone on MSNBC over O'Reilly hands down.

O'Reilly is one of the most arrogant and deceitful individuals. The idea behind the charges is that O'Reilly started a personal war with this man on his show-- Normally, the frequency of angry editorials from an anchor in his position on network or broadcast radio would easily and directly violate FCC laws. But because it is cable, the rules don't apply to any criminal charges. I'm not convinced O'Reilly is innocent here. In my opinion, O'Reilly suffers from NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and his actions in this case tallied over time are criminal in nature. If the murderer were to come out and admit he watches O'Reilly, then look out. Civil lawsuits could follow.

I watch FoxNews and I have no idea why they employ O'Reilly. Think for yourself in 2010 and beware of false prophecies.


New Member
LOL you guys so delusional..............Obama derangement syndrome
I will revise my comments and say that the DOJ has insisted that voters not be required to show ID to vote.

If anyone is delusion, it is Obama. And I highly doubt "natone" has the intelligence to understand how the U.S. works, or what goes on in Washington.


Well-Known Member
you should watch MSNBC..they have news coverage of fox news bashing them like 24/7..last i heard a guy on msnbc was saying o reilly was responible for some abortion doctor murder..they are accusing them of fermenting terrorism and extremism..
this is your typical obama and democrat voter. check it out..dumb as dog shit..but they have a vote too..
Simply awesome. Huge rep! lol